Reorganization Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
8 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Minutes Folder 1971-1973
10 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff documents Folder 1972
12 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff recommendation Folder 1971
20 Legislator's handbook; The Administrative Organization of South Dakota State Government Folder 1971
21 News releases Folder 1971-1973
23 Reorganization in the States; The Council of State Governments Folder 1972
24 Responsive Government in the State of South Dakota; recommendations to the Governor from the Federal Technical Assistance Program Folder 1971
1 Achieving Responsive Government; a report of the South Dakota Citizens Commission on Executive Reorganization Folder 1972
2 Administrative Organization of South Dakota State Government Folder 1972
4 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Correspondence Folder 1971
6 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Interview report Folder 1971
7 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Legislation Folder 1972-1973
9 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff documents Folder 1971
17 Informal contacts and observations Folder 1971-1972
5 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Correspondence Folder 1972
11 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Staff memos and correspondence Folder 1971-1973
14 Clippings Folder 1971-1973
15 Collected research Folder 1968
25 Slide presentation Folder 1972 circa
26 State Executive Reorganization, 1967-1967; The Council of State Governments Folder 1969
3 Background materials Folder 1971
13 Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization: Testimony and statements Folder 1972
16 Game, Fish and Parks reorganization Folder 1971
18 Integration of planning and budgeting in the States; a report prepared for the National Governor's Conference Folder 1969
19 Legislator's handbook; The Administrative Organization of South Dakota State Government Folder 1969
22 Plan for Responsive Government in South Dakota; a report of the Citizen's Commission on Executive Reorganization Folder 1973