Records Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
1 INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) Treaty Folder 1987
10.2 Israel: West Bank and Gaza (2) Folder 1988
12 Israeli Loan Guarantees: September Folder 1991
15 Foreign Affairs: Central America Folder 1987
17 Iraq Invasion 1990 (2) Folder 1990
4 Appropriation Letters Folder 1989
13 Jewish Community Issues Positive Comments, etc. Folder 1987
16 Iraq Invasion 1990 (1) Folder 1990
3 Liz Porter Folder 1989
7 FY 1993 Appropriations Folder 1992
10.1 Israel: West Bank and Gaza (1) Folder 1988
11 Foreign Affairs: Israel Folder 1988
2 Accomplishments-Priorities: Memos for Tom, Greg Folder 1988
5 FY 1991 Appropriations Requests Folder 1990
6 FY 1992 Appropriations Folder 1991
8 1991 Legislative Goals Folder 1991
9.1 1989 Legislative Goals (1) Folder 1989
9.2 1989 Legislative Goals (2) Folder 1989
14 HIV-AIDS Folder 1991