
Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
3 1994 AARC or Sustainable Hearing Prep Alternative Crops and World Hunger Hearing June 9 Folder 1994
5 1994 AARC or Sust. Hearing Prep.: New Crops; Gary Jolliff Info. Folder 1994
6 1994 AARC or Sustainable Hearing Prep Organic Farming Folder 1993
9 1994 AARC or Sust. Hearing Prep.: AARC Center Folder 1992
11 Beef Ultrasound Folder 1996
15 Concentration Folder 1990
17 Credit: Crop Insurance (2) Folder 1995
20 EU (European Union) Beef Ban Folder 1996
22 Farm Credit Administration: Proposed Reg. Folder 1996
24 Karnal Bunt Folder 1996
27 Livestock Concentration (3) Termination Letters, AFPA Violations Folder 1996
31 More FY 1995 Appropriations (3) High Plains Climate Center Folder 1994
32 More FY 1995 Appropriations (4) Letters to Dale Bumpers Folder 1993
36 Prevented Planting: Increased Coverage Folder 1996
39 Sunflowers Folder 1996
7 1994 AARC or Sustainable Hearing Prep Seed Distribution Program Folder 1994
12 Cattle Data Problem: Wally Jansma Folder 1997
16 Credit: Crop Insurance (1) Folder 1995
29 More FY 1995 Appropriations (1) Folder 1993
33 NAP Folder 1996
34 Oilseed Coalition Folder 1994
8 1997 Budget Folder 1996
10 AARC and New Users AURI (Agricultural Utilization Research Institute) Ag Innovations Folder
13 Cattle Hearing 6-18-96 Folder 1996
14 CGIAR (Consultative Group on Agricultural Research) Folder 1996
18 Crop Insurance Folder 1995
23 FSA (Farm Service Agency) Consolidation Problems Folder 1996
25 Livestock Concentration (1) Folder 1996
28 Livestock Concentration (4) Folder 1996
40 Wheat Gluten Folder 1995
1 1949 Act Folder 1996
2 1994 AARC (Alternative Agricultural Research and Commercialization Act) or Sustainable Hearing Prep Folder 1992
4 1994 AARC or Sustainable Hearing Prep New Crops Folder 1993
19 EEP (Export Enhancement Program) Folder 1994
21 Farm Bill Facts Sheet Folder 1996
26 Livestock Concentration (2) Folder 1996
30 More FY 1995 Appropriations (2) Folder 1994
35 Organic Foods Folder 1996
37 Reauthorization of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (1) Folder 1994
38 Reauthorization of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (2) Folder 1994