President's Office Records [UA 1 - Box 32]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 1: B32-F08 Miller, Peggy Gordon - Wedding Folder 2001
UA 1: B32-F11 Research Development and Workforce Development Priority #1 Folder 2019
UA 1: B32-F13 SDSU Celebrates Faculty Honors Folder 2009
UA 1: B32-F16 SD Supreme Court Dinner Folder 2001
UA 1: B32-F05 Master Plan Folder 2008, 2010-2011
UA 1: B32-F12 Robert T, Wagner Retirement Dinner Folder 1997
UA 1: B32-F22 Pathway to Premier Strategic Plan 2023-2030 Folder 2023
UA 1: B32-F02 Impact State 2018 - Year Two Annual Report Folder 2015
UA 1: B32-F03 Impact State - News and Views from SDSU Folder 2016 July
UA 1: B32-F04 Jackrabbit ConvoCATION Folder 2008
UA 1: B32-F06 Miller, Peggy Gordon - Inauguration Folder 1998
UA 1: B32-F07 Miller, Peggy Gordon - Retirement Folder 2006
UA 1: B32-F09 President's Report Folder 2009-2010
UA 1: B32-F18 Special Evening with Honorable John Doyle Ong Folder 2002
UA 1: B32-F19 We Are SDSU booklet Folder 1990
UA 1: B32-F21 Celebration of Faculty Excellence Awards program Folder 2023 February 21
UA 1: B32-F01 Impact State 2018 - Year One Annual Report Folder 2014
UA 1: B32-F10 Research: Building South Dakota's Future Folder 2004
UA 1: B32-F14 SDSU Connect Folder 2022
UA 1: B32-F15 SDSC Services and Finances Folder 1951-1952
UA 1: B32-F17 Sesquicentennial of the Morrill Act Celebration Folder 2012
UA 1: B32-F20 125th Anniversary of SDSU Folder 2006