Political Party Files - DA 3.4.6 Box 6

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 3.4 B06-04 DASHPAC 2000 September 26 Folder 2000
DA 3.4 B06-05 Democratic Conference - Talking Points on Budget Resolution 2001 April 2 Folder 2001
DA 3.4 B06-06 Democratic Convention 2000 August 12-18 Folder 2000
DA 3.4 B06-15 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 May Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-22 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 February Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-25 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 May Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-34 Democratic Policy Committee FYI Democrats Force Debate on Patients Bill of Rights 1999 June Folder 1999
DA 3.4 B06-35 Democratic Policy Committee Legislative Agenda Folder 1989
DA 3.4 B06-40 Democratic Policy Committee - Publications Folder 1989
DA 3.4 B06-41 Democratic Policy Committee - Regional Breakdown, Roll Call Summary Folder 1994
DA 3.4 B06-46 Democratic Policy Committee Special Report - Republicans Target COPS Program While Community Policy Officers Target Crime 1999 July Folder 1999
DA 3.4 B06-48 Democratic Policy Committee - Weekly Legislative Update No. 43-63 1988 January-July Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-49 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Folder 1986
DA 3.4 B06-55 Draft Organizing Resolution to be Offered by Senators Lott and Daschle Folder undated
DA 3.4 B06-02 Comparisons to Senator James Sasser Folder 1984-1994
DA 3.4 B06-07 Democratic Leadership Committee (Leadership drafts, meeting notes) Folder 1994
DA 3.4 B06-08 Democratic Leadership Committee - Monthly Reports Folder 1996
DA 3.4 B06-11 Democratic Leadership Conference Folder 2001
DA 3.4 B06-14 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 April Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-26 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 June Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-27 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 July Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-28 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 August Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-29 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 September Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-30 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 October Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-31 Democratic National Committee - 100 Days of Bush 2001 April Folder 2001
DA 3.4 B06-32 Democratic Party A Majority in the Making by the Democratic National Committee Folder 2002
DA 3.4 B06-43 Democratic Policy Committee - The Senate Democratic Alternative Education Bill 2000 May 3 Folder 2000
DA 3.4 B06-01 America 1994, Democratic National Committee Research Report 1994 January Folder 1994
DA 3.4 B06-13 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 March Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-16 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 June Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-17 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 July Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-18 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 September Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-19 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 October Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-24 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 April Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-33 Democratic Policy Committee - 1999 Annual Report on Activities Folder 1999
DA 3.4 B06-39 Democratic Policy Committee - Mission and Objectives Folder 1988-1989
DA 3.4 B06-42 Democratic Policy Committee - Roles and Responsibilities Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-45 Democratic Policy Committee Special Report - Economic Worsts Get Worse for the Recession President 1992 July Folder 1992
DA 3.4 B06-53 Democratic Study Group Special Report No. 96-38 - Results of 1980 House Elections and New Member Lists 1980 November 5 Folder 1980
DA 3.4 B06-54 Democratic Whip Notices Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-03 Congressional Impeachment Data Folder 1998-1999
DA 3.4 B06-09 Democratic Leadership Committee - Monthly Reports Folder 1997
DA 3.4 B06-10 Democratic Leadership Committee - Monthly Reports Folder 1998
DA 3.4 B06-12 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1986 April Folder 1986
DA 3.4 B06-20 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 November Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-21 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1987 December Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-23 Democratic Legislative Bulletin 1988 March Folder 1988
DA 3.4 B06-36 Democratic Policy Committee: Lowlights of the GOP Reconciliation Bill Folder undated
DA 3.4 B06-37 Democratic Policy Committee - Membership Roster, 101st Congress Folder 1981-1991
DA 3.4 B06-38 Democratic Policy Committee - Message Plans 1992 March-May Folder 1992
DA 3.4 B06-44 Democratic Policy Committee - Special Report Democratic Priorities in the 102nd Congress 1991 January 14 Folder 1991
DA 3.4 B06-47 Democratic Policy Committee - Weekly Legislative Update No. 13-42 1987 April-December Folder 1987
DA 3.4 B06-50 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2000 Senate Races Folder 2000
DA 3.4 B06-51 Democratic Steering Committee - 104th Congress 1994 November 14 Folder 1994
DA 3.4 B06-52 Democratic Study Group Special Report No. 96-35 - The 96th Congress 1980 September 30 Folder 1980