Pharmacy--Study and teaching (Higher)

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            Joye Ann Billow Papers
            UA 053.025 · Papers · 1918-2012

            The collection is primarily composed of photographs collected by Billow, as well as awards, writings, correspondence, and her family’s genealogical documents and photographs. Papers and photographs relating to her role planning and organizing the 2000 and 2001 South Dakota Tours for new faculty at SDSU are also included. The scrapbook contains family genealogical documents such as birth, confirmation, and marriage documents, as well as Dr. Billow’s original art including watercolors, ink drawings, and sketches.

            Billow, Joye Ann
            UA 013 · Records · 1890-2008

            This collection is composed mainly of newsletters and periodicals produced by the College of Pharmacy. Also included are programs, clippings, pamphlets, and other office records. An item of note is a glass pharmacy beaker.

            South Dakota State University. College of Pharmacy