Nursing Records Box 26

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 12: B26-F01 National League for Nursing Council Baccalaureate meeting Folder 1962-1965
UA 12: B26-F02 Nursing Folder 1976-1977
UA 12: B26-F03 Nursing Folder 1977-1978
UA 12: B26-F04 Pre-survey information Folder 1957-1968
UA 12: B26-F10 Nursing Folder 1984-1985
UA 12: B26-F18 RN Upward Mobility Program Folder 1986-1987
UA 12: B26-F09 Nursing Folder 1982-1984
UA 12: B26-F11 Nursing Folder 1985
UA 12: B26-F12 Nursing Folder 1985-1986
UA 12: B26-F05 Nursing Folder 1979-1981
UA 12: B26-F07 Nursing Folder 1981-1982
UA 12: B26-F15 Photographs - RN Refresher Course Folder 1967-1971
UA 12: B26-F06 Pre-survey report Folder 1975
UA 12: B26-F08 Pre-survey report Folder 1983
UA 12: B26-F13 Nursing Folder 1986-1987
UA 12: B26-F14 Nursing Education Folder 1955-1960
UA 12: B26-F16 Public Health Nursing Folder 1957-1974
UA 12: B26-F17 Report of Curriculum Planning Session Folder 1977