Nursing Records Box 13

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 12: B13-F18 Registered Nurse Upward mobility in the Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, College of Nursing, SDSU Folder 1986
UA 12: B13-F20 Progress Report: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1987
UA 12: B13-F21 Dept. of Health and Human Services, Notice of Grant Reward: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area in South Dakota Grant No. 1 D10 NU 28064-01 Folder 1983
UA 12: B13-F25 SDSU College of Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD. Grant NO. 5-D10 NU28064-02, Various Financial Reports Folder 1984-1986
UA 12: B13-F26 Dept. of Health and Human Services Folder 1984-1986
UA 12: B13-F39 SDSU College of Nursing, Various Grants Folder 1977-1978
UA 12: B13-F41 SDSU College of Nursing, Dept. of Continuing Education: Title I, A Grant Proposal for a Mail Order Nurse Resource Library, January Folder 1979
UA 12: B13-F02 Correspondence to SDSU President Sherwood O. Berg Folder 1984
UA 12: B13-F06 South Dakota Nurse Supply and Demand: A Report Prepared for Gov. George S. Mickelson Folder 1988
UA 12: B13-F14 Nursing Opportunities for Mobility (NOM) Task Force, Folder 1 of 2 Folder 1974-1975
UA 12: B13-F16 RN Upward Mobility: Aberdeen Area Grant No. 1 D10 NU 28064-10, Progress Report Jan/Feb Folder 1983
UA 12: B13-F22 SD Board of Regents: Policy Manual, Grants and Indirect Costs Folder 1988, 1993
UA 12: B13-F32 Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Grant Application: Health Extension, SDSU Project Application : Title I, Higher Education Act of 1965 Folder 1965-1968
UA 12: B13-F34 Revised Application for Grant for Education Facilities, P. L. 92-158 Nurse Training, Act of 1971 Folder 1972
UA 12: B13-F36 SDSU College of Nursing, Dept. of Nursing. Mental Health Grant Report, 1 July Folder 1976-1977
UA 12: B13-F37 South Dakota State Plan for the Community Service and Continuing Ed. Program for Fiscal Year 1978, Title I, A, Higher Education Act of 1965, Annual Amendment Folder 1977
UA 12: B13-F04 SDSU College of Nursing, 50th Anniversary Committee, Miscellaneous Documents Folder 1985-1986
UA 12: B13-F05 SDSU College of Nursing, Annual Report, 1 July Folder 1988
UA 12: B13-F08 SDSU College of Nursing Long Range Plan: Avenues for Academic Excellence Folder 1988
UA 12: B13-F10 South Dakota Health 2000, South Dakota Dept. of Health Folder 2000
UA 12: B13-F11 A Preliminary Report of the Survey of Clinical Resources, Facilities, and Services in South Dakota and Review of Clinical Resources, Facilities and Services Currently Utilized by SDSU Dept. of Nursing, Brookings, SD., January Folder 1976
UA 12: B13-F12 In-service Education Records Folder 1966-1967
UA 12: B13-F13 Project: MOTION (Mobility Options to Increase Opportunities in Nursing) Grant Proposal Folder 1978
UA 12: B13-F17 Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare: Protection of Human Subjects Assurance/Certification/Declaration; Title: Implementation of RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD Folder 1981
UA 12: B13-F23 Grants Administration Office: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD, Year 04 Folder 1986
UA 12: B13-F30 SDSU College of Nursing: RN Upward Mobility Program Student Handbook Folder 1983
UA 12: B13-F31 RN Upward Mobility Program, Various Documents, Information and Class Information. Financial Assistance, CLEP, Competency, etc. Folder undated
UA 12: B13-F33 SDSU College of Nursing, Contract No. NIH 70-4100, 31 December, Final Report Vol. II Folder 1970
UA 12: B13-F35 Dept. Of Health, Education, and Welfare Training Grant Application: Project for Articulate Collegiate Nursing Edu. Folder 1974
UA 12: B13-F40 Grant Proposal, Information, and Award Receipt for the Project: Home Health Services Training Project Grant No. 08-T-00010-01-0 Folder 1998
UA 12: B13-F01 Correspondence to Harold S. Bailey, VPAA Folder 1983-1984
UA 12: B13-F03 Grant Proposal for Mobility Options to Increase Opportunities in Nursing in South Dakota (Project Motion), Submitted to the Division of Nursing, DHEW, 30 June Folder 1977
UA 12: B13-F07 Dept. of Health and Human Services: Annual Space Utilization and Enrollment Report for Nursing, SDSU College of Nursing Folder 1969
UA 12: B13-F09 Essentials of College and University Education for Professional Nursing Folder 1986
UA 12: B13-F15 Nursing Opportunities for Mobility (NOM) Task Force, Folder 2 of 2 Folder 1974-1975
UA 12: B13-F19 Dept. of Health and Human Services, Training Grant Continuation Application: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD Folder 1987
UA 12: B13-F24 Dept. of Health and Human Services, Notice of Grant Award: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 5 D10 NU28064-03 Folder 1986
UA 12: B13-F27 SDSU Grant Request: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1985
UA 12: B13-F28 Various Correspondence Concerning RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1985-1988
UA 12: B13-F29 Miscellaneous Appendices Folder undated
UA 12: B13-F38 State of South Dakota: Environmental Health Proposals Folder 1978-1980