Nursing Records Box 11

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 12: B11-F04 Health Resources and Services Administration, Bureau of Health Professions, Uniform Progress Report, Pierre Grant (2 copies) Folder 1999
UA 12: B11-F10 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064-10; Progress Report, 15 November Folder 1983
UA 12: B11-F11 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1987
UA 12: B11-F12 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 1D10 Nu28064-02; Progress Report, 22 November Folder 1984
UA 12: B11-F16 Department of Health and Human Services, Protection of Human Subjects Assurance/Certification/Declaration, Follow-up. Title of Application/Activity: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F20 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064: Progress Report, 22 April Folder 1986
UA 12: B11-F23 Grants: Training Grant Continuation Application: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Phase I and Phase II Grant No. 1 D10 NU 28064 Folder 1984-1987
UA 12: B11-F26 West River Linkage for the College of Nursing, SDSU Folder 1981
UA 12: B11-F32 RN Upward Mobility Folder 1995
UA 12: B11-F33 Sioux Falls Space Folder 1993
UA 12: B11-F41 RN Upward Mobility History, Report of Findings of RN upward Mobility Program Evaluation, Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064 Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F52 RN Upward Mobility History, Miscellaneous Articles Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F02 Pierre Grant: SDSU Request to Apply for External Funding, Folder 1997
UA 12: B11-F05 Pierre Grant: Master Folder 2000
UA 12: B11-F06 Pierre Grant: Dept. of Health And Human Services Grant Application : # Project: Advanced Practice Nursing Education Folder 1997
UA 12: B11-F08 Pierre Grant: Budget Proposals Reviews, Corrections, and Information Folder 1997
UA 12: B11-F09 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare: Protection of Human Subjects Assurance/Certification/Declaration; Folder 1981
UA 12: B11-F14 RN Upward Mobility, Aberdeen Area; M. S. & B. S. Programs Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064-04 Folder 1986
UA 12: B11-F19 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064-02, Progress Report, 22 November Folder 1984
UA 12: B11-F27 Office Business: Office Agreement with SDSM&T Folder 1993
UA 12: B11-F35 RN Upward Mobility History, Statement of Need, Statewide RN Upward Mobility Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F36 RN Upward Mobility History, LRC Hearing and Minutes, 9 & 10 August Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F37 RN Upward Mobility History, Board of Regents, Dr. Michel Hillman Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F40 RN Upward Mobility History, Courses Taught 1982-1991; Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux Falls Folder 1982-1991
UA 12: B11-F44 RN Upward Mobility History, Original Request for State Funding Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F45 RN Upward Mobility History, Progress Report: West River RN Upward Mobility Project, Report to BOR Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F47 RN Upward Mobility History, Performance Indicators Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F28 RN Upward Mobility Folder 1993
UA 12: B11-F29 RN Upward Mobility Folder 1993
UA 12: B11-F30 RN Upward Mobility Folder undated
UA 12: B11-F39 RN Upward Mobility History, College of Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program, Annual Report, 1 July 1987 to 30 June 1988 Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F42 RN Upward Mobility History, Governor Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F46 RN Upward Mobility History, Academic Affairs Correspondence, Harold S. Bailey, 1985 Folder 1985
UA 12: B11-F48 RN Upward Mobility History, Statewide survey of SW SD, 1987 Folder 1987
UA 12: B11-F51 RN Upward Mobility History, Equivalency of Grades, Validation of Courses Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F01 SDSU Grant Request/Application: RN Upward Mobility on Pine Ridge/Rosebud Reservations, SD, Original Folder 1989/1992
UA 12: B11-F15 Continuation Grant: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD-Phase II Years 04 and 05, 1 July 1986 Folder 1986
UA 12: B11-F17 Department of Health and Human Services Folder 1985-1986
UA 12: B11-F21 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F22 Grants: SDSI Grant Application No. 02323, RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD, HHS Grant Application No. 1 D10 NU 28064 Folder 1984
UA 12: B11-F24 SDSU College of Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Outreach Program Folder 1978-1987
UA 12: B11-F31 RN Upward Mobility Folder 1994
UA 12: B11-F34 West River Nursing Consortium Folder 1993
UA 12: B11-F38 RN Upward Mobility History, Annual Report, College of Nursing, 1 July 1986 Folder 1987
UA 12: B11-F43 RN Upward Mobility History, South Dakota Nurses Association (SDNA) Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F49 RN Upward Mobility History, RN Form Letter C Enclosures Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F50 RN Upward Mobility History, Articulation Plans, SDSU Folder 1988
UA 12: B11-F53 SDSU College of Nursing, West River RN Upward Mobility Program Log first Year of Operation Folder 1978-1979
UA 12: B11-F03 Correspondence Regarding the Annual Summary Progress Report Pierre Grant Folder 1998
UA 12: B11-F07 Pierre Grant: Dept. of Health and Human Services Grant Application: Folder 1997
UA 12: B11-F13 SDSU Grant Request/Application: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of SD. Application: 02323 Folder 1984
UA 12: B11-F18 Grants: RN Upward Mobility Program in Aberdeen Area of South Dakota, Grant No. 1 D10 NU28064-01, Progress Report, 15 November Folder 1983
UA 12: B11-F25 SDSU College of Nursing, RN Upward Mobility Program Folder 1983-1984