Level of description
Digital object |
NA 1.4: B06-F07 |
Churches: Pioneer Lutheran Church of White (S.D.) 2001, |
Folder |
2001, undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F08 |
Churches: Scandinavian Lutheran Congregation |
Folder |
1974 |
NA 1.4: B06-F11 |
Churches: St. Paul's Catholic Church of White (S.D.) |
Folder |
1891-1950 |
NA 1.4: B06-F12 |
Churches: St. Paul's Episcopal Church |
Folder |
1917-1993 |
NA 1.4: B06-F22 |
Churches: United Ministries (SDSU) |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F23 |
Churches: Wesleyan Methodist Church |
Folder |
1950-1974 |
NA 1.4: B06-F24 |
Churches: Wesleyan Methodist Church of Bushnell (S.D.) |
Folder |
1950-1951 |
NA 1.4: B06-F29 |
Business: Banks |
Folder |
1880-1980 |
NA 1.4: B06-F32 |
Business: Bibby Kallemeyn Dairy |
Folder |
1978-1979 |
NA 1.4: B06-F33 |
Business: Brick makers |
Folder |
1970-1971, undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F35 |
Business: Brookings Opera Hall Company |
Folder |
1884 |
NA 1.4: B06-F42 |
Business: Daktronics, Inc. |
Folder |
1993-2000 |
NA 1.4: B06-F57 |
Business: Ray's Corner |
Folder |
1958-1969 |
NA 1.4: B06-F60 |
Business: Sioux Valley Empire Electric |
Folder |
1955 |
NA 1.4: B06-F02 |
Churches: Nidaros Lutheran Congregation of Baltic (S.D.) |
Folder |
1943 |
NA 1.4: B06-F09 |
Churches: Sinai (S.D.) Lutheran Church |
Folder |
1879-1954, 1979 |
NA 1.4: B06-F10 |
Churches: Sioux Valley Ladies Aid |
Folder |
1890-1960, 1989 |
NA 1.4: B06-F13 |
Churches: St. Thomas Moore Catholic Church |
Folder |
2003 |
NA 1.4: B06-F15 |
Churches: Sterling Lutheran Church, Cemetery burials |
Folder |
1998 |
NA 1.4: B06-F16 |
Churches: Sterling Lutheran Church, Official Directory and Handbook |
Folder |
1923-1924 |
NA 1.4: B06-F17 |
Churches: Sterling Methodist Church |
Folder |
1951 |
NA 1.4: B06-F19 |
Churches: United Church of Christ |
Folder |
1992 |
NA 1.4: B06-F21 |
Churches: University Lutheran Center |
Folder |
1997 |
NA 1.4: B06-F30 |
Business: Bartling Furniture |
Folder |
1930 |
NA 1.4: B06-F31 |
Business: Bee Hive Store |
Folder |
1912-1914 |
NA 1.4: B06-F34 |
Business: Brictson Manufacturing Co. |
Folder |
1912-1916 |
NA 1.4: B06-F38 |
Business: Carpetland |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F41 |
Historic District: Commercial, 3rd Street: 300 Block |
Folder |
1881-1998 |
NA 1.4: B06-F46 |
Business: Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Volga |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F47 |
Historic District: Other Historic Buildings, Carnegie Library |
Folder |
1907-1979 |
NA 1.4: B06-F49 |
Business: Grimm's |
Folder |
1927 |
NA 1.4: B06-F51 |
Business: Harold's Printing |
Folder |
1963-1966 |
NA 1.4: B06-F52 |
Business: Hotel Dudley |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F53 |
Business: Kallemeyn Dairy |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F55 |
Business: Radio (KBRK) |
Folder |
1955-1998 |
NA 1.4: B06-F62 |
Business: State Farm Insurance |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F64 |
Business: United Building Centers |
Folder |
1997 |
NA 1.4: B06-F66 |
Business: Wilson Trucking |
Folder |
1960, 1962 |
NA 1.4: B06-F68 |
Historic District: Commercial, Walking tour |
Folder |
1988 |
NA 1.4: B06-F69 |
Historic District: Commercial, Main Avenue: 100 Block |
Folder |
1886-1993 |
NA 1.4: B06-F03 |
Churches: Olivet Presbyterian Church of Volga (S.D.) |
Folder |
1950 |
NA 1.4: B06-F06 |
Churches: Peace and Reformed Church of Elkton (S.D.) |
Folder |
1950 |
NA 1.4: B06-F14 |
Churches: Sterling Lutheran Church |
Folder |
1887-2002 |
NA 1.4: B06-F20 |
Churches: United Pentecostal Church |
Folder |
1997 |
NA 1.4: B06-F40 |
Business: Council Oaks Store |
Folder |
1932 |
NA 1.4: B06-F43 |
Historic District: Commercial, 4th Street: 300 Block |
Folder |
1911-1980 |
NA 1.4: B06-F45 |
Historic District: Commercial, 4th Street: 400 Block |
Folder |
1919 |
NA 1.4: B06-F48 |
Business: First National Bank |
Folder |
1908, 1920, 1975, 2000-2001 |
NA 1.4: B06-F54 |
Business: Nick's Hamburger Shop |
Folder |
1929-1992 |
NA 1.4: B06-F56 |
Business: Radio (KFDY, KGCR, KGKG) |
Folder |
1923-1931 |
NA 1.4: B06-F58 |
Business: Sexauer, Geo. O. & Sons |
Folder |
1931-1979 |
NA 1.4: B06-F65 |
Business: United Retirement Center |
Folder |
1958-1999 |
NA 1.4: B06-F70 |
Historic District: Commercial, Main Avenue: 200 Block |
Folder |
1881-1987 |
NA 1.4: B06-F71 |
Historic District: Commercial, Main Avenue: 300 Block |
Folder |
1879-1998 |
NA 1.4: B06-F73 |
Historic District: Commercial, Main Avenue: 500 Block |
Folder |
1880-1987 |
NA 1.4: B06-F01 |
Churches: Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church, Lutheran Student Center |
Folder |
1950-1961 |
NA 1.4: B06-F04 |
Churches: Oslo Lutheran Church |
Folder |
1958 |
NA 1.4: B06-F05 |
Churches: Our Lady of Good Counsel Catholic Church of Elkton (S.D.) |
Folder |
1879-1968 |
NA 1.4: B06-F18 |
Churches: Trinity Evangelical Lutheran of Elkton (S.D.) |
Folder |
1884-1966 |
NA 1.4: B06-F25 |
Business: 3M Company |
Folder |
1971-1996 |
NA 1.4: B06-F26 |
Business: A & W Root Beer |
Folder |
1960 |
NA 1.4: B06-F27 |
Business: Advance |
Folder |
1989-1990 |
NA 1.4: B06-F28 |
Business: Advertising |
Folder |
1913-1959 |
NA 1.4: B06-F36 |
Business: Buick Garage |
Folder |
1915 |
NA 1.4: B06-F37 |
Business: Campus Hair |
Folder |
2000 |
NA 1.4: B06-F39 |
Business: Cottage Store |
Folder |
1963 |
NA 1.4: B06-F44 |
Business: Farmers' Cooperative Elevator |
Folder |
1922, 1966 |
NA 1.4: B06-F50 |
Business: Gullick's Cafe |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F59 |
Business: Shopping Malls |
Folder |
1975, 1982, 1991 |
NA 1.4: B06-F61 |
Business: Sokota |
Folder |
1959, undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F63 |
Business: Steam Laundry |
Folder |
undated |
NA 1.4: B06-F67 |
Historic District: Commercial, National Register application and supporting material |
Folder |
1987 |
NA 1.4: B06-F72 |
Historic District: Commercial, Main Avenue: 400 Block |
Folder |
1881-2003 |
NA 1.4: B06-F74 |
Historic District: Other Historic Buildings, Courthouse |
Folder |
1879-1912 |