South Dakota Humanities Council Records - Box 17

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
MA 17: B17-F04 Financial records: Scholars: Calendar Year Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F15 Financial records: Statement of Receipts and Disbursements Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F21 Projects & Research: Black Hills State University Teachers' Institute Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F28 Proposals: Dakota History Conference, 28th Annual Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F30 Proposals: Legacy of Poet Laureate Badger Clark Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F31 Proposals: Lakota Culture: An Interactive Multimedia Presentation Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F32 Proposals: South Dakota Cultural Diversity: Multi-media Project Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F34 Proposals: Exploring Literature as a Site for the Sacred Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F35 Proposals: Cultural Diversity Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F40 Reading Series: Spring: Local Coordinator Evaluation Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F48 Reading Series: Spring: Study Guide Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F59 Reading Series: Fall: Scholar Packet Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F60 Reading Series: Fall: Scholar Voucher Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F62 Reading Series: Fall: Sign-up Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F63 Speakers Bureau: Proposals Rejected or withdrawn Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F02 General: National Arts and Humanities Month Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F06 Financial records: Audit Trail of General Journal Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F07 Financial records: All Accounts Receipts and Disbursements Folder 1997 November 1-1998 October
MA 17: B17-F08 Financial records: All Accounts Receipts and Disbursements Folder 1997 November 1-1998 October
MA 17: B17-F10 Financial records: Balance sheet Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F12 Financial records: General Ledger Account Inquiry Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F19 Meetings: Executive Committee, Pierre, South Dakota Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F22 Projects & Research: Black Leather Satchel, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F23 Projects & Research: Chautauqua: Mitchell and Yankton, South Dakota Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F24 Projects & Research: Federation Meeting, New Orleans, Oak Lake Writers Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F25 Projects & Research: Oscar Micheaux Film Festival Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F26 Projects & Research: Watertown Regional Library Program Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F27 Proposals: Proposal list Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F33 Proposals: Waterlily Script Project Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F36 Proposals: Ways of Knowing Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F51 Reading Series: Fall: Local Coordinator Evaluation Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F53 Reading Series: Fall: Local Coordinator In-Kind Contributions Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F54 Reading Series: Fall: Local Coordinator Voucher Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F55 Reading Series: Fall: Local Coordinators Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F58 Reading Series: Fall: Scholar In-Kind Contributions Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F01 General: Council members Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F05 Financial records: Accounts list Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F13 Financial records: Income statement Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F14 Financial records: Statement of Reading Series Disbursements Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F18 Meetings: Council Meeting, Pierre, South Dakota Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F29 Proposals: Fifteen Years of Prairie Filmmaking Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F38 Publications: Humanities Resource Center Programs Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F42 Reading Series: Spring: Local Coordinator Voucher Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F50 Reading Series: Fall: Correspondence Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F56 Reading Series: Fall: Scholar Evaluation Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F61 Reading Series: Fall: Scholars Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F03 Financial records: Audit Fiscal Years Folder 1995-1996
MA 17: B17-F09 Financial records: All Accounts Receipts and Disbursements Folder 1997 November 1-1998 October
MA 17: B17-F11 Financial records: General Ledger Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F16 Financial records: Statement of Resource Center Disbursements Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F17 Financial records: Trial Balance Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F20 Meetings: Membership Committee Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F37 Publications: Directory of Humanities Scholars and Resource Persons Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F39 Publications: Report to the People Folder 1995-1996
MA 17: B17-F41 Reading Series: Spring: Local Coordinator In-Kind Contributions Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F43 Reading Series: Spring: Local Coordinators Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F44 Reading Series: Spring: Scholar Evaluation Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F45 Reading Series: Spring: Scholar In-Kind Contributions Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F46 Reading Series: Spring: Scholar Packet Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F47 Reading Series: Spring: Scholar Voucher Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F49 Reading Series: Fall: Caribbean Reading Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F52 Reading Series: Fall: Local Coordinator Handbook Folder 1996
MA 17: B17-F57 Reading Series: Fall: Scholar Handbook Folder 1996