Level of description
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MA 17: B01-F01 |
Films: Albert Einstein: The Education of a Genius |
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MA 17: B01-F02 |
Films: Black Hills-Unclear Future |
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MA 17: B01-F04 |
Films: Duxbury Town Meeting |
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MA 17: B01-F11 |
Films: Joy That Kills |
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MA 17: B01-F28 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1971 |
MA 17: B01-F31 |
Correspondence: Augustana College |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F34 |
Correspondence: Former Committee Members |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F36 |
Correspondence: Freeman Junior College |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F39 |
Correspondence: Northern State University |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F42 |
Correspondence: Sioux Falls College |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F44 |
Grant #1: All Print-Outs and Monthly Reports to National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972-73 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F48 |
Proposals: Proposal List, 1972-73 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F55 |
Proposals: American Dilemma; Indian Self Determination |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F59 |
Proposals: Wounded Knee: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F63 |
Proposals: Indians and Pioneers |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F67 |
Proposals: Original American: The Indian Assimilate or Not |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F68 |
Proposals: Dialogue on Higher Education |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F03 |
Films: Dakota Encounters |
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MA 17: B01-F05 |
Films: Earth Cries Out |
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MA 17: B01-F07 |
Films: Great Plains Experience |
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MA 17: B01-F10 |
Films: Jilting of Granny Weatherall |
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MA 17: B01-F17 |
Films: Public Higher Education for South Dakota |
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MA 17: B01-F21 |
Films: Work, Work, Work |
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MA 17: B01-F26 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1971 |
MA 17: B01-F29 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1971 |
MA 17: B01-F37 |
Correspondence: Huron University |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F38 |
Correspondence: Mount Marty College |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F45 |
Grant #1: Augustus, First Grant Year, 1972-73 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F49 |
Proposals: Idea of Political Culture and Its Utility in Understanding South Dakota's Past and in Interpreting its Prospects |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F50 |
Proposals: Dialogue on Indian Civil Rights Acts of 1968 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F53 |
Proposals: On the Way to Self Determination |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F61 |
Proposals: Collection and Preservation of Lakota Oral Narrative Texts |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F70 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F72 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F65 |
Proposals: Awareness: Communication, Affluence, and Poverty |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F71 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F06 |
Films: Golden Honeymoon |
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MA 17: B01-F08 |
Films: Home Land |
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MA 17: B01-F12 |
Films: Lakota Quillwork |
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MA 17: B01-F13 |
Films: Legacies of the Depression on the Great Plains |
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MA 17: B01-F15 |
Films: Portraits of Aging |
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MA 17: B01-F16 |
Films: Prairie Politicians |
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MA 17: B01-F18 |
Films: Soldier's Home |
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MA 17: B01-F19 |
Films: South Dakota: A Meeting of Cultures |
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MA 17: B01-F22 |
Projects & Research: Braid of Feathers: Reflections on Contemporary Reservation Life, Pommersheim, Frank |
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MA 17: B01-F24 |
Projects & Research: Rosebud to Dallas; The Reservation Indian Relocates to the Urban Environment; A Humanities and Public Policy Handbook |
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MA 17: B01-F27 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1971 |
MA 17: B01-F30 |
General: Council Members |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F33 |
Correspondence: Dakota Wesleyan University |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F40 |
Correspondence: Presentation Junior College |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F41 |
Correspondence: School of Mines and Technology |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F51 |
Proposals: Two Day Conference on Indian Youths Ages 12-18 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F52 |
Proposals: Rosebud Medical Report Project |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F54 |
Proposals: Lakota Omniciye's Native Awareness Week |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F56 |
Proposals: Acculturation of the Contemporary American Indian |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F57 |
Proposals: WA-NI-TKA (I Shall Live) |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F58 |
Proposals: Past and Present of the American Indian |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F60 |
Proposals: Contributions of Contemporary Indian Society and Future Expectations |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F09 |
Films: In the Interests of Time |
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MA 17: B01-F14 |
Films: Letters from America: The Life and Times of O.E. Rolvaag |
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MA 17: B01-F20 |
Films: There Is A Word |
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MA 17: B01-F23 |
Projects & Research: Preliminary Guide for Studying European Ethnic Groups in South Dakota, De Jong, Gerald F. |
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MA 17: B01-F25 |
Publications: Resource Center Catalog |
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MA 17: B01-F32 |
Correspondence: Dakota State University |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F35 |
Correspondence: Former National Endowment for the Humanities Staff |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F43 |
Correspondence: Yankton |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F46 |
Grant #1: Proposal Flow Charts, 1972-73 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F47 |
Grant #1: Proposal to National Endowment for the Humanities, 1972-73 |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F62 |
Proposals: Wookahnige (Understanding) Workshop |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F64 |
Proposals: That Our People May Live |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F66 |
Proposals: Constitutional Revision |
Folder |
1972 |
MA 17: B01-F69 |
Market News: Livestock, Meat, Wool Weekly Summary and Statistics |
Folder |
1972 |