Karolevitz Papers - Box 02 - Awards, Organizations, Committees

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
MA 39 - B02-F04 Awards: Who Folder 2004
MA 39 - B02-F10 Organizations: Maritime Press Association Folder 1962-1963
MA 39 - B02-F14 Organizations: Puget Sound Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association Folder 1961-1965
MA 39 - B02-F15 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - Membership Folder 1960-1963 circa
MA 39 - B02-F17 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - President files: Dick Basom Folder 1953-1954
MA 39 - B02-F18 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - President files: Peter Hemp Folder 1955-1970, undated
MA 39 - B02-F25 Organizations: WW-20 Club (Want to Write Twenty Dollars Worth Club of America) Folder 1977, undated
MA 39 - B02-F31 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Clark F. Johnson Memorial Fund: Promotion Folder 1977, 1979, 1982, undated
MA 39 - B02-F35 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Fiscal Folder 1971-2000
MA 39 - B02-F19 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - Records Folder 1969
MA 39 - B02-F26 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Articles, bylaws Folder 1977-1983
MA 39 - B02-F27 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Background Folder 1978, 1980, 1982-1983
MA 39 - B02-F28 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Board meetings Folder 1982-1983, 1987
MA 39 - B02-F37 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Public relations Folder 1972-1987
MA 39 - B02-F06 Awards: Yankton High School - 35th Reunion Folder 1933
MA 39 - B02-F08 Organizations: American Legion Folder 1958-1965
MA 39 - B02-F09 Organizations: Lewis & Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, Inc. Folder 1962-1963
MA 39 - B02-F13 Organizations: Phi Kappa Phi Folder 1954-1960
MA 39 - B02-F21 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - The Roundtable (newsletter) Folder 1982-1983
MA 39 - B02-F22 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - Scrapbook Folder 1981
MA 39 - B02-F29 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Clark F. Johnson Memorial Fund: Correspondence Folder 1983
MA 39 - B02-F30 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Clark F. Johnson Memorial Fund: Lists Folder undated
MA 39 - B02-F32 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Clark F. Johnson Memorial Fund: Reports Folder 1983
MA 39 - B02-F33 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Correspondence Folder 2003
MA 39 - B02-F36 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: General information Folder 1992-2002
MA 39 - B02-F38 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Sr. Cleopha Scholarship Fund Folder 1905-1984, undated
MA 39 - B02-F01 Awards: Toastmasters International - District 41 Folder 1950
MA 39 - B02-F02 Awards: University of South Dakota, Department of History [certificate - Companion of History] Folder 1948
MA 39 - B02-F03 Awards: Western America Achievement Award Medal [news release only] Folder 1952
MA 39 - B02-F05 Awards: Yankton College Alumni Pro Causa Folder 1952
MA 39 - B02-F07 Organizations: Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Folder 1984, 1986-1987
MA 39 - B02-F11 Organizations: National Newspaper Association - Convention Folder 1963-1964
MA 39 - B02-F12 Organizations: National Newspaper Association - Officers, etc. Folder 1964-1965
MA 39 - B02-F16 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - President files: Bob Karolevitz Folder undated
MA 39 - B02-F20 Organizations: Seattle Advertising Club - Records Folder 1962-1963
MA 39 - B02-F23 Organizations: Seattle Junior Chamber of Commerce, Ten Outstanding Young Men Committee - Records (minutes, correspondence, etc.) Folder 1982-1983
MA 39 - B02-F24 Organizations: Sigma Delta Chi Folder 1977-1983
MA 39 - B02-F34 Committees: Benedictine Health Foundation: Donors, etc. Folder 2003