Level of description
Digital object |
UA 53.15 - B08-F03 |
Talks, Presentations: The Development of Good Roads and the Tourism Industry During the Early 1900s |
Folder |
2009 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F08 |
Talks, Presentations: First We Imagine: 22 Creative South Dakotaks Speak on the Subject of Creativity |
Folder |
2014-2015 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F15 |
Talks, Presentations: George McGovern's Early Life |
Folder |
2013 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F16 |
Talks, Presentations: Gold and the Game of Life |
Folder |
2007 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F19 |
Talks, Presentations: Highway 14 |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F21 |
Talks, Presentations: History of Lutheranism in South Dakota |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F26 |
Talks, Presentations: The Information Explosion, How Shall We Cope With It? |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F36 |
Talks, Presentations: McGovern Conference, Dakota Wesleyan University |
Folder |
2011 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F37 |
Talks, Presentations: Memorial Day (Decoration Day) |
Folder |
1997 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F39 |
Talks, Presentations: Midwestern Echoes in the Formation of Ronald Reagan's Personal and Political Identities |
Folder |
2011 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F46 |
Talks, Presentations: Peer Review and the Role of an Editor in Writing About History |
Folder |
2009 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F47 |
Talks, Presentations: Peril and Promise, Essays on Community in South Dakota and Beyond |
Folder |
2008 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F53 |
Talks, Presentations: Political Philosophy |
Folder |
2005 Spring |
UA 53.15 - B08-F56 |
Talks, Presentations: Railroads in South Dakota |
Folder |
2006 June 9 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F58 |
Talks, Presentations: Reflections of a Traveler on Highway 14 |
Folder |
1991 May 1 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F61 |
Talks, Presentations: Small-Town Boys [slide show] |
Folder |
1991-1993, 2000 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F01 |
Talks, Presentations: Dakota History Conference "What Are We Doing and What Needs to be Done? An Examination of SD Scholarship |
Folder |
2008 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F04 |
Talks, Presentations: Dialog with Jerry Sweeney on World War II |
Folder |
circa 1976 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F06 |
Talks, Presentations: Fahrenheit 451 and Memory |
Folder |
circa 2000 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F18 |
Talks, Presentations: Harvey Dunn Session |
Folder |
2020 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F24 |
Talks, Presentations: How I Do My Work |
Folder |
2003 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F28 |
Talks, Presentations: Land Grant Colleges |
Folder |
1995 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F31 |
Talks, Presentations: Laura Ingalls Wilder and Rose Wilder Lane |
Folder |
2009 March |
UA 53.15 - B08-F43 |
Talks, Presentations: The Paradoxical U.S. Constitution, Bulwark of the Republicc or Purveyor of Polarization |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F51 |
Talks, Presentations: Plains Political Tradition, Essays on SD Political Culture vol. 3 Panel |
Folder |
2014-2015 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F57 |
Talks, Presentations: The Redemptive West |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F60 |
Talks, Presentations: Small-Town Boys |
Folder |
2014, undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F02 |
Talks, Presentations: Democracy and the Informed Citizen |
Folder |
2018 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F05 |
Talks, Presentations: Everyday Life in a Small Town |
Folder |
1989 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F07 |
Talks, Presentations: Farming in the 1930s |
Folder |
2009 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F09 |
Talks, Presentations: Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F11 |
Talks, Presentations: From Fcto to Finish, How to Write and Publish History |
Folder |
1991-1993 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F13 |
Talks, Presentations: George McGovern and His Books, What They Tell Us About His Politics |
Folder |
2016 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F17 |
Talks, Presentations: Grant Wood |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F20 |
Talks, Presentations: History of Baseball |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F22 |
Talks, Presentations: History of Towns on Highway 14 |
Folder |
1985 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F32 |
Talks, Presentations: Laura Ingalls Wilder as a Midwestern Pioneer Girl |
Folder |
2016 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F33 |
Talks, Presentations: Laura Ingalls Wilder Little Houses |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F34 |
Talks, Presentations: Lawrence Welk, Johnny Carson |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F48 |
Talks, Presentations: Place and Community |
Folder |
2005 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F55 |
Talks, Presentations: Public Library |
Folder |
2019-2020 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F59 |
Talks, Presentations: Rural Community Development in the Information Age |
Folder |
1988 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F62 |
Talks, Presentations: Small-Town Boys [slide show] |
Folder |
1989, 1992, 2000 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F10 |
Talks, Presentations: From Little Town on the Prairie to Lake Wobegon: The Quest for Community in the West |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F12 |
Talks, Presentations: Future of Small Towns |
Folder |
circa 2000s |
UA 53.15 - B08-F14 |
Talks, Presentations: George McGovern in the 1970s |
Folder |
2018 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F23 |
Talks, Presentations: History of Women at South Dakota State University |
Folder |
2006 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F25 |
Talks, Presentations: How I Write |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F27 |
Talks, Presentations: John Wooden Pyramid of Success |
Folder |
2010, undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F29 |
Talks, Presentations: Laura Ingalls Wilder |
Folder |
circa 2000s, undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F30 |
Talks, Presentations: Laura Ingalls Wilder and Frederick Jackson Turner |
Folder |
2006 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F35 |
Talks, Presentations: Looking for History |
Folder |
2009 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F38 |
Talks, Presentations: Midwest History |
Folder |
2014 March 7 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F40 |
Talks, Presentations: Misinformation/Disinformation |
Folder |
2020 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F41 |
Talks, Presentations: N.E. Hansen |
Folder |
undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F42 |
Talks, Presentations: Northern Great Plains History Conference |
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2001 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F44 |
Talks, Presentations: Patriotism, A Forum |
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undated |
UA 53.15 - B08-F45 |
Talks, Presentations: Patriositm and Civil Liberties |
Folder |
2003 April 2 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F49 |
Talks, Presentations: Place and Time in Laura Ingalls Wilder |
Folder |
2019 July |
UA 53.15 - B08-F50 |
Talks, Presentations: Places We Treasure |
Folder |
2001 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F52 |
Talks, Presentations: Plains Political Symposium |
Folder |
2018 |
UA 53.15 - B08-F54 |
Talks, Presentations: The Progressive Legacy panel |
Folder |
1995 |