J.E. Miller Papers: Laura Ingalls Wilder - Box 23

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.15 - B23-F02 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Farmer Boy/On the Banks of Plum Creek Folder 1971
UA 53.15 - B23-F08 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Free Land Folder 1966
UA 53.15 - B23-F19 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - Keystone and Its Colorful Characters Folder 1991
UA 53.15 - B23-F03 Laura Ingalls Wilder: By the Shores of Silver Lake/The Long Winter Folder 1971
UA 53.15 - B23-F07 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Home Over Saturday Folder 1974
UA 53.15 - B23-F09 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Give Me Liberty Folder 1977
UA 53.15 - B23-F15 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - The Horn Book's Laura Ingalls Wilder Folder 1988
UA 53.15 - B23-F04 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little Town on the Prairie/These Happy Golden Years/The First Four Years Folder 1971
UA 53.15 - B23-F10 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Let the Hurricane Roar Folder 1961
UA 53.15 - B23-F11 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Old Home Town Folder 1963
UA 53.15 - B23-F12 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - Rose Wilder Lane - Her Story Folder 1977
UA 53.15 - B23-F13 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - Constructing the Little House, Gender, Culture, and Laura Ingalls Wilder Folder 1997
UA 53.15 - B23-F16 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - I Remember Laura Folder 1994
UA 53.15 - B23-F21 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - Laura Ingalls Wilder Folder 1994
UA 53.15 - B23-F01 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Little House in the Big Woods/Little House on the Prairie Folder 1971
UA 53.15 - B23-F05 Laura Ingalls Wilder: On the Way Home Folder 1962
UA 53.15 - B23-F06 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Rose Wilder Lane - The Discovery of Freedom, Man's Struggle Against Authority Folder 1972, 1993
UA 53.15 - B23-F14 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - The Ghost in the Little House - A Life of Rose Wilder Lane Folder 1993
UA 53.15 - B23-F17 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - Images of America, De Smet Folder 2015
UA 53.15 - B23-F18 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - The Ingalls-Wilder Homesites Folder 1982
UA 53.15 - B23-F20 Laura Ingalls Wilder: Other authors - The Lady and the Tycoon Folder 1973