Human Development, Consumer, and Family Sciences - AV

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 9.5: AV-0001 Lord of the Looks,12-595 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0002 Investigating Child Abuse, 12-597 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0006 Biology Series - Cell Division: Mitosis and Meiosis, 1975, 8-411, 24 minutes / color Copyright Ziff-Davis Publishing Company [film] Audiovisual 1975
UA 9.5: AV-0007 Young Children with Special Needs, 8-282 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0004 Spectrum B Autism's Lonely Child, 8-718 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0010 Get the FACS, South Dakota State University, 00:14:30 [video] Audiovisual 1998
UA 9.5: AV-0003 Peege, 12-503 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0008 How to Say No, 4-28 [film] Audiovisual undated
UA 9.5: AV-0009 Arthur Amiotte Slide Presentation, 1 hour 38 min. [video] Audiovisual 1992
UA 9.5: AV-0005 Minnesota Farm Study [film] Audiovisual undated