Gary Lemme Papers

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.88: B01-F02 Alabama Cattlemen's Association Belt Buckle Folder undated
UA 53.88: B01-F03 Alabama Conservation and Natural Resources Folder 2011 October 1 to 2021 February 28
UA 53.88: B01-F09 Atlas Des Parcs Nationaux Algerians Folder 2006
UA 53.88: B01-F13 Commencement Programs - SDSU - Bachelor of Science and Masters Degrees Folder 1974-1975
UA 53.88: B01-F19 Diplomas - Bachelor of Science and Master's from SDSU Folder 1974-1975
UA 53.88: B01-F29 Horizons - South Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Centennial 1887-1987 Folder 1987
UA 53.88: B01-F35 Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station farewell recognition guest book Folder 2005 April 13
UA 53.88: B02-F10 Pocket Knife - Keltgen - Dr. Gary Lemme Folder 1993
UA 53.88: B02-F12 Photographs - Custer County, South Dakota Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F20 Publications: A Decision Case - Shifting Gears to Meet the Future Folder 1994 July 8
UA 53.88: B02-F33 Publications: Past CRP Corn Production and Soil Erosion Folder 1993
UA 53.88: B02-F35 Publications: Proceedings - Stress Symposia, Mechanisms, Responses, Management Folder 1993
UA 53.88: B02-F36 Publications: Realities of Management - Instruction Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F43 Publications: Soil Resources of Jesson's Farm Research Area - SE 1/4, Sec. 4, T.116N, R.63W, Spink County, South Dakota Folder 1988 May
UA 53.88: B02-F44 Publications: Till Thickness and Argillic Horizon Development in Some Michigan Hapludults Folder 1973
UA 53.88: B02-F49 Publications: Understory Herbage Production of Major Soils Within the Black Hills of South Dakota Folder 1987 March
UA 53.88: B02-F50 Publications: Understory Herbage Production of Major Soils Within the Black Hills of South Dakota Folder 1983
UA 53.88: B02-F53 Recognition: International Scientific Seminar on New Technologies Applied on Field Crops certificate Folder 2019
UA 53.88: B02-F56 Remnant Trust Folder 2005
UA 53.88: B03-F05 South Dakota Rural Enterprise, Inc. Recognition as Chair Folder 2009
UA 53.88: B03-F10 South Dakota State University Students' Association Teacher of the Year certificate Folder undated
UA 53.88: B03-F12 Stamps: Personal greetings stamp from China Folder undated
UA 53.88: B03-F16 Travel: Carthage, Tunisia Brochure Folder undated
UA 53.88: B03-F17 Tuskegee University commemorative coin Folder 2014
UA 53.88: B03-F19 USDA Certificate of Appreciation Folder 1985-1986
UA 53.88: B03-F20 USDA Group Honor Award for Excellence certificate Folder 2000 June 5
UA 53.88: B03-F22 University of Minnesota West Central Experiment Station certificate Folder undated
UA 53.88: B03-F24 Magnet: Georgia Old Tbilisi Folder undated
UA 53.88: B04-IT05 Association for Communication Excellence Fold Award for Crisis Communication plaque Item 2017
UA 53.88: B04-IT07 Michigan Turfgrass Foundation - Photo album Item 2005 April 13
UA 53.88: B04-IT08 Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industry certificate Item 2021 February 9
UA 53.88: B04-IT09 State of Alabama Resolution of Outstanding Achievement certificate Item 2012 February 7
UA 53.88: B06-IT02 South Dakota State University paper weights Item 1981, undated
UA 53.88: B07 Gary Lemme Papers - Box 7 Box
UA 53.88: AR10 Gary and Terry Lemme Art Collection Art
UA 53.88: B01 Gary Lemme Papers - Box 1 Box
UA 53.88: B01-F01 Agronomy Club Teachers of the Year Folder 1985 March 29, 1987 April 10
UA 53.88: B01-F06 Alltech Midwest - Thank you Folder 2005
UA 53.88: B01-F08 Association of Southern Region Extension Directors plaque Folder 2017-2018
UA 53.88: B01-F16 Correspondence Folder 1985-2003
UA 53.88: B01-F18 Dean of College of Agricultural and Biological Sciences Folder 2005-2001
UA 53.88: B01-F25 Gift rom Guangzhou Ag College (South China Agricultural University) Folder 1991
UA 53.88: B01-F26 Guide Lines for Running Surfer and Dig Programs Folder undated
UA 53.88: B01-F28 Honorary 4-H Alumni from Stevens County 4-H plague Folder 1999
UA 53.88: B02-F01 Michigan Crop Improvement Association plaque Folder 1999-2002
UA 53.88: B02-F03 Michigan Soybean Promotion Committee - Resolution of Recognition Folder 2005 March 9
UA 53.88: B02-F06 NASS Partner - Census of Agricultural medal Folder 2007
UA 53.88: B02-F15 Publications: Aggregate Stability of an Eroded and Desurfaced Typic Argiustoll Folder 1991
UA 53.88: B02-F16 Publications: Aquifer Contamination Vulnerability Maps - Lake Poinsett Quad. Pilot Program Folder 1989 October
UA 53.88: B02-F19 Publications: Corn production and soil erosion after sod on an eroded landscape as affected by tillage Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F22 Publications: Effects of tillage systems and landscape on soil Folder 1992
UA 53.88: B02-F23 Publications: Erosion-Productivity Influence on Three Northwestern Corn Belt Mollisols Folder 1987 December 15-18
UA 53.88: B02-F26 Publications: Foreword in SDSU Journal of Undergraduate Research Folder 2006
UA 53.88: B02-F31 Publications: Organic Carbon in Soils of North Central United States Folder 1985 May-June
UA 53.88: B02-F34 Publications: prescription Planning: An Approach to Nonpoint Pollution Problems Folder 1990 March-April
UA 53.88: B02-F39 Publications: Root Zone Limitations in a Desurfaced Typic Argiustoll - Abstract Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F40 Publications: Soil Characteristics of a Mollisol and Corn (Zea Mays L.) Growth 20 Years After Topsoil Removal Folder 1985
UA 53.88: B02-F46 Publications: Tillage Systems and Landscape Position Effects on Soil Properties Folder 1992
UA 53.88: B02-F48 Publications: Toward a Public Science - Building a New Social Contract Between Science and Society Folder 1999
UA 53.88: B02-F57 Research Issues in Soil Erosion/Productivity - Executive summary Folder 1990
UA 53.88: B02-F58 Rotary International Banner - Hitachi Japan Folder undated
UA 53.88: B03 Gary Lemme Papers - Box 3 Box
UA 53.88: B03-F08 South Dakota State University Ag-Bio Teacher of the Year certificate Folder 1987 April 22
UA 53.88: B03-F14 Sunbelt Expo - Commemorative medals Folder 2011-2019
UA 53.88: B04-IT02 FarmHouse Fraternity - SDSU Chapter plaque Item 1987 January 18
UA 53.88: B04-IT03 University of Minnesota Southwest Experiment Station Plaque Item 1997 September
UA 53.88: B04-IT10 South Dakota Chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta plaque Item 1985-1986
UA 53.88: B05 Gary Lemme Papers - Box 5 Box
UA 53.88: B05-IT02 Weaving from Nepal graduate students Item 1980-1990
UA 53.88: B05-IT03 Weaving of a panda Item undated
UA 53.88: B05-IT05 Dairy Plant Renovation Groundbreaking cow bell Item 2010 May 7
UA 53.88: B05-IT08 Alabama Governor's One-shot Turkey Hunt Turkey Call Item 2020 March
UA 53.88: B05-IT09 Sigma Xi President Gavels Item 1988-1989
UA 53.88: B06-IT01 South Dakota State University Celebrating 125 Years 1991-2006 wine glasses Item 2006
UA 53.88: B07-IT03 LeTourneau Outstanding FarmHouse Advisor Award encased clock Item 1987
UA 53.88: B07-IT04 Roman Water Pipe Pieces - Bulla Regia, Tunisia Item 2011
UA 53.88: AR10-0001 Afraid of Hawk into Greasy Grass ledger art by Merle Locke Art 2014
UA 53.88: AR10-0006 Chasing a Crow on Horseback, Shoot him in the head ledger art by Red Hawk Art undated
UA 53.88: B01-F04 Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Committee Folder 2011
UA 53.88: B01-F05 Albania - USDA-Aid Study Group gifts Folder 2015
UA 53.88: B01-F11 Bass Anglers Sportsman Society - Ray Scott Outdoors Commemorative Coin Folder undated
UA 53.88: B01-F14 Commencement Programs - SDSU Folder 1983-1984, 1986, 1988
UA 53.88: B01-F22 Future Farmers of America (FFA) Agricultural Education - HAFFA Recognition plaque Folder 1991
UA 53.88: B01-F27 Hobo Day - The Deans art Cooking! - mailer for Hobo Day activities Folder 2007
UA 53.88: B01-F30 Hurricane Michael Loss Summary Assessment Report Folder 2018
UA 53.88: B01-F31 International Arid Lands Consortium - Pen set Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F05 Monumental testimony in Vuk Kanlekaj Folder 2016
UA 53.88: B02-F08 National Holstein Convention pen set Folder 2006
UA 53.88: B02-F09 New SDSU Ag Dean Outlines Goal's for State's future Folder 2005 June 16
UA 53.88: B02-F14 Professional Soil Scientist Association of SD plaque Folder 1990
UA 53.88: B02-F18 Publications: Contamination vulnerability indexes: A water quality planning tool Folder 1990 March-April
UA 53.88: B02-F21 Publications: Eastern South Dakota Soil and Water Research Farm - Soil Resources Folder 1988 November
UA 53.88: B02-F30 Publications: Northeast Research Farm: Soil Resources Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F37 Publications: Regionalization Workshop - New Strategies in Research, Teaching, and Extension Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F42 Publications: Soil Moisture Regimes and Pedologic Development in Late Wisconsin Glacial Till Folder 1983
UA 53.88: B02-F45 Publications: Tillage and Landscape Position Effects on Crop Growth and New Return Folder 1992-1993
UA 53.88: B02-F47 Publications: Topsoil Depth and Desurfacing Effects on Properties and Productivity of a Typic Argiustoll Folder 1992
UA 53.88: B02-F51 Publications: Vegetation and Water Identification of One Township of Land in Bennett County, SD Using Digital Tape Data From the Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) Folder 1974 February 4
UA 53.88: B02-F54 Recognition of Outstanding Service on the Advisory Committee ESCOP/ACOP Development Program certificate Folder undated
UA 53.88: B02-F59 Rotary Foundation of Rotary International - Paul Harris Fellow Certificate Folder undated