Gary Lemme Papers - Box 5

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.88: B05-IT02 Weaving from Nepal graduate students Item 1980-1990
UA 53.88: B05-IT03 Weaving of a panda Item undated
UA 53.88: B05-IT05 Dairy Plant Renovation Groundbreaking cow bell Item 2010 May 7
UA 53.88: B05-IT08 Alabama Governor's One-shot Turkey Hunt Turkey Call Item 2020 March
UA 53.88: B05-IT09 Sigma Xi President Gavels Item 1988-1989
UA 53.88: B05-IT01 Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station Farewell letters scrapbook Item 2005 April
UA 53.88: B05-IT04 SDSU Bridle Item 2008
UA 53.88: B05-IT06 Camel figurines - from Tunisia Item 2019
UA 53.88: B05-IT07 Needle felted hat Item undated