Gartner Papers - Box 6

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B06-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 81. Measurement of snow water equivalent from aircraft. Jordan, Paul W. and Charles C. Bowman Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B06-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 82. Probable return periods of rainstorms in central Idaho. Kidd, W. Joe, Jr. Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B06-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 86. The effect of high soil temperatures on the seedling emergence of perennial grasses. Laude, Horton M., Jeffrey E. Shrum, Jr., and Wayne E. Biehler Folder 1952
UA 53.21: B06-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 88. The ecosystem in range management. Lewis, James K. Folder 1959
UA 53.21: B06-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 91. Principles of game management. Madson, John and Ed. Kazicky Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B06-F30 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 114. Improving shortgrass range by pitting. Rauzi, Frank and R.L. Lang Folder 1956
UA 53.21: B06-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 125. The tundra as a momeostatic system. Schultz, Arnold M. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B06-F33 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 130. Food preferences of antelope and domestic shppe in Wyomings Red Desert. Severson, K.E. and M. May Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B06-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 134. Studies of black-tailed deer reproduction on three chaparral cover types. Taber, Richard D. Folder 1953
UA 53.21: B06-F35 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 139. Utah Farm and Home Science. Utah Agricultural Experiment Station Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F07 Collected Publications [Indexed]: Subject index: Y-Z Folder undated
UA 53.21: B06-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 2. Managing California's snow zone lands for water. Anderson, Henry W. Folder 1963
UA 53.21: B06-F08 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 4. The pinyon-juniper type of Arizona: Effects of grazing, fire, and tree control. Arnold Joseph F., Donald A. Jameson, and Elbert H, Reid Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B06-F09 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 7. Probabilities of freeze in Wyoing. Becker, C.F., John Alyea, and Harold Eppson Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B06-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 12. Weather modification research - Summary report. Bellamy, John C. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F10 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 13. Weather modification research Summary report. Bellamy, John C. Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B06-F11 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 16. Problems in big game management in South Dakota. Second annual conference of the South Dakota Section of the American Society of Range Management Folder 1951
UA 53.21: B06-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 21. A soil and vegetation inventory and analysis of three Nebraska Sandhills range sites. Burzlaff, Donald F. Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B06-F12 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 23. Water spreading. J.I. Case, Co. Folder 1949
UA 53.21: B06-F15 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 40. The effect of seasonal feed levels on cow-calf production. Daugherty, R.C. and A.H., Denham Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B06-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 46. Activities and grazing preferences of cows with calves in northern Osage County, Oklahoma. Dwyer, Don D. Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B06-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 49. Natural mulches or Ëœlitter of grasslands: with kinds and amounts on a southern prairie. Dyksterhuis, E.J., and E.M. Schmutz Folder 1947
UA 53.21: B06-F17 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 50. Kill Starve Feed Deer eat best forage they can find. English, P.F. and W.C. Bramble, undated Folder undated
UA 53.21: B06-F19 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 59. Tireless sons of Noah. Griggs, Lee Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B06-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 61. The measurement and value of plant height in the study of herbaceous vegetation. Heady, Harold F. Folder 1957
UA 53.21: B06-F20 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 62. Changes in a California annual plant community induced by manipulation of natural mulch. Heady, Harold F. Folder 1956
UA 53.21: B06-F21 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 67. Rest-rotation grazing a new management system for perennial bunchgrass ranges. Hormay, A.L. Folder 1961
UA 53.21: B06-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 71. A comparison of evaporation from snow and soil surfaces. Hutchinson, Boyd A. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F22 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 72. Collection and study of Wyoming grasses, forbs, and shrubs. Hyde, Robert M. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B06-F24 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 84. Resources. Resources for the Future, Inc. Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B06-F25 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 90. Accuracy of soil moisture readings with unsealed access tubes. Mace, Arnett C., Jr. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 92. Cattle diets on native and seeded ranges in the ponderosa pine zone of Colorado. Makechek, John C. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F26 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 94. The Santa Rita experimental range. Martin, Clark S. Folder 1966
UA 53.21: B06-F28 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 101. Important grasses and other common plants on Montana ranges. Reitz, Louis P. and H.E. Morris Folder 1939
UA 53.21: B06-F31 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 120. Annual report for the year ending September 30, 1965. Resources for the Future Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B06-F32 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 123. Antelope of New Mexico. Russell, Paul T. Folder 1964
UA 53.21: B06-F34 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 132. Resources. Resources for the Future, Inc. Folder 1967
UA 53.21: B06-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 142. New meteorological and snow studies in the central Sierra. Walsh, Kenneth J. Folder 1957
UA 53.21: B06-F36 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 143. Results of clipping trials with grasses and grass-alfalfa mixtures. Whitman, Warren C., D.R. Peterson, and T.J. Conlon Folder 1962
UA 53.21: B06-F37 Collected Publications [Indexed]: 148. Information relative to the disposal and leasing of public lands in Alaska. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management Folder 1953