Gartner Papers - Box 4

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.21: B04-F047 Writings: I. Proper Use. II. Flexibility in livestock operations to achieve proper use and improve rangelands. Gartner, F.R., unknown publications Folder 1970
UA 53.21: B04-F048 Writings: Range Claypan soil improvement: properties affecting their response to mechanical treatment. White, E.M. and F.R. Gartner, Journal of Range Management, Vol.34, No. 2, PP. 116-119 Folder 1981
UA 53.21: B04-F054 Writings: Research, equipment. by unknown, Crops and Soils Magazine, Vol. 34, No. 6, PP. 14-15 ( research conducted at Antelope Range Field Station by Gartner, Butterfield, Roath and Thompson) Folder 1982
UA 53.21: B04-F055 Writings: Research progress report: Buffalo-Antelope Range Field Station; Newell-US Irrigation and Dryland Field Station, Cottonwood-Range Field Stastion, Presho-Reed Ranch Field Station, Agricultural Experiment Station, SDSU, Circular 71 (Gartner listed as perso Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B04-F058 Writings: Revegetation attempts in the northern Great Plains. Gartner, Robert, Reclamation of Strip Mined Lands in the Great Plains, Pp. 63-68 Folder 1975
UA 53.21: B04-F063 Writings: Society's information and education role. Gartner, F. Robert, Rangelands, Vol. 2, No. 2, PP. 67 Folder 1980
UA 53.21: B04-F064 Writings: Soil fertility changes after burning meadows and coniferous understories in the Black Hills, White, E.M. and F.R. Gartner (3 drafts) Folder 1992-1993
UA 53.21: B04-F066 Writings: Some osmotic and pH effects on blue grama seedling establishment. White, E.M. and F.R. Gartner Folder 1989
UA 53.21: B04-F071 Writings: Vegetation responses to spring burning in western South Dakota. Gartner, F.R., J.R. Lindsey, and E.M. White, The Prairie: Past, Present, and Future, Proceedings of the 9th North American Prairie Conference, Pp. 143-146 Folder 1984
UA 53.21: B04-F073 Writings: Whats it? important tool of range research. Gartner, F.R., South Dakota Farm & Home Research, Vol. 16, No. 1, Pp. 24-25 (range cages - a research tool) Folder 1965
UA 53.21: B04-F077 Photographs: Chemical applications Folder 1957-1986
UA 53.21: B04-F078 Photographs: Contour furrowing Folder 1937-1968
UA 53.21: B04-F087 Photographs: Livestock and livestock facilities Folder 1957-1989
UA 53.21: B04-F094 Photographs: Range site, range condition Folder 1953-1968
UA 53.21: B04-F095 Photographs: Recreation - aesthetics Folder 1955-1986
UA 53.21: B04-F103 Photographs: Wildlife: Antelope, big horn sheep, miscellaneous Folder 1959-1984
UA 53.21: B04-F110 Collected Publications [Indexed]: Author index: Ba-Bu Folder undated
UA 53.21: B04-F111 Collected Publications [Indexed]: Author index: Ca-Cu Folder undated