Gardner, Wayne S.

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Gardner, Wayne S.

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  • Gardner, Wayne Scott

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Wayne Scott Gardner - Born: January 11, 1920 Died: April 19, 2014

Gardner served three years in the Army Air Corps during World War II, including a tour of duty on Guadalcanal. He married Leona Oberly, in Clifton, Colorado. On the GI Bill he earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in botany and plant pathology at Utah State Agricultural College, Logan.

He was employed as a civilian researcher by the U.S. Army in Utah and conducted environmental and crop research for U.S. Steel Corporation in Utah and Pennsylvania. He returned to school at age 43 under a Regents Fellowship at University of California-Davis, where he earned a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology in 1967. His doctoral thesis project was a study of barley stripe mosaic virus, and he was honored for outstanding accomplishment in the field of electron microscopy at UC Davis.

He was hired as an associate professor at South Dakota State University in Brookings, where he focused on research and teaching using the electron microscope. Wayne also served a USAID mission to Botswana. In Brookings, Wayne was active in Toastmasters and the Pitchblenders Barbershop Chorus.

Gardner retired in 1985.


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