Faculty Publications [UA 53.2 Box 5]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA053.002-05-1494 "Fishes at randomly selected sites on wadeable streams in south dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 84, pp. 305-313, 2005 Folder 2005
UA053.002-05-1496 "Common carp (cyprinus carpio) population characteristics and recruitment in two nebraska sandhill lakes," reprint from Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences, vol. 31, pp. 35-41, 2008 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1499 "Vermillion River: Managing the Watershed to reduce flooding," Clay County Conservation District, 1997 Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1502 "Simulation model of helicopter disturbance of molting pacific black brant," reprint from Ecological Modelling, vol. 73, pp. 293-309, 1994 Folder 1994
UA053.002-05-1518 "Lipophilic MRI contrast agents as potential markers for carnivore population studies," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 78, pp. 109-114, 1999 Folder 1999
UA053.002-05-1519 "Competition in sympatric white-tailed deer and cattle populations in southern pine forests of Oklahoma and Arkansas, USA," reprint from Acta Theriologica, vol. 41 no. 3, pp. 287-306, March 1996 Folder 1996
UA053.002-05-1526 "Gastrointestinal morphology of female white-tailed and mule deer: effects of fire, reproduction, and feeding type," reprint from Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 87 no. 3, pp. 598-605, 2006 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1528 "clostridium perfringens type A enterotoxemia in a captive adult white-tailed deer," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 38 no. 3, pp. 197-202, September 2006 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1537 "Typology of South Dakota Muzzleloader Deer Hunters," reprint from Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 3, pp. 691-697, 2006 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1539 "Vegetative characteristics of pronghorn bed sites in wind cave national park, south dakota, " reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 39 no. 1, pp. 49-53, March 2007 Folder 2007
UA053.002-05-1543 "Effects of Sarcoptic Mange on Coyotes at Wind Cave National Park," reprint from The Journal of Wildlife Management, vol. 71 no. 6, pp. 1987-1992, 2007 Folder 2007
UA053.002-05-1550 "Hepatic minerals of white-tailed and mule deer in the southern Black Hills, South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, vol. 44 no. 2, pp. 341-350 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1552 "Dispersal by a male American Marten, Martes americana," reprint from The Canadian Field-Naturalist,vol. 116, pp. 309-311 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1554 "Prevalence of chronic wasting disease and bovine tuberculosis in free-ranging deer and elk in South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, vol. 30 no. 1, pp. 29-34 Folder 2003
UA053.002-05-1557 "Predicting neonatal age of white-tailed deer in the northern Great Plains," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 36 no. 2, pp. 75-82, June 2004 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1566 "Relative abundance of small mammals in native and restored tallgrass prairie," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 83, pp. 33-37 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1571 "White-tailed deer infected with Staphylococcus Hyicus in South Dakota," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 36 no. 3, pp. 177-180, September 2004 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1572 "Characteristics of mountain lion mortalities in the Black Hills, South Dakota," reprint from Sixth Mountain Lion Workshop, pp. 25-29 Folder undated
UA053.002-05-1574 "Age ratios of male mallards harvested in eastern South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 75, pp. 89-98 Folder 1996
UA053.002-05-1579 "Comparison of two mesh sizes for collecting larval yellow perch in surface trawls," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 22, pp. 585-589 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1585 "Wetland invertebrate abundances and correlations with wetland water nutrients," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 321-333 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1593 "Breedings bird richness in the prairie pothole region of Minnesota," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 29 no.2, pp. 81-87, June Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1594 "Fishes and habitat characteristics of the Keya Paha river, South Dakota-Nebraska," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 19 no. 2, pp. 169-177, June Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1599 "Rare and declining fishes of South Dakota: A river drainage scale perspective," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 85, pp. 171-211 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1602 "Prehistoric record of fishes in South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 84, pp. 141-156 Folder 2005
UA053.002-05-1608 "Landscape approach to conserving wetland and bird habitat in the prairie pothole region of eastern South Dakota," reprint from Wetlands, vol. 21 no.1, pp. 1-17, March Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1611 "Effects of woody vegetation on prairie wetland birds," reprint from The Canadian Field-Naturalist, vol. 113, pp. 487-492 Folder 1999
UA053.002-05-1618 "Breeding bird abundance and habitat on two livestock grazing regimes in North Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 247-258 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1619 "Distribution and productivity of least terns and piping plovers on the Niobrara River," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 231-245 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1622 "Contrasting the potential effects of biomass fuel, soy-based fuel, ethanol and wind energy developments on northern Great Plains wildlife," reprint from Transactions of the 69th North American wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, pp. 199-214 Folder undated
UA053.002-05-1625 "Effects of wind turbines on nesting raptors at Buffalo Ridge in southwestern Minnesota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 76, pp. 113-117 Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1626 "Occurrence of small, nongame mammals in South Dakota's eastern border counties, 1994-1995," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 76, pp. 65-74 Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1629 "Case study of changing land use practices in the Northern Great Plains, U.S.A.: an uncertain future for waterbird conservation," reprint from Waterbirds, vol. 25, special publication 2, pp. 42-50 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1630 "Warm-season (C4) grasses," reprint from Agronomy, No. 45 in the series, pp. 388-416 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1631 "Demographics of Western South Dakota Wetlands and Basins," South Dakota State University, South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks, Wildlife Restoration, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Wildlife Management Institute, B748, Project W-114-R Study no. 1802, June Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1634 "Recent range extensions, name changes and status updates for selected South Dakota fishes," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 85 pp. 247-265 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1638 "Patterns of fish diversity in a mainstem Missouri River reservoir and associated delta in South Dakota and Nebraska, USA," reprint from River Research and Applications, vol. 23, pp. 786-791 Folder 2007
UA053.002-05-1642 "Fish Size and prey availability affect growth, survival, prey selection, and foraging behavior of larval yellow perch," reprint from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 133, pp. 504-514 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1644 "Delayed mortality of tournament-caught walleyes," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 25, pp. 251-255 Folder 2005
UA053.002-05-1647 "Influence of a saugeye (sauger x walleye) introduction program on the black crappie population in Richmond Lake, South Dakota," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 22, pp. 1416-1424 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1648 "What value winter food plots?" reprint from Pheasants Forever, Summer 1998 Folder 1998
UA053.002-05-1652 "Seasonal movements and habitat selection of pheasant cocks in eastern South Dakota," SDSU Thesis Folder 1973
UA053.002-05-1655 "Over-winter condition changes in female ring-necked pheasants during two mild winters," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 78, pp. 177-183 Folder 1999
UA053.002-05-1657 "Dugouts in eastern South Dakota: Their location in relation to basin wetlands and streams," reprint from Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 38 no. 5, pp. 434-436, September-October Folder 1983
UA053.002-05-1662 "Microhabitat characteristics relative to lek abandonment by Greater Sage Grouse in the Dakotas," reprint from Intermountain Journal of Sciences, vol. 12 no. 1-2, pp. 1-11, June Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1663 "Poult protection by Merriam's Turkey females towards a northern goshawk," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 35 no.1, pp. 47-48, March Folder 2003
UA053.002-05-1667 "Winter survival and home range of female ring-necked pheasant in relation to food plots," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 33 no. 1, pp. 31-40, March Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1668 "Nest site characteristics of eastern wild turkey in northeastern South Dakota," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 36 no. 3, pp. 161-176, September Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1685 "Asynchronous bluegill recruitment in four South Dakota impoundments," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 22 no. 1, pp. 19-22, March Folder 2007
UA053.002-05-1690 "Bioenergetics modeling in the 21st century: reviewing new insights and revisitng old constraints," reprint from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 137, pp. 298-313 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1698 "Reticulate melanism in western painted turtles (chrysemys picta bellii): exploring linkages with habitat and heating rates," reprint from The American Midland Naturalist, vol. 156 no. 2, pp. 289-298, October Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1700 "Comparison of creel survey methods on Missouri River reservoirs," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 26, pp. 338-350 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1703 "In-transit oxytetracycline marking, nonlethal mark detection, and tissue residue depletion in yellow perch," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 22, pp. 236-242 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1712 "Performance of walleye progeny from Missouri River tributaries in South Dakota," reprint from North American Journal of Aquaculture, vol. 63, pp. 167-170 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1724 "Ictalurids in South Dakota," reprint from American Fisheries Society Symposium, vol. 24, pp. 377-389 Folder 1999
UA053.002-05-1726 "Fishes of the mainstem Cheyenne River in South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 76, pp. 11-25 Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1734 "Biodiversity assessment of compensatory mitigation wetlands in eastern South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 185-200 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1738 "Summer habitat associations of rare fishes in South Dakota tributaries to the Minnesota river," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 79, pp. 103-110 Folder 2000
UA053.002-05-1741 "Missouri River Ecosystem," reprint from Wetlands, Vol. 23 no. 1, pp. 207-211, March Folder 2003
UA053.002-05-1742 "Fishes in Seven Streams of the Minnesota River Drainage in northeastern South Dakota," reprint from Proc. S.D. Acad. Sci., vol. 73, pp. 23-30 Folder 1994
UA053.002-05-1745 "Effect of hook style, bait type, and river location on trotline catches of flathead and channel catfish," reprint from North American Jourla of Fisheries Management, vol. 22, pp. 573-578 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1752 "Pyloric Caeca counts as a method for separating the advanced fry and fingerlings of largemouth and spotted bass," reprint from Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 95 no. 2, pp. 226, April Folder 1966
UA053.002-05-1754 "South Dakota's Environment: Its pollution and preservation," Proceedings of a Symposium, SDSU, April Folder 1971
UA053.002-05-1756 "Using Objective Measures of Muscle Color to Predict Beef Longissimus Tenderness," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 75, pp. 684-692 Folder 1997
UA053.002-05-1757 "Effects of Dietary Supplementation of Vitamin E on Storage and Caselife Properties of Lamb Retail Cuts," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 73, pp. 399-405 Folder 1995
UA053.002-05-1762 "Effects of Animal Age, Marbling Score, Calpastatin Activity, Subprimal Cut, Calcium Injection, and Degree of Doneness on the Palatability of Steaks from Limousin Steers," reprint from Journal of Animal Science, vol. 74, pp. 569-576 Folder 1996
UA053.002-05-1769 Feeding Minerals to Livestock Important Reprint from South Dakota Hereford April Folder 1954
UA053.002-05-1772 Evaluation of Carboxymethylecellulose as an Injectable Carrier for Follicle Stimulating Hormone Folder 1973
UA053.002-05-1493 "Movements and behavior of pheasants during the breeding cycle as determined by radio-tracking," SDSU Thesis, 1968 Folder 1968
UA053.002-05-1495 "Characteristics of a grass pickerel (esox americanus vermiculatus) population in pony lake, nebraska," reprint from Journal of Freshwater Ecology, vol. 23, no. 3, pp. 497-500, September 2008 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1507 "Estimating summer fawn mortality of white-tailed deer using corpora albicantia and lactation status," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 81, pp. 201-210, 2002 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1508 "Maximum sustained yield harvest versus trophy management," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Management vol. 66 no. 2, pp. 528-535, 2002 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1509 "Variation in small mammal richness among ecotypes in eastern south dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 81, pp. 147-152, 2002 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1510 "Impact of crop harvest on small mammal populations in Brookings County, South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 81, pp. 39-45, 2002 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1522 "White-tailed deer carrying four fetuses in South Dakota," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 32 no. 4, pp. 247-248, December 2000 Folder 2000
UA053.002-05-1525 "Food Habits of coyotes inhabiting the black hills and surrounding prairies in western South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 95-108, 2001 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1527 "Use of natural vegetative barriers to limit expansion of black-tailed prairie dog towns," reprint from Proceedings of the 11th Wildlife Damage Management Conference, pp. 387-392, 2005 Folder 2005
UA053.002-05-1534 "Effects of grazing on small mammal abundance in eastern south dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 85, pp. 113-118, 2006 Folder 2006
UA053.002-05-1542 "Determinants of elephant distribution at Nazinga Game Ranch, Burkina Faso," reprint from Pachyderm, No. 42, January-June 2007 Folder 2007
UA053.002-05-1544 "Visual observation of Bobcat Predation on an adult female pronghorn in northwestern South Dakota," reprint from The American Midland Naturalist, vol. 160, no. 1, pp. 259-261 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1546 "Factors affecting road mortality of white-tailed deer in eastern South Dakota," reprint from Human-Wildlife Conflicts, vol. 2 no. 1, pp. 48-59, Spring 2008 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1547 "Selenium status and antibodies to selected pathogens in white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in southern Minnesota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, vol. 44 no.1, pp. 181-187 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1556 "Mortality of an adult cougar due to a forest fire," reprint from The Prairie Naturalist, vol. 36 no. 2, pp. 137-140, June 2004 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1560 "Congenital hypotrichosis in a white-tailed deer fawn from South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, vol. 40 no.1, pp. 145-149 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1561 "Distribution of Meningeal worm (Parelaphostrongylus tenuis) in South Dakota," reprint from Journal of Wildlife Diseases, vol. 40 no. 1, pp. 133-136 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1563 "Meningeal worm in a mule deer in South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 82, pp. 213-215 Folder 2003
UA053.002-05-1573 "Cervid forage utilization in noncommerically thinned ponderosa pine forests," reprint from Journal of Range Management, vol. 57 no. 5, pp. 435-441, September 2004 Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1576 "Female survival rates in a declining white-tailed deer population," reprint from Wildlife Society Bulletin, vol. 28 no. 4, pp. 1030-1037, Winter 2000 Folder 2000
UA053.002-05-1580 "Predictive evaluation of size restrictions as management strategies for Tennessee Reservoir crappie fisheries," reprint from North American Journal of Fisheries Management, vol. 22, pp. 1349-1357 Folder 2002
UA053.002-05-1581 "Soil-vegetation correlations in prairie potholes of Beadle and Deuel counties, South Dakota," U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 88(22), July Folder 1988
UA053.002-05-1582 "Glaciated prairie wetland functions and values: a synthesis of the literature," U. S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Report 88(43), September Folder 1988
UA053.002-05-1583 "Surface area - volume relationship of wetland basins in the interior of the Coteau des Prairies," reprint from Proc. S. D. Acad. Sci., vol. 61, pp. 154-158 Folder 1982
UA053.002-05-1586 "Importance of the social aspects of hunting: a comparison between resident and non-resident 1999 Black Hills deer hunters," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 80, pp. 267-281 Folder 2001
UA053.002-05-1587 "Invertebrate egg banks of restored, natural, and drained wetlands in the prairie pothole region of the United States," reprint from Wetlands, vol. 24 no. 3, pp. 562-572, September Folder 2004
UA053.002-05-1595 "Seasonal food habits of bluegills in richmond lake, South Dakota," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 78, pp. 79-85 Folder 1999
UA053.002-05-1600 "Morphological diversity among fishes in a Great Plains river drainage," reprint from Hydrobiologia, vol. 596, pp. 367-386 Folder 2008
UA053.002-05-1603 "Proceedings The Missouri River and its tributaries piping plover and least tern symposium/workshop," South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Nebraska Game and Parks Commision, Platte River Whooping Crane Maintenance Trust Folder 1993
UA053.002-05-1604 "Synthesis of the effects of upland management practices on waterfowl and other birds in the northern Great Plains of the U. S. and Canada," College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, WI, Wildlife Technical Report 1 Folder 2000
UA053.002-05-1605 "Avian use of natural versus planted woodlands in eastern South Dakota, USA," reprint from Natural Areas Journal, vol. 23, pp. 121-128 Folder 2003
UA053.002-05-1612 "Relative abundance of small mammals in sagebrush steppe habitats in relation to vegetation characteristics," reprint from Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science, vol. 84, pp. 157-169 Folder 2005