Extension Service Records [Box 52]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.4: B52-F008 Annual Report Folder 1977-1978
UA 5.4: B52-F010 Fact sheet 16: Hard Seed in Legumes - photos Folder 1958
UA 5.4: B52-F021 Fact sheet 172: Outdoor Recreation in the wagner Irrigation Unit - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F023 Fact sheet 183: Thinning Black Hills Pine - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F024 Fact sheet 187: Granular Insecticide Applications - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F028 Fact Shet 265: Pruning Black Hills Pine - photos Folder 1977
UA 5.4: B52-F034 Fact sheet 309: Stubble Mulching in South Dakota - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F040 Fact sheet 339: Weed Control in Corn - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F041 Fact sheet 340: Flood! - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F046 Fact sheet 352: Blizzard and Cold Weather Tips - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F054 Fact sheet 361: Freeze Branding - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F056 Fact sheet 373: Common Sheep Parasites - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F057 Fact sheet 375: Great Plains Conservation Program: Stabilize Your Land - Income - Future - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F061 Fact sheet 406: Urea for Dairy Cattle - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F069 Fact sheet 432: Fertilizing Corn in South Dakota - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F070 Fact sheet 435: Fertilizing Small Grain - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F074 Fact sheet 459: Physical Features of the Pollock-Herreid Irrigation Unit - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F075 Fact sheet 460: Udder Health and Mastitis - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F082 Fact sheet 493: Conservation Farming with Terraces - photos Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F085 Fact sheet 503: Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F099 4-H 132: 4-H Electric Project Member's Guide - Lighting & Electric Heat Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F101 4-H 134: Electric Project Member's Guide - Electronics Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F110 4-H Meeting Misery Solutions Folder undated
UA 5.4: B52-F001 Annual Accomplishment report Folder 1990
UA 5.4: B52-F004 Annual Accomplishment report Folder 1997
UA 5.4: B52-F005 Annual Goals and Supplements to Long-Range Plan of Work Folder 1966-1967
UA 5.4: B52-F006 Annual Goals and Supplements to Long-Range Plan of Work Folder 1968-1969
UA 5.4: B52-F007 Annual Report Folder 1961
UA 5.4: B52-F014 Fact sheet: 133: Special Purpose Water Districts - photos Folder 1962
UA 5.4: B52-F022 Fact sheet 182: Pure Live Seed - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F030 Fact sheet 302: Grazing Management Based on How Grasses Grow - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F031 Fact sheet 305: Weed Control in Corn - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F033 Fact sheet 308: Grain Sorghum Production - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F038 Fact sheet 337: Weed Control in Sorghum - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F042 Fact sheet 342: Checking Weed Sprayers - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F058 Fact sheet 377: Raising Dairy Calves - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F059 Fact sheet 381: Corn Rootworm Control in South Dakota with Notes of Wireworm and Cutworm Control - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F062 Fact sheet 411: Irrigation Well Construction - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F064 Fact sheet 422: Interseeding for Pasture and Range Improvement - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F066 Fact sheet 425: Fertilizing Pasture and Hayland - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F068 Fact sheet 429: Soybean Production - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F078 Fact sheet 483: Safe Use of Pesticides - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F084 Fact sheet 501: One-Way Disc Plow . . . Adustment and Operation Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F086 Fact sheet 523: Planting Corn in South Dakota Folder 1971
UA 5.4: B52-F087 Fact sheet 571: Cost Shared Programs for Wildlife Habitat Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F090 Fact sheet 592: Multi-jurisdictional Planning and Development Districts Folder 1973
UA 5.4: B52-F096 4-H 129: 4-H Electric Project - Leader's Guide Folder 1974
UA 5.4: B52-F097 4-H 130: 4-H Electric Project Member's Guide - Understanding Electricity Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F103 4-H Club Enrollment and Their Leaders Folder 1939
UA 5.4: B52-F104 4-H 140-141: Entomology Unit 1-2 Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F012 Fact sheet 75: On-the-Farm Swine Selection - photos Folder 1961
UA 5.4: B52-F016 Fact sheet 147: Producing Earlier Cantalopes in South Dakota - photos Folder 1962
UA 5.4: B52-F018 Fact sheet 149: A New Pepper: Peter Piper - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F019 Fact sheet 157: Cutting Posts and Poles for Profit - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F025 Fact sheet 197: Corn Smut - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F026 Fact sheet 203: Rural Zoning for economic Development - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F029 Fact sheet 290: Acidizing the Irrigation well - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F036 Fact sheet 312: Emergency and Late Planted Crops - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F037 Fact sheet 329: Field Crop Varities Recommended in South Dakota for 1967 - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F044 Fact sheet 348: Soybeans - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F045 Fact sheet 349: Corn Rootworm Control in South Dakota with Notes on Wireworm and Cutworm Control - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F049 Fact sheet 355: Fish and Wildlife - - Part of Your Wealth - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F051 Fact sheet 358: Chemical Weed Control in Trees - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F052 Fact sheet 359: South Dakota Small Watershed Development Under Public Law 566 - photographs Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F053 Fact sheet 360: Ventilation for Swine - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F063 Fact sheet 414: Chemical Weed Control in Trees - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F071 Fact sheet 436: Randall RC&S (Randall Resource Conservation): Welsome to a Better Place to Live - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F072 Fact sheet 441: Developing Replacement Beef Heifers - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F079 Fact sheet 488: Flax Production in South Dakota - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F080 Fact sheet 489: 1970 Vegetable Varieties for South Dakota - photos Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F081 Fact sheet 491: Corn Rootworm Control in Soutn Dakota with Notes on Wireworm an Cutworm Control - photos Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F083 Fact sheet 494: The Dilemma of South Dakota Youth Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F088 Fact sheet 577: South Dakota Poverty Data Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F095 The Plan: Report of the Citizens Review Committee of South Dakota Cooperative Extension Service - Draft 3 Folder 1985
UA 5.4: B52-F098 4-H 131: 4-H Electric Project Member's Guide - Wiring & Safety Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F100 4-H 133: Electric Motors & Shop Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F102 4-H 135: 4-H Electric Project Member's Guide - Electric Home Appliances Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F108 4-H Leader Training Guide, Topic: Feeding Baby Beef Folder undated
UA 5.4: B52-F109 4-H 90: Light Horse Project Folder 1990
UA 5.4: B52-F002 Annual Accomplishment report Folder 1995
UA 5.4: B52-F003 Annual Accomplishment report Folder 1996
UA 5.4: B52-F009 IRB Email Archive and Web Pages Folder 2001-2004
UA 5.4: B52-F011 Fact sheet 46: Insect Control in Stored Grain - photos Folder 1961
UA 5.4: B52-F013 Fact sheet 124: Pre-emergence Weed Control in Crops - photos Folder 1962
UA 5.4: B52-F015 Fact sheet 135: Common Sheep Parasites - photos Folder 1962
UA 5.4: B52-F017 Fact sheet 148: Pre-emergence Crabgrass Control - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F020 Fact sheet 161: Costs and Benefits of Developing the Wagner, Tower, and Greenwood Irrigation Units - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F027 Fact sheet 250: Fertilizer Facts - photos Folder 1977
UA 5.4: B52-F032 Fact sheet 306: Control to Elimination of Field Bindweed - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F035 Fact sheet 310: Selecting Swine Breeding Stock - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F039 Fact sheet 338: Weed control in Small Grain - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F043 Fact sheet 346: Spring Wheat Production - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F047 Fact sheet 353: Checking Small Plot Weed Spraying Equipment - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F048 Fact sheet 354: Lawns for South Dakota - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F050 Fact sheet 356: Growing Pickling Cucumbers - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F055 Fact sheet 366: Figuring Feeds for Swine - Photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F060 Fact sheet 403: Milk Production - photographs Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F065 Fact sheet 423: The Quality Look in Clothing Construction Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F067 Fact sheet 426: Chemical Weed Control in Pasture, Range, and Hayland - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F073 Fact sheet 456: Nature of Pansport and Their Improvement in Range - photos Folder 1969