Extension Service Records [Box 39]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.4: B39-F22 Publications: Stunts for Community Meetings [Special Extension Circular No. 40] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F26 Publications: Trends and Comparisons of South Dakota Land Values Tenancy and Taxes Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F27 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1980
UA 5.4: B39-F31 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1984
UA 5.4: B39-F36 Publications: Year's Progress with South Dakota's Farm Electric Test Line [Extension Circular 232] Folder 1925 December
UA 5.4: B39-F40 SD AgrAbility Project: Rural services directory Folder 2000
UA 5.4: B39-F03 Publications: South Dakota Agricultural Outlook [newsletter] Folder 1931-1959
UA 5.4: B39-F04 Publications: South Dakota Climate and Weather Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F06 Publications: South Dakota Farm and Ranch Economic Review Folder 1947 June-1952 April
UA 5.4: B39-F08 Publications: South Dakota Forest Resources Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B39-F12 Publications: South Dakota Natural Resources Newsletter Folder 1976 February-1980 March
UA 5.4: B39-F14 Publications: South Dakota Rural Youth Doings Folder 1957 June
UA 5.4: B39-F16 Publications: South Dakota Weekly Farm and Ranch Outlook Letter Folder 1952 July-1955 June
UA 5.4: B39-F17 Publications: South Dakota Y.M.W. Doings Folder 1957 July-1960 January
UA 5.4: B39-F19 Publications: S.T.A.T.E. Newsletter Folder 1980 January
UA 5.4: B39-F21 Publications: Stress on the Farm [newsletter] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F28 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1981
UA 5.4: B39-F29 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1982
UA 5.4: B39-F30 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1983
UA 5.4: B39-F32 Publications: Veterinary Newsletter Folder 1985 January-June
UA 5.4: B39-F01 Publications: South Dakota Agricultural Clearing Committee Folder 1938
UA 5.4: B39-F07 Publications: South Dakota Farm Facts from 1974 Census of Agriculture [FS 374] Folder 1975 circa
UA 5.4: B39-F10 Publications: South Dakota Future Homemakers of America Folder 1950
UA 5.4: B39-F13 Publications: South Dakota Rural Youth Folder 1954-1955
UA 5.4: B39-F18 Publications: Special Instructions for the Adjustments and the Care of the Sewing Machine [Special Circular No. 36] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F20 Publications: State Weed and Pest Control Conference [poster] Folder 1955
UA 5.4: B39-F24 Publications: Swine News Folder 1948 June-August
UA 5.4: B39-F34 Publications: What's Up? With the "Buzz" - Activities to Help Children Aged 10-12 Learn About the West Nile Virus [ESS 703] Folder 2003 April
UA 5.4: B39-F38 Publications: Youth Conference [program] Folder 1934
UA 5.4: B39-F39 SD AgrAbility Project: Pamphlet Folder 1995
UA 5.4: B39-F02 Publications: South Dakota Agricultural Conservation Handbook Folder 1940
UA 5.4: B39-F05 Publications: South Dakota Extension Service Faces the Challenge of Change [Extension Report No. 2] Folder circa 1955 circa
UA 5.4: B39-F09 Publications: South Dakota Forestry News Folder 1961 December
UA 5.4: B39-F11 Publications: South Dakota Green Scene Folder 1995 January-1997 July
UA 5.4: B39-F15 Publications: South Dakota State College and Its Extension Service [pamphlet] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F23 Publications: Supervisors Weed Schools Folder 1978
UA 5.4: B39-F25 Publications: Swine Production - A Manual for Pig Club Members [Special Extension Circular No. 12] Folder 1931 May
UA 5.4: B39-F33 Publications: What Weight to Market Hogs Folder undated
UA 5.4: B39-F35 Publications: Which Is More Profitable Cream of Milk? Folder 1957
UA 5.4: B39-F37 Publications: Your Appointment Folder 1962