Distance Education Programs and Administrative Records [Series 2]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B10-F11 Electronic University Consortium Sept. Retreat Folder 2009
B10-F14 Great Plains Interactive Distance Education Alliance FIPSE Information (2 of 3) Folder 2001
B10-F18 Participant Evaluation SDSU Continuing & Extended Education Folder 2008
B10-F26 Tax Update Coordinators Book (2 of 2) Folder 2011
B11-F06 Tri-State Graduate Center Folder 2008
B11-F07 Annual Report Folder 2015-2018
B12 Distance Education Programs and Administrative Records [Box 12] Box
B12-F001 ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Folder 2004
B12-F002 ACI Concrete Field Testing Technician Certification Folder 2004
B12-F010 Boyer, Ernest Teleconference "The Future of Higher Education: Creating the New American College" Folder 1995
B12-F011 Celebrating Life Through Painting and Writing Workshop Folder 2003
B12-F023 CYFAR Folder 2000
B12-F031 Department of Education and Cultural Affairs Advanced Placement Biology Folder 2001
B12-F041 Domestic and Sexual Violence Folder 1998
B12-F049 Graduate Assistant Orientation Folder 1997
B12-F050 Graduate Assistant Orientation Folder 1998
B12-F052 Head Start Conference Folder 2001
B12-F054 Hiroshima Chico Women's Junior College and SDSU ESL Agreement Folder 1998
B12-F057 Innovative Journey Folder 1998
B12-F059 Leadership Plenty Horizon's Leadership Program Folder 2004-2005
B12-F061 Making the Most of Your School-Age Program Folder 1998
B12-F062 Management Associates Folder 1989, 1991, 1994, 1997, 1998
B12-F064 Master Gardener Training Folder 2005
B12-F068 Moyers on Addiction: Close to Home Folder 1998
B12-F069 Moyers on Addiction: Close to Home Folder 1998-1999
B12-F084 Paralegal Certificate Course Folder 1999 Spring
B12-F091 Salesperson Skills Folder 2001
B12-F096 SD Board of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrations Folder 2003
B12-F098 SD Coalition for Children "Our Children Now" Conference Folder 1999
B12-F103 SDPRA Annual Conference Folder 2005
B12-F108 SD Parks and Recreation Association Maintenance Seminar Folder 2003
B12-F115 Selling Skills Workshop Folder 2004-2005
B12-F120 Service Management Workshop Folder 2005-2006
B12-F125 Service Writer Workshop Folder 2003-2004
B12-F128 Spader Companies Folder 2000-2001
B12-F133 Straight from the Source Folder 1999
B13-F03 Tax Update Mitchell Folder 1998
B13-F07 Tax Update Sioux Falls Folder 1998
B13-F10 Tax Update Yankton Folder 1998
B13-F15 Total Management Workshop Folder 1998
B13-F19 Total Management Workshops Folder 2003-2004
B13-F24 University Week for Women Folder 1999
B13-F25 University Week for Women Folder 2000
B13-F26 University Week for Women Folder 2001
B13-F28 Update for Tax Practitioners Folder 2000-2001