DeLong, H.H. (Henry Herbert)

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DeLong, H.H. (Henry Herbert)

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        Henry Delong was born on Dec. 9, 1905, in Spink County South Dakota. Delong graduated from Redfield High School in 1924. He received his Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture from South Dakota State University in 1928 and his Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture engineering in 1938. Delong completed his Master of Science degree in agriculture engineering at the University of Minnesota in 1941.
        Henry married Mary M. Louise Franks on July 28, 1933, in Fulton, South Dakota.

        Delong’s professional career was almost entirely at South Dakota State University. From student research assistant, professor then professor emeritus in 1973. His duties during this time were teaching, research and being head of the department.
        Delong was department head from 1946-1956. He was also one of the first agricultural engineers to be recognized at the Fifth Annual Distinguished Engineers Banquet at SDSU. Delong gained worldwide recognition for his classification of rammed earth; a procedure originally designed for affordable poultry coups. Delong credits his application from working with R.L. Patty, and Patty’s research of pise’ de terre, French for rammed earth.

        Professor Henry Delong died Tuesday, Nov. 22, 1988. At Brookings Hospital.


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