Daschle Senate Papers - Box 91

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B091-F01 Correspondence: Re-election congratulations Folder 1992-10-01 to 1992-11-10
DA 2: B091-F02 Correspondence: Re-election congratulations Folder 1992-11-11 to 1992-11-30
DA 2: B091-F04 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota and national - Rate information Folder 1989
DA 2: B091-F09 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota and national - Cable in the Classroom Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B091-F10 Telecommunications: Copyright Office Proposed Rulemaking Docket No. RM 86-7B - Wireless cable systems Folder 1991
DA 2: B091-F15 Indecent advertising: Obscene broadcasting - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) enforcement Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B091-F05 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota and national - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B091-F12 Telecommunications: Radio spectrum allocation - S. 1372, H.R. 73, S.218 Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B091-F17 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ruling: Television syndication - Press, correspondence Folder 1991
DA 2: B091-F20 Bell Operating Companies (BOC) restrictions: Economic Impact of BOC Participation in the Information Services Industry - HR. 5096, Representative Brooks Folder 1992
DA 2: B091-F23 S. 652: Telephone Privacy Act of 1991 - Senator Kohl statement in Congressional Record - Caller ID Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B091-F24 Telemarketing bills: S. 1410, S.1462 - Consumer rights - Legislation, background information Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B091-F03 Correspondence: Re-election congratulations Folder 1992-12 to 1993-01
DA 2: B091-F06 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota and national - Lansman-Milam petition - RM-2493 Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B091-F07 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B091-F11 Senate Conference Committee: Budget reconciliation - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Transfer Fees Folder 1987
DA 2: B091-F14 S.1207: Radio License Renewal and Improvements Act of 1989 - Daschle co-sponsor Folder 1989
DA 2: B091-F18 Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Local access charges - Equal-charge provision - DialNet correspondence, background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B091-F08 Telecommunications: Cable television - South Dakota and national - Information pack Folder 1984-1991
DA 2: B091-F13 Sioux Valley Rural Television, Inc.: Multichannel Multipoint Distribution Service - Cable television licenses - Correspondence, lawsuit Folder 1992
DA 2: B091-F16 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules: Radio station start-up - Applications, instructions Folder 1991
DA 2: B091-F19 South Dakota Public Utilities Commission (PUC): Report on Telecommunication Company Operations for the Year 1991 Folder 1992-08
DA 2: B091-F21 Saudi Arabian surcharge on American troop telephone calls: South Dakota Public Utilities Commission resolution Folder 1991
DA 2: B091-F22 Phone tapping legislation: Draft bill Folder 1992
DA 2: B091-F25 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on competition in the U.S. long-distance industry (Docket 90-132) - AT&T correspondence Folder 1991