Daschle Senate Papers - Box 641

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B641-F07 Ellsworth: Lyle Lewis- Armored Response Vehicles Peacekeeper Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F27 SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) Folder 1990
DA 2: B641-F12 International Economic Assistance: Daschle Policy Options Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F14 CHAMPUS (Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services): Copayment Waiver Task Force Folder 1992
DA 2: B641-F18 FY 1991 Budget Priorities Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F26 Arms Control & Votes Folder 1991
DA 2: B641-F02 Douglas Schools Folder 1986
DA 2: B641-F05 Ellsworth AFB (Air Force Base): AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone), Box Elder Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F09 Ellsworth: Reserve Police (Rapid City) Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F25 Arms Control 102nd Folder 1987
DA 2: B641-F08 Mobile Home- Military Personnel Ellsworth Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F22 Chemical Weapons Folder 1987
DA 2: B641-F24 INF (Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces) Treaty: U.S.- Soviet Treaty Compliance/Violations Folder 1993
DA 2: B641-F13 Democracy Day/Election Day Folder 1989
DA 2: B641-F15 Bills: Constitutional Amendment to Balance the Budget Folder 1991
DA 2: B641-F17 FY 1989 Budget Folder 1988
DA 2: B641-F21 FY 1988 Arms Control Strategy Group Folder 1992
DA 2: B641-F23 Indians: Weekly Meetings w/ Robert & Sam Folder 1990
DA 2: B641-F04 Ellsworth AFB (Air Force Base) Folder 1987-1989
DA 2: B641-F16 FY 1988 Budget Folder 1987
DA 2: B641-F01 EAFB (Ellsworth Air Force Base): B-1B, AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone) Line, Douglas Schools- Aspen Trip, Community Impact Folder 1994
DA 2: B641-F03 Douglas Schools Folder 1987
DA 2: B641-F11 Persian Gulf Policy (pre-war) Folder 1989
DA 2: B641-F19 FY 1993 Budget President's Proposal Folder 1990
DA 2: B641-F06 Ellsworth: Civilian Furlough Folder 1992
DA 2: B641-F10 Trade Adjustment Assistance- 1989 Imprimis Closing Folder 1987
DA 2: B641-F20 FY 1993 Budget Resolution Folder 1992