Daschle Senate Papers - Box 64

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B064-F04 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000-06
DA 2: B064-F08 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000
DA 2: B064-F15 Ethanol and EPA (Environmental Protection Agency): Tax incentive extension - Surface Transportation Reauthorization bill Folder 1996-1998
DA 2: B064-F22 Climate Change Policy Initiative: Energy tax cuts, credits, incentives Folder 1998
DA 2: B064-F25 S. 2617: Credit for Voluntary Early Action Act - Clean Air Act amendment Folder 1999
DA 2: B064-F27 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC): Kyoto Protocol - Transmittal of treaty Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F28 Support for unilateral action to curb global warming: Polling of public attitudes on climate change Folder 1997
DA 2: B064-F05 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000
DA 2: B064-F19 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) analysis of ethanol and ETBE in transportation fuels, tax incentive Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F02 Reformulated gasoline (RFG) requirements of Clean Air Act: MTBE/Oxygenate proposal - Renewable fuels Folder 1999
DA 2: B064-F06 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000
DA 2: B064-F07 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000
DA 2: B064-F10 Ethanol tax incentive extension: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1998 (S. 1173) Folder 1995-1999
DA 2: B064-F12 Ethanol tax incentive extension: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1998 (S. 1173) Environmental impact Folder 1999
DA 2: B064-F13 Importation of antique curio and relic firearms from Korea: Blue Sky Productions, Inc. Folder 1987-1999
DA 2: B064-F14 Bioclean Fuels Inc.: 1997-1998 strategy for ethanol, ETBE and RFG (Reforumlated gasoline) Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F16 Reformulated gasoline (RFG): Ethers (ETBE, MTBE) - Emissions benefits - Tax incentive Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F17 E85: 85 percent ethanol fuel blends - Midwest ethanol fueling stations Folder 1996-1997
DA 2: B064-F18 One-psi ethanol waiver under Section 211(h) of the Clean Air Act - One-pound waiver Folder 1992-1995
DA 2: B064-F21 S. 47, H.R. 858: Fair pay for firefighters Folder 1994
DA 2: B064-F24 Endangered Species Act (ESA) reauthorization: Draft legislation Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F01 Reformulated gasoline (RFG) requirements of Clean Air Act: MTBE/Oxygenate proposal - Renewable fuels Folder 1999
DA 2: B064-F03 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000-01 to 2001-05
DA 2: B064-F09 S. 2503: Renewable Fuels Act of 2000 - Ethanol - MTBE water contamination Folder 2000
DA 2: B064-F11 Ethanol tax incentive extension: Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1998 (S. 1173) Economic impact Folder 1997-1998
DA 2: B064-F20 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Enhancement Act of 1996 - Funding initiative - Draft legislation Folder 1996
DA 2: B064-F23 Clean Water Act violations: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforcement Folder 1995
DA 2: B064-F26 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC): Kyoto Protocol - Agricultural concerns Folder 1998-1999