Daschle Senate Papers - Box 63

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B063-F03 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) decision: South Dakota wetlands Folder 1999
DA 2: B063-F04 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) decision: South Dakota wetlands Folder 1999-07 to 1999-10
DA 2: B063-F12 Low-level radioactive waste: Ward Valley, California Folder 1996
DA 2: B063-F14 Takings legislation: Private property owner rights - H.R. 1534, S. 605 (104th Congress), H.R. 1534, S. 1204 (105th Congress) Folder 1992-1994
DA 2: B063-F15 Takings legislation: Private property owner rights - H.R. 1534, S. 605 (104th Congress), H.R. 1534, S. 1204 (105th Congress) Folder 1995-1997
DA 2: B063-F18 Ethanol as an aviation fuel: Max Shauck, Baylor University Folder 1994-1995
DA 2: B063-F19 H.R. 3136: Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act of 1996 - Regulatory reform Folder 1996
DA 2: B063-F21 S. 981: Regulatory Improvement Act of 1998 - Levin bill Folder 1997-1999
DA 2: B063-F05 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) decision: South Dakota wetlands Folder 1999-2000
DA 2: B063-F06 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) decision: South Dakota wetlands Folder 1994-2000
DA 2: B063-F10 Wetlands reform: Research Folder 1995-1997
DA 2: B063-F02 Wetlands: U.S. Department of the Interior recommendations for amending NRCS and FSA rules for waterways, wetlands, buffers, and filter strips in CRP (Conservation Reserve Program) Folder 1999
DA 2: B063-F07 Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) decision: South Dakota wetlands Folder 1956-1999
DA 2: B063-F11 Clean Water Act Section 404 permitting program: Wetlands Folder 1996-1997
DA 2: B063-F13 United Sioux Tribes employment assistance programs: Recontracting budget request - Bureau of Indian Affairs. June Folder 1998
DA 2: B063-F16 Takings legislation: Private property owner rights - H.R. 1534, S. 605 (104th Congress) - H.R. 1534, S. 1204 (105th Congress) Folder 1994-1997
DA 2: B063-F17 Transfer of U.S. Forest Service grassland in Corson County, South Dakota to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Folder 1984-1994
DA 2: B063-F01 South Dakota Board of Water Management: Revisions to Surface Water Quality Standards Folder 1997
DA 2: B063-F08 Wetlands reform: Correspondence Folder 1995-2000
DA 2: B063-F09 Wetlands reform: Legislation Folder 1994-1997
DA 2: B063-F20 Regulatory reform: 104th and 105th Congress - H.R. 994, S. 343 (104th Congress) - S. 981 (105th Congress) Folder 1994-1998
DA 2: B063-F22 S. 981: Regulatory Improvement Act of 1998 - Levin bill Folder 1997-1999