Daschle Senate Papers - Box 258

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B258-F01 Forest Service appeals Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F04 RCRA (Resources Conservation and Recovery Act) Reauthorization: Phosphate waste Folder 1991
DA 2: B258-F09 Forest Service appeals Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F12 Baucus Fossil bill: Paleontological Resources Protection Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F13 Blackfooted Ferret reintroduction Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F19 S. 1687: Indian Tribal Government Waste Management Act of 1992 Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F24 Gasoline price fixing: South Dakota - Correspondence Folder 1986-1992
DA 2: B258-F25 Gas prices: Profits Folder 1986-1991
DA 2: B258-F27 Mellette County medical waste Folder 1991
DA 2: B258-F30 Mining: Black Hills hydrology Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B258-F05 Grazing fees: Background material Folder 1992-01 to 1992-04
DA 2: B258-F07 Grazing fees: Correspondence Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F18 Yucca Mountain: Correspondence Folder 1991
DA 2: B258-F21 Mereen Johnson alleged chemical dumping Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F31 Gas Price Investigation Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B258-F02 S. 3107: The Vertebrate Paleontological Resources (Fossils) Protection Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F06 Grazing fees: Background material Folder 1992-05 to 1992-06
DA 2: B258-F11 Garbage: General Folder 1990
DA 2: B258-F20 RSW: Walworth Dump Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F26 Oil prices: Market share data Folder 1986-1991
DA 2: B258-F29 Mining: Water quality Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B258-F03 RCRA (Resources Conservation and Recovery Act) Reauthorization Folder 1989
DA 2: B258-F08 USFS (U.S. Forest Service)-Small Tracts Act - TIP (Technical Information Project) Folder 1989
DA 2: B258-F10 Thomas A. Daschle environmental positions Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B258-F14 Black Hills Hydrology Study Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B258-F15 Jeffords-Daschle wetlands: Correspondence Folder 1991
DA 2: B258-F16 Antarctica: Protection as a global ecological commons Folder 1989
DA 2: B258-F17 Ash: Environmental information Folder 1987
DA 2: B258-F22 Boyd County: Nuclear waste dump Folder 1992
DA 2: B258-F23 Gasoline price fixing: South Dakota - Background material Folder 1986-1991
DA 2: B258-F28 Nuclear waste negotiator Folder 1991-1992