Daschle Senate Papers - Box 218

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B218-F06 Coalition Against Domestic Violence: Funding cut Folder 1995
DA 2: B218-F12 S. 1526 Indian Fish-Wildlife Resource Management: Correspondence, memoranda, press Folder 1993-1994
DA 2: B218-F14 S. 1526 Indian Fish-Wildlife Resource Management: Legislative activity Folder 1993-1994
DA 2: B218-F15 Farm Bill reauthorization: Impact in Indian country Folder 1994-1995
DA 2: B218-F21 Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) Folder 1990-1995
DA 2: B218-F27 Oglala Sioux Tribe: The Specialized Technical Assistance Team at Work Folder 1993
DA 2: B218-F28 Department of Labor CETA (Comprehensive Employment and Training Act) Debts - Rosebud Folder 1991-1994
DA 2: B218-F30 Phil Hogan - National Indian Gaming Commission Folder 1995
DA 2: B218-F05 Affirmative Action: Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)-Indian Health Service (IHS) hiring preference Folder 1993-1995
DA 2: B218-F07 Indian Child Protection and Family Violence Prevention Act: Implementation oversight hearing Folder 1990-1994
DA 2: B218-F08 Boys & Girls Club: Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST) and Standing Rock Folder 1995
DA 2: B218-F11 S. 1526 Fish & Wildlife Resource Management: Integrated Resource Management Planning Act, S. 1936 (McCain's) Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F23 Committee Hearing Reauthorization of Elementary-Secondary Education. Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F24 Oglala Sioux Tribe: Visitor Center Museum Proposal Folder 1994-1995
DA 2: B218-F26 Oglala Sioux Tribe: Indian Health Service backpay claims Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F02 S. 521 H.R. 1268: Indian Tribal Justice Act Folder 1993
DA 2: B218-F03 S. Res. 116: Recognizing and commending the Lakota and Dakota code-talkers - 104th Congress Folder 1995
DA 2: B218-F09 AmeriCorps funding: General Convention of Sioux YMCAs Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F10 S. 1526 Fish & Wildlife Resource Management: Native American Cooperative Education and Training Program Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F16 Mni Wiconi Act amendments: Water project Folder 1988-1995
DA 2: B218-F19 S. 720: Open dump clean-up on Indian lands Folder 1987-1994
DA 2: B218-F20 S. 442: Indian Dams Safety Act of 1993 Folder 1992-1993
DA 2: B218-F25 Oglala Sioux Tribe: Public Safety Folder 1992-1994
DA 2: B218-F01 Rapid City Office of Hearings and Appeals: Office closing Folder 1994
DA 2: B218-F04 Peever School: Closure Folder 1990-1996
DA 2: B218-F13 S. 1526 Indian Fish-Wildlife Resource Management: Hearings Folder 1993-1994
DA 2: B218-F17 Standing Rock grasslands: Indian submarginal lands transfer Folder 1993-1994
DA 2: B218-F18 Rosebud and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribes: Prairie dog management funding Folder 1992-1994
DA 2: B218-F22 Indian Self-Determination Contract Reform Act of 1994 Folder 1993-1996
DA 2: B218-F29 Oglala Sioux Tribe Farmers Home Administration (FmHA): Write-off Folder 1995
DA 2: B218-F31 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Folder 1988-1995