Daschle Senate Papers - Box 149

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B149-F12 U.S.-Soviet trade agreement: Food aid - Agricultural commodities - Correspondence, memoranda, notes Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B149-F14 U.S.-Soviet trade agreement: Food aid - Agricultural commodities - Senate Finance Committee hearing, statements, testimony, related documents Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F16 U.S.-Soviet trade: Export Credit Guarantee program - Agricultural commodities - Background information, correspondence, press Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B149-F18 Uruguay Round negotiations: Antidumping changes to U.S trade law - Background information - Briefing book Folder 1987-1990
DA 2: B149-F19 Uruguay Round negotiations: Antidumping changes to U.S trade law - Background information - Emergency Committee for American Trade - Amendments, briefing book Folder 1987
DA 2: B149-F04 International trade issues: Super 301 reauthorization - Unfair competition - Correspondence, background information - legislation Folder 1992
DA 2: B149-F05 International trade bills: 102nd Congress - House of Representatives Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B149-F08 Super 301 reauthorization: Post-Soviet transformation - Background information, Congressional Research Service publications Folder 1989-1992
DA 2: B149-F10 S. 2764: Fair Trade Enforcement Act of 1992 - Daschle sponsor - Correspondence, Congressional Record statement Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F07 Super 301 reauthorization: Post-Soviet transformation - Background information, correspondence Folder 1989-1992
DA 2: B149-F09 S. 2764: Fair Trade Enforcement Act of 1992 - Daschle sponsor - Background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F17 Uruguay Round negotiations: Antidumping changes to U.S trade law - Background information Folder 1987-1992
DA 2: B149-F02 Trade and Technology Forging a Consensus: Semiconductor Industry Association Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F03 International trade issues: Super 301 reauthorization - Unfair competition - Correspondence, background information - legislation Folder 1989-1991
DA 2: B149-F06 International trade bills: 102nd Congress - Senate Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B149-F11 U.S.-Soviet trade agreement: Food aid - Agricultural commodities - Background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F13 U.S.-Soviet trade agreement: Food aid - Agricultural commodities - Press Folder 1991
DA 2: B149-F01 Soviet Union and Eastern Europe: EC 92 and Beyond - Origin requirements, free trade agreement - Daschle remarks at Northern State University - Background, correspondence Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B149-F15 S. Res. 117: U.S Agricultural Export Credit Guarantees of the USSR: Soviet credit - Jackson-Vanick amendment Folder 1987-1991