Daschle Senate Papers - Box 136

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B136-F08 Area mail processing strategy: Background information Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F09 Area mail processing strategy: Committee publications Folder 1990-1991
DA 2: B136-F11 Area mail processing strategy: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989 - Public Law 101-239 Folder 1989
DA 2: B136-F12 Sponsored legislation: S. 238 - The Agent Orange Act of 1991 -Statements, Public Law 102-4 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F21 Sponsored legislation: S. 853 - Temporarily suspend the duty on ceramic mugs - Daschle amendment to U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F22 Sponsored legislation: S. 854 - Temporarily suspend the duty on porcelain ornaments - Daschle amendment to U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F23 Sponsored legislation: S. 879 - Tax treatment of certain income for telephone cooperatives Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F24 Sponsored legislation: S. 897 - Nursing School Clinics Act of 1991 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F36 Sponsored legislation: S. 1770 - Convey Black Hills National Forest surplus property to the Black Hills Workshop and Training Center Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F42 Sponsored legislation: S. 2174 - Fair Market Standards Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F46 Sponsored legislation: S. 2537 - Vocational flight training benefits for veterans Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F47 S. 2640: Medigap - Medicare supplemental insurance - Background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F48 Sponsored legislation: S. 2977 - Indian Agricultural Resources Management Act of 1992 Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F51 Sponsored legislation: S. 3213 - Chief Big Foot and Wounded Knee National Memorials - Daschle and Pressler, sponsors Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F53 Sponsored legislation: S. 3379 - Alcohol fuels credit Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F54 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 1771 - Budget deficit reduction Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F60 Sponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 2585 to S. 2884 - Air force Ranch Hand study of the heat effects of Agent Orange Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B136-F61 Sponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 2885 to S. 110 - Debt reduction sequestration of congressional and executive level salaries Folder 1990
DA 2: B136-F65 Sponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 3225 to H.R. 11 - Self-employed VI benefits - Daschle amendment included in Bentsen's amendment Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F69 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 1188 to H.R. 3743 - Military aid to El Salvador - Murder of Jesuit priests Folder 1989
DA 2: B136-F71 Cosponsored legislation: S.Res. 94 - Humanitarian crisis in Sudan Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F76 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 50 - National Rehabilitation Week Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F82 Cosponsored legislation: S. 175 - Make special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children (WIC) an entitlement program Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F84 Cosponsored legislation: S. 297 - Air Force Memorial bill Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F85 Cosponsored legislation: S. 340 - Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act amendment Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F86 Cosponsored legislation: S. 382 - Extension of emergency unemployment compensation Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F87 Sponsored legislation: S. 389 - Solid Waste Disposal Act amendment Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F88 Cosponsored legislation: S. 455 - Payment In Lieu of Tax Act: Daschle cosponsor Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F98 Cosponsored legislation: S. 2113 - Restore Second Amendment rights Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F13 Sponsored legislation: S. 256 - National Guard and Selected Reserve Educational Fairness Act - Introduction Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F15 Sponsored legislation: S. 614 - Coverage of chiropractic services under Medicare Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F27 Sponsored legislation: S. 1157 - Energy investment credit for solar energy and geothermal - Daschle amendment to IRS Code of 1986 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F28 Sponsored legislation: S. 1168 - Nebraska-South Dakota Bridge Demonstration Project Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F31 Sponsored legislation: S. 1364 - Employee Benefits Simplification and Expansion Act - Correspondence Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F34 Sponsored legislation: S. 1677 - Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Act of 1991 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F35 Sponsored legislation: S. 1854 - Incorporate Rosebud Sioux Reservation into Mni Wiconi Rural Water Supply Project Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F44 Sponsored legislation: S. 2474 - Exchange of lands in South Dakota and Colorado Folder 1990
DA 2: B136-F49 Sponsored legislation: S. 3183 - Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Prevention Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F58 Sponsored legislation: S. Res. 279 - Establish Commission on Senate Perquisites Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F64 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 3221 to H.R. 11 - Tax exclusion for farmers participating in Stewardship Incentive Program (SIP) - Tree planting Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F66 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 33 to S. 578 - Military personnel benefits for persons serving during Operation Desert Storm - Supplemental Appropriations Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F70 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 794 to H.R. 2519 - Failed bank financial disclosure Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F73 Cosponsored legislation: S.Con.Res. 24 - Russian troop removal from the Baltics Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F77 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res. 52 - National Hospice Month Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F78 Cosponsored legislation: S. 11 - Violence Against Women Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F91 Sponsored legislation: S. 484 - Medicaid Substance Abuse Treatment Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F01 Romanian adoptions: Background information Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B136-F02 Romanian adoptions: Correspondence, memoranda, notes Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B136-F04 Romanian persecution: Background information Folder 1991-1992
DA 2: B136-F05 Peace Corps information Folder 1990
DA 2: B136-F07 Area mail processing strategy: Background information Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F16 Sponsored legislation: S. 650 - Strengthen U.S. Trade Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F18 Sponsored legislation: S. 754 - Indian trust income Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F19 Sponsored legislation: S. 828 - Inspection of imported meat and poultry - Daschle amendment to Federal Meat Inspection Act Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F26 Sponsored legislation: S. 922 - Tax treatment of energy conservation measures by electric utility customers Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F30 Sponsored legislation: S. 1245 - Amortization of Intangibles Clarification Act - Correspondence Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F32 Sponsored legislation: S. 1438 - Defense cost-sharing agreements with foreign nations Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F33 Sponsored legislation: S. 1559 - Temporary duty suspension for clomiphene citrate Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F37 Sponsored legislation: S. 1842 - Medicaid reimbursements to nurse practitioners and clinical nurse specialists - Correspondence Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F41 Sponsored legislation: S. 2100 - Tax treatment of renewable energy - Congressional Record Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F50 Sponsored legislation: S. 3200 - Government Employee Labor Rights Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F52 Sponsored legislation: S. 3280 - National Health Safety Net Infrastructure Act Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F55 Sponsored legislation: S. 138 - Tax treatment of loggers' travel expenses Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F57 Sponsored legislation: S. 141 - Extension of solar and geothermal energy tax credits through 1996 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F59 Sponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 3213 to H.R. 11 - Study of Japan's capital and securities markets Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F67 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 829 to H.R. 2990 - Impact Aid Folder 1989
DA 2: B136-F72 Cosponsored legislation: S.Con.Res. 19 - North Korean withdrawal to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F80 Cosponsored legislation: S. 70 - National Writing Project Reauthorization Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F89 Sponsored legislation: S. 466 - Medicaid Nursing Incentive Act Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F90 Cosponsored legislation: S. 482 - Outpatient medical care for Prisoners of War (POWs) Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F92 Cosponsored legislation: S. 538 - Long-Term Care Insurance Consumer Protection Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F94 Cosponsored legislation: S. 833 and S. 834 -F3795 Primary Health Care Practitioner Incentive Act and Physician Assistant Incentive Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F95 S. 2044: Native American Languages Act of 1992 Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F97 Cosponsored legislation: S. 1268 - Retiree Health Benefits Protection Act of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F03 Romanian adoptions: Press Folder 1990-1992
DA 2: B136-F06 Arts: National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) information Folder 1992-1994
DA 2: B136-F10 Area mail processing strategy: Dakota Central proposal Folder undated
DA 2: B136-F14 Sponsored legislation: S. 500 - No negative impact of medical care provided by private facilities to active duty Armed Forces members - Legislation, introduction Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F17 Sponsored legislation: S. 753 - Amendment relating to Indian health care Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F20 Sponsored legislation: S. 852 - Temporarily suspend the duty on non-metal jewelry - Daschle amendment to U.S. Harmonized Tariff Schedule Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F25 Sponsored legislation: S. 916 - National Weather Service modernization Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F29 Sponsored legislation: S. 1190 - Mileage rate for charitable use - Daschle amendment to IRS Code of 1986 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F38 Sponsored legislation: S. 1861 - Foreign Capital and Securities Market Study Act of 1991 Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F39 Sponsored legislation: S. 1879 - Sioux Ranger District Boundary Adjustment - Custer National Forest Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F40 Sponsored legislation: S. 1901 - Election Day holiday called Democracy Day Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F43 Sponsored legislation: S. 2342 - Litigation by Sioux tribes - Congressional Record Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F45 Sponsored legislation: S. 2513 - American Health Security Plan Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F56 Sponsored legislation: S. 139 - Tax treatment of health insurance costs for self-employed individuals Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F62 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 824 to S. 1435 - Moratorium on U.S. arm sales to the Middle East Folder 1991
DA 2: B136-F63 Sponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 2977 to H.R. 5488 - Crazy Horse Malt Liquor Folder 1992
DA 2: B136-F68 Cosponsored legislation: S.Amdt. 3066 to H.R. 5114 - Egyptian debt relief Folder 1990
DA 2: B136-F74 Cosponsored legislation: S.Con.Res. 26 - Many Neighbors, One Earth - Sustainable development Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F75 Cosponsored legislation: S.J.Res 36 - National Agriculture Day Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F79 Cosponsored legislation: S. 55 - Striker replacement bill - Labor Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F81 Cosponsored legislation: S. 104 - National center for sleep disorders research Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F83 Cosponsored legislation: S. 176 - Medicare Amendments of 1993 Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F93 Cosponsored legislation: S. 549 - United States One Dollar Coin Act Folder 1993
DA 2: B136-F96 Sponsored legislation: S. 1094 - Extend eligibility for medical care for veterans exposed to dioxin or ionizing radiation Folder 1993