Daschle Senate Papers - Box 116

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 2: B116-F01 Lake Thompson wetland acquisition: Correspondence with Senator Byrd - Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F02 Corps of Engineers Field Archeologist for South Dakota and North Dakota: Elimination of position - Correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F04 Essential Air Service (EAS): Funding - Department of Transportation rule-making - Daschle press release, statement, correspondence, background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F10 Housing and education benefits at Ellworth Air Force Base - Press release, background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F16 Fighter Support-Experimental (FSX) sale to Japan: Press, Daschle statement, background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F19 Grain quality: Exports to Russia - Press clips, background information Folder 1990
DA 2: B116-F20 Gun control: Daschle press release - Memoranda, background information Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B116-F32 Secretary of Defense Cheney visit to Ellsworth Air Force Base (EAFB): Daschle press release Folder 1990
DA 2: B116-F36 Commercial License requirements: Exempt farm vehicles - Daschle press releases, background information Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B116-F37 Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program: Background information Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F39 Conservation Reserve Program legislation: Daschle statement Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F44 Deficit reduction: Economic effects of budget reduction - Economic development - Background information, press clips Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F46 Douglas School District project at Ellsworth Air Force Base, South Dakota: Daschle press release, background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F49 Abortion: Press clip Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F53 Agent Orange: Correspondence Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B116-F61 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Press clips Folder 1988-01 to 1988-04
DA 2: B116-F62 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Press clips Folder 1988-05 to 1988-08
DA 2: B116-F63 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Press clips Folder 1988-09 to 1988-12
DA 2: B116-F09 Communication use fees - Electronic users Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F14 Black Hills National Forest thinning project: Environmental impact, community road - Correspondence, memoranda Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F17 Gas prices: Alaska oil tanker spill - Memo Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F18 Global warming: Daschle statement Folder undated
DA 2: B116-F28 Byrd steps aside as Democrat Majority Leader: Tribute in Congressional Record Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F30 S. 927: Federal Cave Resources Protection Act - Daschle introduction before the Senate Energy Subcommittee on Public Lands, National Parks, and Forests Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F31 Chase Manhattan acquisition in Rapid City: Memoranda Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F38 Construction Bulletin commentary: Correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F40 Dakota Dunes Golf Course: Invitation to speak Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F41 Daschle Medicaid bill: Assistance for pregnant women and children - Daschle press release Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F42 Daschle trip to China: Trade opportunities for U.S. agricultural products - Press release Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F51 Agricultural Credit Act hearing: Press clips, release Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F52 Agent Orange: Correspondence Folder 1986-1987
DA 2: B116-F55 Agent Orange: Press releases Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B116-F64 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Press clips Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F03 Brohm Mining expansion in Black Hills National Forest: Technical Information Project - Press Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F06 Economic development in South Dakota: Korean, Japanese trade delegations - Press releases and clips Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B116-F13 Federal Crop Insurance Commission Act of 1988: Background information Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F23 Hisega: Black Hills land exchange - Correspondence, press, background information Folder 1987
DA 2: B116-F25 Richard Hopewell: South Dakota farm lawsuit Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F26 1990 Federal budget: Biennial Budget Act - Background information, correspondence Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F27 Senate Recording Studio - Video town meeting Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F29 Campaign: Partisan tactics - Memoranda, background information Folder 1989-1990
DA 2: B116-F33 Child care op-ed: Outline, Daschle statement, background information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F34 Clean Air Act Amendments: Background information, Daschle comments Folder 1990
DA 2: B116-F43 Debt mediation: Notes Folder undated
DA 2: B116-F45 Diesel fuel excise tax exemption for farmers: Background information, press Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F47 Robert Bork Supreme Court confirmation: Drafts of letter to respond to constituent mail Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F54 Agent Orange: Press clips Folder 1984-1989
DA 2: B116-F56 Agent Orange: Statements, legislation Folder 1986-1989
DA 2: B116-F60 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Press clips Folder 1987
DA 2: B116-F05 Senate budget resolution: Editorial responses Folder 1988-1989
DA 2: B116-F07 President Bush: Education initiatives and funding - Memo, press clips Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F08 Elderly statistics: Memo Folder undated
DA 2: B116-F11 Public water regulations: Lead and copper in drinking water - Background information Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F12 Federal Elections Commission (FEC) American Society of Composers, Authors & Publishers (ASCAP) correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F15 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC): Bank failures - Press clip Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F21 Loan of Harvey Dunn Morning on the Marne South Dakota Memorial Art Center in Brookings - Correspondence, memo Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F22 Healthcare cost containment - Catastrophic insurance - Press, background information Folder 1986-1988
DA 2: B116-F24 Homestake Mining Co. takeover by T. Boone Pickens: Press coverage, Daschle press releases Folder 1987-1988
DA 2: B116-F35 President Bush Clean Air Act: Alternative fuels, ethanol - Background information, correspondence Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F48 Aberdeen Weather Service Office closure: Correspondence Folder 1988
DA 2: B116-F50 Agriculture Committee mailing lists: Contact information Folder 1989
DA 2: B116-F57 Agent Orange: Studies Folder 1983-1988
DA 2: B116-F58 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Background information Folder 1987
DA 2: B116-F59 Bradley Bill: Sioux Nation Black Hills Act - Background information Folder 1988