Level of description
Digital object |
DA 1: B60-F08 |
Agent Orange - Miscellaneous veteran correspondence to be answered |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F09 |
Constituent service - Action on veteran phone requests |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F24 |
Sale of Federal Power Marketing Administrations - Daschle statement in Congressional Record, petition. 1986 February 5 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F31 |
H.R. 1035 - Farm Emergency Credit Act of 1985 - Draft statement for agricultural crisis special order |
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undated |
DA 1: B60-F33 |
H.R. 2100 - 1985 Farm Bill provisions |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F36 |
C.A.R.E. 40th Anniversary - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 May 9 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F42 |
Daschle speech at the American Indian Institute Workshop in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma - Indian health care and H.R. 1156 - Indian Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Act. 1987 February 27 |
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1987 |
DA 1: B60-F46 |
Inauguration of Kurt Waldheim as president of Austria - Dear Colleague letter. 1986 June |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F53 |
H.R. 3530 - Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1985 - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 November 1 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F57 |
Canadian tax on U.S. tourism literature - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 December 5 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F60 |
H.R. 512 - Federal charter for Vietnam Veterans of America - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 May 12 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F62 |
H.R. 4130 - Veterans Administration Home Loan Guaranty Program - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 February 25 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F63 |
H.R. 4384 - Veterans readjustment appointment authority - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 March 12 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F64 |
H.R. 3393 - Education benefits for National Guard and Reserves - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F71 |
H.Con.Res. 1020 - Belle Fourche Irrigation Rehabilitation Project appropriations - Bill text, correspondence |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F73 |
Clark Rural Water System - Interest Rate Adjustment - Correspondence, Daschle "Interest Rate Reduction Plan" |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F79 |
H.R. 2547 - Hilltop-Grey Goose Integration Bill - Daschle statement in Congressional Record, summary of energy use, statements before the Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources by William Janklow and Dick Lloyd |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F81 |
American Indian issues - Summer 1986 press clips |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F84 |
James River Water Development District - Press clips, stakeholders' and government official's contact information |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F85 |
Kesterson National Wildlife Refuge in California - Contamination from agricultural drainage - Press clips |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F03 |
Congress, 98th - Daschle-sponsored legislation - Bills |
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1984 |
DA 1: B60-F14 |
H.J.Res. to honor the National Guard on its 350th anniversary - Daschle Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F15 |
H.J.Res. 524 - National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F16 |
Constituents' Toll-free Friend, The - Tribute to Lee Edel - Washington Post article by Donnie Radcliffe - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F18 |
South Dakota's Joe Floyd - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 October 5 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F35 |
H.R. 1399 - Family Farmer Bankruptcy Reform Act - Mike Synar Dear Colleague letters |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F37 |
Rosebud Comprehensive Health Care Facility - Daschle testimony before the Subcommittee on the House Interior Appropriations Committee on 1985 April 19. Hunger in rural South Dakota - Daschle statement to House Select Committee on Hunger on 1985 September 12 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F39 |
H.R. 3809 - Exempt certain dormitories operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs from space and privacy requirements - Keep open Flandreau Indian School - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F43 |
H.R. 1156 - Indian Juvenile Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Act - Daschle testimony before the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F51 |
S.Con.Res. 62 - In support of Andrei Sakharov, Yelena Bonner, and their family - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 September 26 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F52 |
H.R. 945 - Firearms Owners Protection Act - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 October 11 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F54 |
Postal Service - Opposition to proposed elimination of appropriation for revenue forgone - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F65 |
H.R. 3747 - Include job training and apprenticeship in new GI bill - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 November 13 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F68 |
Bureau of Reclamation - Legislation, Daschle testimony before the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development Appropriations Committee, correspondence |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F70 |
Bureau of Reclamation budget Fiscal Year 1989 - Allocations for South Dakota projects |
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undated |
DA 1: B60-F74 |
H.Con.Res. 1013 - CENDAK (Central South Dakota Water Supply System) authorization - Bill, correspondence |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F75 |
CENDAK (Central South Dakota Water Supply System) II - Planning Report/Draft Environmental Statement supplement, key elements, synopsis |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F80 |
H.R. 6 (Omnibus Water Resources Bill) - Electric power (Petri) amendment - Correspondence |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F87 |
Moreau Irrigation Project on the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation - Lake Oahe Project - Correspondence |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F01 |
H.R. 1904 - Child abuse amendments - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1984 |
DA 1: B60-F04 |
Congress, 98th - List of Daschle's legislative involvement |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F06 |
Agent Orange - Correspondence from Vietnam veterans, press clips, Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F12 |
Senate Balanced Budget Proposal - Daschle speech. 1985 October 9 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F13 |
Budget deficit - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 October 24 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F17 |
Distinguished career of American Indian educator Charles E. Emery - Honoring his service in the U.S Office of Education - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 February 26 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F19 |
H.R. 1840 and H.R. 1769 Satellite Dish Legislation - Mailings |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F22 |
Higher Education Act of 1965 - Daschle statement. 1985 December 3 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F26 |
H.R 4496 and H.R. 4497 - CENDAK and Lake Andes-Wagner water projects - Daschle testimony before the Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs. 1984 July 24 |
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1984 |
DA 1: B60-F27 |
Importance of Rural Electrification Administration engineering standards - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 April 2 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F29 |
H.R. 2100 - 1985 Farm Bill - Daschle statements on passage and insertion in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F30 |
H.R. 4267 - Bedell-Daschle Emergency Farm Bill - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 February 27 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F34 |
H.R. 1035 - Farm Emergency Credit Act of 1985 - Daschle Dear Colleague letter, provisions |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F38 |
H.R. 2151 - Sports Violence Arbitration Act - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F40 |
Black Hills Lands Bill - Sponsored by Senator Bill Bradley - Statement, press clips |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F41 |
Distinguished career of American Indian educator Charles E. Emery - Honoring his service in the U.S Office of Education - Daschle statement. 1986 February 25 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F44 |
Ariel Hidalgo - Human rights in Cuba - Dear Colleague letter from Patricia Schroeder. 1986 July 23 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F45 |
H.J.Res. 589 - Arms Sale to Saudis - Daschle statement in Congressional Record, press by Americans for a Safe Israel |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F48 |
Freedom and justice for Soviet Jews - Dear Colleague cosigned letter. 1985 February 9 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F50 |
International Relations - Various International issues - Daschle statements in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F56 |
Tax Reform - Daschle statements in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F61 |
Reserve Officers Association of the U.S. support for the new GI bill - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 March 19 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F72 |
S. 2189 - CENDAK (Central South Dakota Water Supply System) Planning Report Hearings - Daschle testimony, correspondence, clips, Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F77 |
Garrison Diversion Project - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe request for Inter-agency agreement - Correspondence |
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1987 |
DA 1: B60-F83 |
James River channel restoration (dredging) - Possible permit violations - correspondence |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F86 |
H.R. 584 and H.Con.Res. 1002 - Lake Andes-Wagner Irrigation Unit authorization - Field hearing, Daschle testimony before the House Subcommittee on Water and Power Resources, Daschle statement in Congressional Record, Abdnor testimony to the Senate Water and Power Subcommittee |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F02 |
H.R. 4863 - Emergency African aid - Daschle statements in Congressional Record, Dear Colleague letter from Daschle |
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1984 |
DA 1: B60-F05 |
Vietnam veteran correspondence regarding various issues |
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1982-1983 |
DA 1: B60-F07 |
H.R. 1961 - Agent Orange - Correspondence against ill effects of exposure |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F10 |
Sports Violence Act of 1983 - Daschle press release, press clip, Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1982 |
DA 1: B60-F11 |
Balanced Budget Proposal - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 October 11 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F20 |
H.R. 4421 - Community Services Programs Amendments of 1986 - Daschle statement. 1986 April 29 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F21 |
Impact Aid - Daschle statement to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor-Health and Human Services-Education. 1985 May 8 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F23 |
H.R. 1720 - Ethanol imports - Daschle testimony before the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade. 1986 February 7 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F25 |
Campaign Finance - House Democratic Caucus - Questionnaire |
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1983 |
DA 1: B60-F28 |
Rurual Electrification Administratiton 50th anniversary - Address by Leo Flynn - Daschle statement and insertion in Congressional Record. 1985 May 11 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F32 |
U.S. House Democratic Task Force on Agriculture - Committee hearing proceedings on the plight of the family farm - Daschle presiding. 1985 May 6 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F47 |
H.J.Res. 3 - Verifiable comprehensive test ban treaty (CBT) - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 February 26 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F49 |
H.Con.Res. 269 - Exile of Andrei Sakharov - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F55 |
Social Security Trust Fund and Disabled Americans legislation - Administration budget - Daschle statements in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F58 |
H.R. 1562 - Textile and Apparel Trade Enforcement Act - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1985 October 10 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F59 |
International trade - Daschle statements in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F66 |
Jim Abdnor - Water statements in Congressional Record |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F67 |
Aurora-Brule (A-B) Rural Water Association - Chamberlain area service - Correspondence |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F69 |
CENDAK (Central South Dakota Water Supply System) - Correspondence |
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1986 |
DA 1: B60-F76 |
Garrison Diversion Project - Correspondence |
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undated |
DA 1: B60-F78 |
H.R. 6 - Water Resources Act - Daschle testimony in Congressional Record, press clip |
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1985 |
DA 1: B60-F82 |
James River channel restoration (dredging) - Information paper, press clips, notes |
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1985 |