Level of description
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DA 1: B55-F06 |
H.J.Res. 22: Limit Terms of Congress; Dear Colleague, press release, op-ed |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F15 |
H.J.Res. 694: National Drunk and Drugged Driving Awareness Week; Bill |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F19 |
H.Res. 339: Diesel fuel allocation; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F21 |
H.Res. 225: Keep Forest Service and Federal Housing Administration business and Industry in United States Department of Agriculture; Bill, Dear Colleague letter, press release |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F23 |
H.Res. 635: Request Federal Reserve System to reduce interest rates: Legislative information, Dear Colleague letter |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F24.2 |
Cosigned Letters 99th Congress (folder 2 of 2) |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F30 |
National Association of Social Workers: Endorsement of McGovern and Daschle; Press release. 1980 June 20 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F34 |
Conservative Caucus Research Senate Report: McGovern and Pressler voting record |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F37 |
Green Thumb Meeting: Draft letter to decline. 1980 July 29 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F48 |
Alcohol fuel: Daschle statement; Synthetic Fuels. 1980 June 26 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F54 |
H.R. 7511: Veterans Compensation increase; Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 July 31 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F63 |
H.R. 3682 - Amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act - 1982 Limits for the Farmers Home Administration Loan Program - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F64 |
Republican Party strategy for the Presidency - Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F65 |
H. R. 1608 defeated in House Veterans Affairs Committee - Veterans' health care - Press clip. 1979 May 3 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F68 |
Public Land #78-16 1943 - Update and expand vocational and rehabilitation programs for Vietnam veterans - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 October 15 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F69 |
H.R. 13 - Repeal the carryover basis provisions added by the Tax Reform Act of 1976 - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F71 |
H.R. 128 - Provide for disclosures by lobbyists - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F73 |
H.R. 131 - Limitation of penalties for parental child kidnapping - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F79 |
H.Res. 362 - Emergency assistance to Indochinese refugees - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F80 |
H.Res. 372 - Convene a meeting of grain exporting nations to coordinate grain exporting policies and prices - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F84 |
Senate Public Financial Disclosure Report - Honoraria 1986 filing |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F87 |
H.R. 5190 - Indian Education Amendments of 1984 - Forward Funding for Indian Education - Bill, analysis. 98th Congress |
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1984 |
DA 1: B55-F91 |
Correspondence - Albert White Hat, Acting Project Director, Bilingual Teacher Training Project, Sinte Gleska College |
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1984 |
DA 1: B55-F05 |
H.Con.Res. 344: Require daily physical education programs; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F08 |
H.J.Res. 267: National Teachers Day; Bill, legislative information, correspondence |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F14 |
H.J.Res. 620: National Bowling Week; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F16 |
H.J.Res. 740: National Women in Sports Day; Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F24.1 |
Cosigned Letters 99th Congress (folder 1 of 2) |
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1985-1986 |
DA 1: B55-F26 |
Daschle speeches and rough drafts |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F28 |
Fair housing enforcement: Voting record published by A.F.L.-C.I.O. |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F29 |
Safe energy: Nuclear power; Democratic National Committee cosign letter for the Democratic Platform |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F31 |
Network Voting Record: Justice. 1980 July |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F32 |
Chamber of Commerce party platform proposals. 1980 June 27 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F35 |
Farmer-Worker Conference: Farmers Union and South Dakota Federation of Labor; Press release, correspondence. 1980 July 11 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F39 |
Congressional Senior Citizen Intern Program: Daschle statement. 1980 July 22 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F42 |
Saturday Mail Delivery Act: Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 June 19 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F43 |
Letter to Janklow Concerning WEB (Walworth-Edmunds-Brown) |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F46 |
Tribute to agriculture from editorial in Rapid City Journal: Daschle statement in Congressional Record 1980 June 3 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F50 |
Wilson amendment to H.R. 7584 reducing funding for the Legal Services Corporation: Daschle statement in opposition |
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undated |
DA 1: B55-F56 |
Agent Orange: Veterans Affairs Subcommittee hearing; Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 July 31 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F58 |
H.R. 7873: Amend the Clayton Act; Prohibit restrictions on use of credit instruments in the purchase of gasohol; Congressional Record. 1980 July 30 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F59 |
Amendment to H.R. 3000: Direct the Department of Energy to collect and evaluate the prospects of biomass energy resources; Daschle statement in Congressional Record |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F61 |
H.J.Res. 341 - Employee stock ownership in Milwaukee Road Railway - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 October 30 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F62 |
Disparity in formula for 221 Children's Services Act Fund Distribution - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 October 23 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F74 |
H.R. 222 - Amend Chapter 5, Subchapter II of Title 5, U.S. Code to improve administrative procedures - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F78 |
H.R. 1918 - Provide a service pension for veterans of WWI who have annual incomes of less than $10,000 and for spouses - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F90 |
H.R. 2878 - Library Services and Construction Act Amendments of 1983 - Memos, correspondence, Public Law 98-480 |
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1984 |
DA 1: B55-F93.2 |
Indian Education Issues - Correspondence. 98th Congress |
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1982-1984 |
DA 1: B55-F04.1 |
H.Con.Res. 219: International Conference on Cambodia; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F04.2 |
H.J. Res. 219: American History Month; Legislative information |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F07 |
H.J.Res. 220: Energy Education Day; Bill, Dear Colleague letter, legislative information |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F10 |
H.J.Res. 362: Energy Conservation Week; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F12 |
H.J.Res. 514: National Alzheimer's Disease Month; Dear Colleague, constituent request. 1986 November |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F25 |
Energy policy: Statements in House Congressional Record. 1980 September 19 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F27 |
Anti-inflation Tax Cut: Daschle article written for the South Dakota Municipality magazine. 1980 September |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F40 |
Record on Issues of Interest to Business |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F41 |
H.J.Res. 531: Disapproval of Presidential Oil Import Fee; Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 June 4 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F44 |
Agricultural Subterminal Facilities Act of 1980: Daschle statement in Congressional Record; 1980 June 3 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F49 |
Congressional Senior Citizens Intern Program: Daschle statement. 1980; July 22 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F52 |
Legal Services Corporation: Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 July 23 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F53 |
H.R. 7833: Used Oil Recycling Act of 1980; Co-sponsor file; Dear Colleague letter |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F55 |
Forceful Annexation of the Baltic States: 40 Years Later; Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 July 31 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F57 |
Grass Rope Irrigation Project: Letter to Senator Byrd cosigned by the South Dakota congressional delegation. 1980 August 18 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F60 |
H.R. 3958 - Gasohol Marketing Freedom Act - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 November 1 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F75 |
H.R. 355 - Amend Tax Code of 1954 in order to encourage small corporate employees to establish retirement pension - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F76 |
H.R. 378 - Censure of Charles C. Diggs, Junior - Committee on Standards of Official Conduct - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F77 |
H.R. 451 - Prohibit the importation into the U.S. of certain Cuban agricultural products - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F81 |
H.Res. 388 - Create a standing Committee on Energy in the House - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F82 |
H.Res. 389 - Appropriations for the Interior Department for the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 1980 - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F83 |
H.Res. 417 - Appropriations for Endangered Species Act of 1978 during Fiscal Years 1980, 1981, and 1982 - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F85 |
House Financial Disclosures - 1985 |
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1985 |
DA 1: B55-F93.1 |
Indian Education Issues - Background information. 98th Congress |
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1983-1984 |
DA 1: B55-F09 |
H.J.Res. 291: Include energy prices in anti-inflation program; Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F11 |
H.J.Res. 378: Energy information provided by oil companies monthly; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F13 |
H.J.Res. 617: National Adult Day Care Center Week; Dear Colleague letters |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F17 |
H.J.Res. 745: Freedom of Information Day; Dear Colleague letter |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F18 |
H.Res. 222: Submit nuclear information to Congress; Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F20 |
H.Res. 355: Solar energy tax credits; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F22 |
H.Res. 399: Consumer energy conservation devices; Bill, Dear Colleague letter |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F33 |
Letters from South Dakota: Struggling family farms; Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1980 June 17 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F36 |
South Dakota 4-H Doings: Editorial by Tom Daschle. 1980 July |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F38 |
Gilmore Dear Colleague Letter: Apology for intern effort. 1980 June 26 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F45 |
Marvin Meek testimony before Committee on Agriculture: Daschle statement in Congressional Record. |
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1978 |
DA 1: B55-F47 |
Workers and Farmers Have Common Goals: Daschle statement in Congressional Record; 1980 June 17 |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F51 |
H.R. 7584: State Commerce Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 1981; Daschle statement |
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1980 |
DA 1: B55-F66 |
Vietnam Veterans Act - Address the particular needs of Vietnam veterans - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 March 20 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F67 |
Small Business Ownership Act - Employee stock ownership plan - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1979 February 27 |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F70 |
H.R. 39 - Provide for the designation and conservation of certain public lands in the state of Alaska - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F72 |
H.R. 130 - Abolish diversity of citizenship as a basis of jurisdiction of Federal district courts - Bill |
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1979 |
DA 1: B55-F86 |
House Financial Disclosures - 1979-1986 |
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1986 |
DA 1: B55-F88 |
Sisseton Tribal School - Indian education - Notes, telephone calls |
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1984 |
DA 1: B55-F89 |
Marty Indian School - Funds for facility improvement and repair - Correspondence, reports, supporting documents |
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1982-1984 |
DA 1: B55-F92 |
Morrill Act - Tribal Colleges - Background information, notes |
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1984 |
DA 1: B55-F94 |
H.R. 7885 - Biomass Research and Development Act of 1980 - Cosponsor file - Dear Colleague letter, statement |
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1980 |