Daschle House Papers - Box 54

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B54-F04 H.R. 451: Condemn use of poison gas in Laos: Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F06 H.R. 490: Amend Congressional Budget Act of 1974 regarding unobligated balances; Bill, press releases, statements Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F08 H.R. 1050: Establish National Agricultural Cost of Production Board; Bill, correspondence Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F09 H.R. 1071: State notification of any site investigation for nuclear waste storage facilities; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letters Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F10 H.R. 1071: State notification of any site investigation for nuclear waste storage facilities; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F12 H.R. 1910: Beginning Farmers Entry Assistance Act; Bill and legislative information, supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F13 H.R. 2153: Loan guarantees for fuel alcohol plants; See H.R. 3905; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F18 H.R. 2803: Authorize construction of the Gregory hydro-electric dam and reservoir; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F24 H.R. 3532: Establish a solar energy youth employment and training program. 1979 April 9 Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F26 H.R. 3621: Extend Federal controls with regard to oil pricing; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F30 H.R. 4215 and H.R. 4815: Amend U.S. Tax Code to facilitate the production of alcohol fuels; Bills and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F32 H.R. 4345: Replacement Motor Fuels Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F39 H.R. 4830: Reimpose controls on home heating oil; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F50 Air Force IDEA (Individual Development and Educational Advancement) remedial education program: Cosigned letter initiated by Daschle Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F57 Campaign: Expenditures, Peter Lindstrom originals (graphics) Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F69 Campaign: Labor contributors; Roster, Fund for Assuring an Independent Retirement Folder 1985
DA 1: B55-F02 H.Con. Res. 128: Verify energy information from oil and gas companies; Bill, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F02 H.R. 2: Sunset Act of 1979; Re-authorize government programs every ten years; Bill and legislative information, correspondence Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F14 H.R. 2172: International Sugar Stabilization Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information, statements, supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F19 H.R. 2895: Ament U.S. Tax Code to allow exemption for physical disabilities; Bill, Dear Colleague letter, memo Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F20 H.R. 3153: Natural Gas Pricing Amendments Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F23 H.R. 3421: Crude Oil Windfall Profits Tax Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F34 H.R. 4512: Increase oil refinery operations; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F36 H.R. 4678: Establish automotive research and technology development program in NASA; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F37 H.R. 4776: Improve Department of Energy weatherization program; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F40 H.R. 5241: Heating oil assistance and tax credit for low and middle income households; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F45 H.R. 7885: Biomass energy research and development; Bill, supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F46 H.R. 8119: Nuclear wastes ocean dumping; Bill Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F47 H.R. 8121 Strategic Petroleum Reserve Management Improvement Act; Statements, press releases Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F49 Human rights in Iran: Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1986 May 15 Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F55 Campaign: Graphics and survey data Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F60 Campaign: Contributions, Council for a Livable World endorsements Folder 1985-1986
DA 1: B54-F62 Campaign: Literature; Direct mail Folder 1985
DA 1: B54-F67 Campaign: Energy contacts Folder 1985
DA 1: B55-F03 H.Con. Res. 131: Establish Joint Select Committee to investigate oil and gas production and pricing; Bill, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F03 H.R. 118: Amend Agriculture Act of 1949; Announcement of national program acreage; Bill, summary, report Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F07 H.R. 1006: Gasohol Motor Fuel Act; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F15 H.R. 2172: International Sugar Stabilization Act of 1979; Legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F17 H.R. 2648: Alcohol Production Incentive Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F21 H.R. 3204: Require States to provide identification and penalties for handicapped parking; Bill, correspondence Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F22 H.R. 3283: Amend Atomic Energy Act of 1954 to prevent nuclear reactor repair cost pass-through to consumer Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F25 H.R. 3558: Wind Energy Systems Commercialization and Utilization Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F29 H.R. 4056: Federal Gasohol Purchase Act; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F31 H.R. 4222: Crude Oil Tax Act of 1979; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F35 H.R. 4638: Medicare Quality Assurance Act; Press clips, memo Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F41 H.R. 5776: Special Prosecutor for violations by major oil companies relating to all Federal laws governing and relating to energy pricing and purchases of foreign sources of fuel; Bill, legislative information, supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F44 H.R. 7833: Used oil recycling; Bill, supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F51 Opposition to Administration budget proposals on Rural Electrification Administration: Daschle statement in Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F52 James River Valley irrigation amendment offered by Daschle: Statement in Congressional Record Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F56 Campaign: Graphics, mastheads Folder undated
DA 1: B54-F59 Campaign: Federal Elections Commission Newsletters Folder 1979-1985
DA 1: B54-F68 Campaign: Labor contributions Folder 1985
DA 1: B55-F01 H.Con. Res. 34: Cooperation with Mexico regarding production of oil and natural gas; Bill, legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F01 H.R. 1: Financing of general election campaigns; Bill and legislative information, correspondence, supporting documents Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F05 H.R. 486: Amend Social Security Act regarding reduction in benefits for Supplemental Security income, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, or other federally assisted programs; Bill and legislative information, statements Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F11 H.R. 1836: Zero-based Paperwork Act of 1979; Amend U.S. Code. Chapter 35 of Title 44; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter, press release Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F16 H.R. 2647: Amend the Clean Air Act regarding the use of alcohol as fuel and other purposes; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F27 H.R. 3905: National Fuel Alcohol and Farm Commodity Production Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F28 H.R. 4024: Amend U.S. Tax Code to deny credit for foreign taxes on foreign related oil income; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F33 H.R. 4443: Oil and Gas Tax Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F38 H.R. 4808: Collect and publish middle distillate supply and demand information; Bill, Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B54-F42 H.R. 5892: Establishment of wind energy system research, development and demonstration program; Bill, statements, supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F43 H.R. 7688: Passive solar tax credit; Dear Colleague letters, correspondence Folder 1980
DA 1: B54-F48 Tourism Week: South Dakota tourism; Daschle statement in Congressional Record.1986 May 22 Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F53 Campaign: Daschle Election Day Manual. 1984 November 6 Folder 1984
DA 1: B54-F54 Campaign: Candidate Index of Supporting Documents; Federal Election Commission Folder 1985
DA 1: B54-F58 Campaign: Abdnor Senate activity Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F61 Campaign: Manager List; Contributors and contributions Folder 1985
DA 1: B54-F63 Campaign: National individual contributors Folder 1985
DA 1: B54-F64 Campaign: South Dakota Congressional Club and $1,000 donors Folder undated
DA 1: B54-F65 Campaign: Correspondence using WordStar system and templates Folder 1986
DA 1: B54-F66 Campaign: Potential New York contributors Folder 1985