Daschle House Papers - Box 38

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B38-F038 H.R. 4659: Exclusion from income tax of interest on savings, sponsored by Glickman; Bill summary. 1980 March 26 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F039 H.R. 4660: Smaller Enterprise Regulatory Improvement Act, sponsored by Russo; Bill summary. 1980 November 22 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F046 H.R. 4843: Voter Participation Act of 1979, Sponsored by Corcoran; Absentee ballot voting; Summary and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F048 H.R. 4830: Middle Distillate Fuel Control Act; Reimpose controls on home heating oil; Bill. 1979 July 17 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F052 H.R. 5127: Lamb Meat Quota Act of 1979, sponsored by Loeffler; Lamb imports Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F053 H.R. 5208: Amend 12/20/1944 Act; Hay Transportation Assistance Program exclusion from requirement to refund excess payment; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F068 H.R. 5574: Farm Disaster Program Act of 1979; Sponsored by Stenholm; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F074 H.R. 5800: Gold Medal to Bryan Lewis Allen; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F077 H.R. 5892: Wind Energy Systems Research sponsored by Mineta; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F078 H.R. 5899: Limit Penalties for Certain Census Questions, sponsored by Jeffords; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F079 H.R. 6012: Exemption from Taxation of Social Security, sponsored by Albosta; Bill summary and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F081 H.R. 6074: Provide Funds for Fish Restoration Projects, sponsored by Breaux; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F095 H.R. 6486: White House Conference on Veterans; Bill, summary, and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F098 H.R. 6587: Restriction on Exporting Hazardous Materials; Bill, summary, and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F110 H.R. 7117: Railroad Rehabilitation Taxation Bill, sponsored by Harkin; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F113 H.R. 7157: Agent Orange Disability Claims, sponsored by Downey; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F122 H.R. 7688: Tax Credit to Home-builders; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F128 H.R. 8251: Graduated Payment Loan; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F131 Letter to the Subcommittee on Acid Rain by Richard L. Ottinger Folder undated
DA 1: B38-F132 Letter to President Carter and Dear Colleague by Gerry E. Studds urging environmental laws be observed in oil exploration off Prince George's Bank. 1979 November 15 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F135 Letter to President Carter to accelerate the development of solar energy; Daschle co-sponsor. 1979 February 2 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F142 Co-sign letter to Bob Bergland regarding new weight of pre-packaged meat. 1979 July 3 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F144 Co-sign letter to President Carter regarding MX Missiles; ICBM (Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles); 1979 May 9 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F145 Co-sign Dear Colleague letter regarding assassinations in Chile. 1979 April 24 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F149 Co-sign letters regarding grain millers strike Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F153 Co-sign letter to Cecil B. Andrus, Secretary of the Department of the Interior regarding the Northern Tier Pipeline. 1979 September 28 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F156 Co-sign letter to Leonid I. Brezhnev regarding Latvian human rights and arrest of Zanis Skudra. 1979 October Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F160 Co-sign Dear Colleague letter from John J. LaFalce urging greater use of modified open rule. 1979 August 14 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F161 Co-sign letter with Mikulski on the Impact of HEW Meals on Wheels Program. 1979 September 21 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F172 Co-sign letter to Sid Yates, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Interior, Committee on Appropriations, regarding Grass Rope irrigation project for the Lower Brule tribe. 1980 April 29 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F005 H.R. 3567: Licensing for manufacture, distribution, and selling of soft drinks; Antitrust concerns. 1979 April 10 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F007 H.R. 3612: Food Security Act of 1979, sponsored by McHugh; authorizes the establishment of a wheat reserve. 1979 April 10 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F010 H.R. 3635: Social Security Amendment shorten waiting period for terminal illness patients to receive checks; Bill summary. 1979 December 22 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F014 H.R. 3892: Private health care for veterans; Bill summary and copies of bill Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F022 H.R. 4093: Regulate the sale of infant formulas; Bill and supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F024 H.R. 4205: Credit for teletypewriters for disabled individuals; Bill and supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F027 H.R. 4222: Crude Oil Tax Act of 1979; Bill Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F029 H.R. 4263: Amend Petroleum Marketing Practices Act regarding retail sale of diesel fuel; Bill summary. 1979 May 31 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F030 H.R. 4314: Great Plains Conservation Program, Extend to 10 years contract period for Secretary of Agriculture; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F031 H.R. 4345: Replacement Motor Fuels Act of 1979; Bill and legislative information Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F034 H.R. 4512: Oil Refinery Operation; Bill Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F036 H.R. 4563: Establish uniform weight and length limitations for vehicles on certain highways; Bill summary and supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F041 H.R. 4717: Restrict year-end government spending; Supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F043 H.R. 4760: Promote alternative-fuel engine development; Bill. 1979 July 12 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F044 H.R. 4767: Tax credit for television subtitle equipment used by hearing-impaired Individuals, sponsored by Mikulski; Bill summary. 1980 June 14 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F050 H.R. 4955: Supplemental Refugee Assistance Authorization; Daschle statement. 1979 October 25 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F055 H.R. 5241: Fuel assistance for low and middle income households; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F057 H.R. 5293: Income Exemption for Deaf; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F060 H.R. 5371: Limit Budget Outlays; Sponsored by Jones (Oklahoma); Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F061 H.R. 5409: Equalize Travel Deductions for Volunteers; Bill, summary, and supporting documents Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F062 H.R. 5466: Exempt Nonprofit Veterans Administration from Copyright Holders; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F065 H.R. 5548: Gold Medal for Simon Wiesenthal; Bill summary and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F069 H.R. 5581: Career Development for Vietnam Veterans; Bill summary and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F071 H.R. 5610: Deny Social Security Benefits of Prisoners, sponsored by Whitehurst; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F086 H.R. 6296: Family Farm Development Act of 1980; Brown (Lousiana); Bill summary and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F088 H.R. 6327: Voucher Bill, sponsored by Daschle; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F092 H.R. 6382: Voluntary Diversion Program; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F093 H.R. 6428 Diversion Program for 1980 Wheat and Corn, sponsored by Daschle; Bill and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F097 H.R. 6552: Construction of the Alzada-Ekalaka Highway, sponsored by Marlenee; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F100 H.R. 6635: Food Security Reserve for Wheat, sponsored by Zablocki; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F101 H.R. 6664: Resource Conservation and Development Act of 1980, sponsored by Jenkins; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F107 H.R. 7043: Repayment of 10 cents per gallon Import Fee to Agriculture, etc., sponsored by Daschle; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F111 H.R 7121: Soybean Emergency Act of 1980, sponsored by Mathis; Bill, summary, and Dear Colleague letter Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F112 H.R. 7141: Subterminal Facilities Act (2nd version), sponsored by Daschle; Bill, summary, and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F114 H.R. 7254: Drugging of Race Horses; Bill, summary, and supporting documents Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F115 H.R. 7458: Veterans Refinancing of Outstanding Loans, sponsored by Brinkley; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F116 H.R. 7482: Gold Medal for the U.S. 1980 Summer Olympic Team, sponsored by Annunzio; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F118 H.R. 7622: Six Day Mail Delivery, sponsored by Daschle; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F125 H.R. 8077: Amend Internal Revenue Code of 1954, sponsored by Daschle; Bill summary Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F129 H.R. 8252: Flight Training; Bill and legislative information Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F133 Dear Colleague letter to invite participation in the Congressional Solar Coalition. 1979 March 5 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F150 H.J.Res. 338: National Architectural Barrier Awareness Week; request for co-sponsorship. 1979 July 18 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F155 Memorandum to Stan Schellenberger regarding the International Wheat Agreement. 1979 October 23 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F158 Co-sign letter to Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasury, regarding aid for Nicaragua. 1979 May 10 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F162 Co-sign letter from James L. Oberstar to President Carter urging him to appoint a woman to the Supreme Court. 1979 November 2 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F163 Co-sign letter to Marvin S. Cohen, Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board, regarding Minneapolis to London Air Service. 1979 November 27 Folder 1979
DA 1: B38-F168 Co-sign letter initiated by Berkely Bedell to Bob Bergland, Secretary of Agriculture, regarding increase in loan rates for corn. 1980 February 6 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F169 Co-sign letter to Reubin O'D. Askew, Office of the United States Trade Representative, regarding the European Community wheat flour subsidy Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F170 Letter to the Editor of the Huron Daily Plainsman by Daschle regarding alcohol fuels. 1980 April 17 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F175 Co-sign letter to Ernest G. Green, Secretary of Labor for Employment and Training, regarding the Family Education Program in Glasgow, Montana. 1980 July 2 Folder 1980
DA 1: B38-F181 Letter from South Dakota congressional delegation to the Interior Appropriations Conferees regarding funding for WEB (WEB (Walworth-Edmunds-Brown)) water system. 1980 November 18 Folder 1980