Daschle House Papers - Box 27

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
DA 1: B27-F05 H.R. 2300: Civil Service Spouse Retirement Equity Act; House hearing; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-13 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F10 Farm and Forest Produced Alcohol: The Key to Liquid Fuel Independence; A Compendium of Papers; Joint Committee Print; Joint Economic Committee; 96th Congress 2nd Session Folder 1980
DA 1: B27-F12 Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (Mercer Report): House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-54 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F15 Food and Agriculture Act of 1981: Report of the Committee on Agriculture together with Minority Views (To Accompany H.R. 3603); House of Representatives; 97th Congress 1st Session; Report No. 97-106 Folder 1981
DA 1: B27-F19 International Postal Rates: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Committee on Foreign Affairs; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-22 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F24 Pay Equity: Equal Pay for Work of Comparable Value; Part 1; Joint Hearings; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-53 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F27 Public Law 95-113: 95th Congress Folder 1977
DA 1: B27-F33 Soviet Disruption of Mail Service Part II: House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 98-21 Folder 1984
DA 1: B27-F02 Agricultural Credit Situation and F.m.H.A (Farmers Home Administration) Loan Programs: House hearings; Committee on Agriculture; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-20 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F08 Department of Energy Prohibited Personnel Practices: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Energy Conservation and Commerce, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-44, Serial No. 98- Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F14 Federal Government Affirmative Action Policies and Programs: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office And Civil Service, Committee on the Judiciary; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 33, Serial No. 98-25 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F21 Mail Fraud/False Representation: Hearings on H.R. 3973; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-51 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F01 Agricultural Census: House hearing; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-11 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F06 Contracting of Positions Reserved for Preference Eligibles: House hearings on H.R. 828 and H.R. 829; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-9 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F07 Current Salary Schedules of Federal Officers and Employees Together with a History of Salary and Retirement Annuity Adjustments: House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; Committee Print No. 97-5 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F09 Emergency Preparedness Planning of United States Postal Service: House hearing; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-56 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F11 Farmers Home Administration Staffing Levels and Organization: House hearing; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-19 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F13 H.R. 656: Federal Employees Health Benefits Reform Act of 1983; House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-16 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F16 Hispanic Population: A Demographic and Issue Profile; House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F17 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982: House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-55 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F23 Oversight on Operation of Postal Service: Joint Hearings; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-18 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F31 Senior Executive Service: House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st and 2nd Sessions; Serial No. 98-12 Folder 1984
DA 1: B27-F03 CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) Reauthorization: House hearings on H.R. 5447; Committee on Agriculture; 97th Congress 2nd Session Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F04 Civil Service Authorization and Miscellaneous Amendments Act of 1983; House hearings on H.R. 4133; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-15 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F18 Impact of New Information and Communications on Postal Service: House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-23 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F20 Labor Negotiation Rights of Overseas DOD (Department of Defense) Employees: House hearing; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-46 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F22 Organic Farming Act of 1982: House hearing on H.R. 5618; Committee on Agriculture; Serial No. 97-S.S.S. Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F25 Payroll Deduction Facilitation Act: Hearing on H.R. 3879; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-14 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F26 President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control: Report of General Accounting Office and Hearings; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-52 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F28 Reductions in Force at Census Bureau: Joint Hearing; House of Representatives; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 97th Congress 2nd Session; Serial No. 97-44 Folder 1982
DA 1: B27-F29 Retirement Contribution Requirements for New Federal Employees: Hearing; House of Representatives; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-17 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F30 Rural Enterprise Zone Development: House hearing on H.R. 4576; Committee on Agriculture; 97th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 97-J.J. Folder 1981
DA 1: B27-F32 Soviet Disruption of Mail Service Part I: House hearings; Committee on Post Office and Civil Service; 98th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 98-20 Folder 1983
DA 1: B27-F34 The Principal Laws Relating to Forest Service Activities: Agriculture Handbook No. 453; United States Department of Agriculture Folder 1983