Cooperative Extension Service Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 5.4: B49-F26 Action Plan - Ziebach County Folder 1992
UA 5.4: B49-F42 Annual Report - Ziebach County Folder 1998-1999
UA 5.4: B49-F48 Annual Report - Ziebach County Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B49-F57 Beginning Clothing - Unit 1-3 Folder undated
UA 5.4: B49-F63 Camp Board of Directors Folder 2006
UA 5.4: B49-F66 Conservatiion Folder 1975
UA 5.4: B49-F68 Control Diseases and Insect Pests of Apples and Pears Folder 1961
UA 5.4: B49-F71 Dairy Cattle Pamphlets Folder 1952-1958
UA 5.4: B49-F72 Dakota Proposition Pamphlet Folder undated
UA 5.4: B50-F006 Eating and Cooking Light Folder undated
UA 5.4: B50-F009 Extension Circular 693 - Calling Foxes and Coyotes Folder 1973
UA 5.4: B50-F011 Extension Circular 319 - Managing Low Cost Sunday Dinners Folder 1933
UA 5.4: B50-F012 Extension - Annual Report Folder 1965
UA 5.4: B50-F020 EMC 677 - SD's Extension Trapper Program Folder 1975
UA 5.4: B50-F021 Extension Programs/ Work Projects/ Activities - Ziebach County Folder 1996
UA 5.4: B50-F027 Extension Quarterly Bullets Folder 1996
UA 5.4: B50-F036 Family Cash-Flow Forecasting Folder 1981
UA 5.4: B50-F039 Factsheet Folder 2007
UA 5.4: B50-F052 Fruits and Vegetables Canning Hints Folder 1950
UA 5.4: B50-F054 Good Meeting Ideas Folder 1971
UA 5.4: B50-F067 Impact Report Folder 2001
UA 5.4: B50-F068 Impact Report Folder 2000
UA 5.4: B50-F070 Junior Livestock Judging Suggested Livestock Terms Folder undated
UA 5.4: B50-F074 Leaders Forum Trip Folder 1975
UA 5.4: B50-F082 Management for Youth - 84-85, 103, 104, 113 Folder 1967, 1968, 1970
UA 5.4: B50-F084 McCrory Gardens Brochure Folder undated
UA 5.4: B50-F093 Parent's Guide to 4-H - Ziebach County Folder 1994
UA 5.4: B50-F096 Philosophy of Judging Folder undated
UA 5.4: B50-F107 Plan of Work - Ziebach County Folder 1975
UA 5.4: B50-F115 Preparing Horticulture Exhibits Folder 1997
UA 5.4: B51-F006 Program and Contact Report Folder 2003
UA 5.4: B51-F008 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 2005
UA 5.4: B51-F010 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 2007
UA 5.4: B51-F011 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 2001
UA 5.4: B51-F014 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 1998
UA 5.4: B51-F015 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 1997
UA 5.4: B51-F016 Program and Contact Report - Ziebach County Folder 1996
UA 5.4: B51-F028 Quarterly Narrative Reports Folder 1992
UA 5.4: B51-F029 Quarterly Narrative Reports Folder 1991
UA 5.4: B51-F031 Range and Pasture ... 4-H Member's Guide Folder undated
UA 5.4: B51-F033 Recipt for 4-H Foundation Calves Folder 1973
UA 5.4: B51-F034 Report Extension Advisory Board - 15th Annual Meeting Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B51-F036 Report on a Review of Progress on the Extension Vision Folder 2002
UA 5.4: B51-F040 Secretary's Record Book - 4-H Folder 1997
UA 5.4: B51-F046 South Dakota 4-H Foundation News Folder undated
UA 5.4: B51-F048 South Dakota State 4-H Rodeo Association Constitution and Bilaws Folder 1971
UA 5.4: B51-F049 South Dakota Extension Agents Will Specialize - Newspaper Clipping Folder 1985
UA 5.4: B51-F065 State 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Folder 1992
UA 5.4: B51-F075 Square Dancing Folder undated
UA 5.4: B51-F077 Time and Total Contact by Agents, POWC, Purpose, etc. Folder 1976-1977
UA 5.4: B51-F081 The Toddler - #79 - #81 Folder 1992
UA 5.4: B51-F084 Wartime Sugar Economy Folder c. 1940s
UA 5.4: B51-F091 Young Homemakers House Cleaning Handbook - EC 658 Folder 1976
UA 5.4: B51-F096 4-H Club Foundation of South Dakota Members Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B51-F097 4-H Club Management Guide Folder undated
UA 5.4: B51-F102 4-H Leadership Camp Folder 1950
UA 5.4: B52-F008 Annual Report Folder 1977-1978
UA 5.4: B52-F010 Fact sheet 16: Hard Seed in Legumes - photos Folder 1958
UA 5.4: B52-F021 Fact sheet 172: Outdoor Recreation in the wagner Irrigation Unit - photos Folder 1963
UA 5.4: B52-F023 Fact sheet 183: Thinning Black Hills Pine - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F024 Fact sheet 187: Granular Insecticide Applications - photos Folder 1964
UA 5.4: B52-F028 Fact Shet 265: Pruning Black Hills Pine - photos Folder 1977
UA 5.4: B52-F034 Fact sheet 309: Stubble Mulching in South Dakota - photos Folder 1966
UA 5.4: B52-F040 Fact sheet 339: Weed Control in Corn - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F041 Fact sheet 340: Flood! - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F046 Fact sheet 352: Blizzard and Cold Weather Tips - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F054 Fact sheet 361: Freeze Branding - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F056 Fact sheet 373: Common Sheep Parasites - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F057 Fact sheet 375: Great Plains Conservation Program: Stabilize Your Land - Income - Future - photos Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B52-F061 Fact sheet 406: Urea for Dairy Cattle - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F069 Fact sheet 432: Fertilizing Corn in South Dakota - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F070 Fact sheet 435: Fertilizing Small Grain - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F074 Fact sheet 459: Physical Features of the Pollock-Herreid Irrigation Unit - photos Folder 1968
UA 5.4: B52-F075 Fact sheet 460: Udder Health and Mastitis - photos Folder 1969
UA 5.4: B52-F082 Fact sheet 493: Conservation Farming with Terraces - photos Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F085 Fact sheet 503: Planting Tame Pastures and Hayland Folder 1970
UA 5.4: B52-F099 4-H 132: 4-H Electric Project Member's Guide - Lighting & Electric Heat Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F101 4-H 134: Electric Project Member's Guide - Electronics Folder 1972
UA 5.4: B52-F110 4-H Meeting Misery Solutions Folder undated
UA 5.4: B53 Extension Service Records [Box 53] Box
UA 5.4: B53-F03 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Folder 1986
UA 5.4: B53-F09 4-H Horse Quiz Bowl Folder 1992
UA 5.4: B53-F15 4-H Promotion Folder 1981
UA 5.4: B53-F16 4-H 218: Secretary's Record Book Folder 1995
UA 5.4: B53-F21 Master Pork Producers Folder 1967
UA 5.4: B53-F24 Master Pork Producers Folder 1976
UA 5.4: B53-F26 Master Pork Producers Folder 1979
UA 5.4: B53-F28 Master Pork Producers Folder 1981
UA 5.4: B01-F07 Administrative: History and philosophy of the Cooperative Extension Service Folder undated
UA 5.4: B01-F09 Administrative: Impact State West District "Making a Difference" Folder 2005
UA 5.4: B02 Extension Service Records [Box 2] Box
UA 5.4: B02-F003 4-H: 4-H Awards programs [4-H 176] Folder 1976-1977
UA 5.4: B02-F005 4-H: 4-H Clothing Project [4-H 38 ; 4-H 78] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F007 4-H: 4-H Club Doings Folder 1930-1958
UA 5.4: B02-F011 4-H: 4-H Club Program for the Year [4-H 155] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F013 4-H: 4-H Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks [4-H 76] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F016 4-H: 4-H Forestry Project [4-H 8 ; 4-H 9 ; 4-H 339] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F029 4-H: 4-H Key Club [4-H 380] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F031 4-H: 4-H Light Horse Project [4-H 6 ; 4-H 77 ; 4-H 357] Folder undated
UA 5.4: B02-F034 4-H: 4-H Livestock Judging Guide [4-H 16] Folder 1987, undated