Continuing and Distance Education Administrative Records [Box 1]

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B01-F07 Ever Learning (newsletter) Folder 1993-2002
B01-F15 Showcase Folder 1983
B01-F17 Showcase Folder 1985
B01-F30 Showcase Folder 1998
B01-F32 Showcase Folder 2000
B01-F33 Showcase Folder 2001
B01-F37 Showcase information Folder 1995
B01-F41 Call for proposals: Century Two-The Future of the Plains Folder 1988
B01-F43 Conference: Futuresigns - The 2nd Century Folder 1989
B01-F46 Conference: Women's History Month Folder 1998-2000
B01-F51 Convention: South Dakota High School Press Association Folder 1947-1953, 1994-1995
B01-F54 Planning calendar Folder 1986
B01-F59 Travel / Study Program: Through England's Heartland - A Great Britain Travel / Study Tour Featuring One Week on the English Canals (brochure) Folder 1990
B01-F63 Workshop: Job clinic program Folder 1955
B01-F67 Workshop: Why is everyone so cranky? Folder 2000
B01-F02 CE/CS Occasionalgram (Continuing Education/Community Service) (newsletter) Folder 1982-1984
B01-F05 Evening College Folder 1987
B01-F06 Ever Learning (newsletter) Folder 1992-1993
B01-F08 Flyers Folder 1981-1990
B01-F10 Online and Videoconferencing Course Schedule Folder 2009
B01-F12 Showcase Folder 1980
B01-F13 Showcase Folder 1981
B01-F18 Showcase Folder 1986
B01-F19 Showcase Folder 1987
B01-F21 Showcase Folder 1989
B01-F25 Showcase Folder 1993
B01-F26 Showcase Folder 1994
B01-F27 Showcase Folder 1995
B01-F29 Showcase Folder 1997
B01-F36 Showcase information Folder 1991
B01-F38 Sioux Falls undergraduate courses Folder 1987
B01-F39 Conference: American Association of Agricultural College Editors Folder 1924
B01-F44 Conference: South Dakota Agriculture Teachers Folder 1934
B01-F45 Conference: Techsigns - the Computer in Creativity Folder 1986
B01-F53 Panel Discussion: Quest for Equity Folder 1991
B01-F57 Symposium: International Research and Technology Transfer Symposium Folder 1987
B01-F65 Workshop: Straight from the source - practitioner education workshop Folder 1999-2000
B01-F66 Workshop: Team building - working together effectively Folder 2000
B01-F03 Connections Volume 1 Issue 1 (newsletter) Folder 2009
B01-F09 Online and Videoconferencing Course Schedule Folder 2008
B01-F14 Showcase Folder 1982
B01-F23 Showcase Folder 1991
B01-F28 Showcase Folder 1996
B01-F34 Showcase distribution Folder 1985, 1990
B01-F40 Conference: Canadian/U.S. Agricultural Trade Issues Emerging from NAFTA Folder 2000
B01-F52 Panel Discussion: Ethics in Academia Folder undated
B01-F60 Workshop: Beyond conflict - Achieving workplace collaboration Folder 1998
B01-F68 Workshop: Workshop in higher education Folder 1947
B01-F01 Brochures Folder 1976-1989, 2001
B01-F04 East River Courses Folder 1987-1988
B01-F11 Showcase Folder 1979
B01-F16 Showcase Folder 1984
B01-F20 Showcase Folder 1988
B01-F22 Showcase Folder 1990
B01-F24 Showcase Folder 1992
B01-F31 Showcase Folder 1999
B01-F35 Showcase distribution Folder 1992
B01-F42 Conference: Crossroads in Agriculture Folder 1989
B01-F47 Conference planning at SDSU Folder undated
B01-F48 Convention: National Association of Television an Radio Farm Directors Regional Meeting Folder 1954
B01-F49 Convention: South Dakota Bankers Association Folder 1925, 1928
B01-F50 Convention: South Dakota Collegiate Press Association Folder 1937, 1952
B01-F55 Seminar: International Seminar on Water and Soil Utilization Folder 1962
B01-F56 Seminar: Keeping it all in perspective Folder undated
B01-F58 Travel / Study Program: Engineering Monuments in the U.K. - Iron Bridge Bicentennial - A Study Tour through England, Scotland and Wales (brochure) Folder 1979
B01-F61 Workshop: Creativity on the Job Folder 1990
B01-F62 Workshop: The Human side of leadership Folder 1999
B01-F64 Workshop: Occupational information and guidance workshop Folder 1945