Charles L. Sewrey Papers - Box 4

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
UA 53.10: B04-F05 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 13: Appraisal of the status of Catholics in the United States, 1860-1914, pp. 593-683 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F07 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 15: Summary and conclusions, pp. 765-792 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F08 Manuscripts: Untitled 2: Topic: Laurel A. Engberg, pp. 1-2 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F11 Manuscripts: Witchcraft in England and Scotland during the Sixteenth Century, pp. 1-55 Folder 1945
UA 53.10: B04-F14 Published works: Frontier Politics Were Colorful, Turbulent (Review), State College Dakotan, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 6, 11, 15 Folder 1958
UA 53.10: B04-F20 Published works: Outlawing the Communist Party, State College Broadcasting System - Professor's Forum Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F03 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 11: The non-Catholic rebuttal - why Catholic assurances did not always assure, pp. 539-561 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F09 Manuscripts: Untitled 3: Topic: Protestant ministers in frontier Minnesota, pp. 1-5 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F12 Published works: Bigotry in Politics, The Christian Century, pp/ 744-746 Folder 1958
UA 53.10: B04-F17 Published works: How Long Will the "Conservation Wave" Last? The Unicorn, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 38-41 Folder 1963
UA 53.10: B04-F04 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 12: The "Americanism" episode, pp. 562-592 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F06 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 14: Catholic "cultural isolation," pp. 64-764 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F10 Manuscripts: Whose Holy land? The Jewish-Arab-Christian imbroglio in Palestine, pp. 1-70 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F13 Published works: Conservatives, Liberals, and Freedom, The Unicorn, pp. 13-18 Folder 1962
UA 53.10: B04-F15 Published works: Historians and Anti-Catholicism, The Christian Century, pp. 333-335 Folder 1956
UA 53.10: B04-F16 Published works: Hoover's Proposed Reorganization of the United Nationa (Transcript), State College Broadcasting System - Professor's Forum Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F18 Published works: Infallibility, The American Wat, and Catholic Apologetics, Journal of Church and State, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 293-302 Folder 1973
UA 53.10: B04-F19 Published works: Liberal and Freedom, The Dakotan, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 4+6 Folder 1963
UA 53.10: B04-F01 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 9: Specific areas of controversy - Education, pp. 377-456 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F02 Manuscripts: Untitled 1: Chapter 10: The Catholic Church and American democratic rights - some questions of compatibility, pp. 457-538 Folder undated
UA 53.10: B04-F21 Published works: Sewrey Views Youth, Education (Letter to Editor), State College Collegian, pp. 6 Folder 1956