Birech, Jairus

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Birech, Jairus-001 Oslo D.L.- Steeple (8:02.37) 1st Entry 2014-08
Birech, Jairus-004 #1 Ranked Steepler Entry 2015-02
Birech, Jairus-005 World Ranked #1 in 2015 Steeple Entry 2016-02
Birech, Jairus-003 #6 Athlete of the Year Entry 2015-02
Birech, Jairus-006 Kawasaki IWC- Steeple (8:19.54) WL Entry 2017-05-21
Birech, Jairus-002 Birmingham D.L.- Steeple (8:07.85) 1st Entry 2014-10
Birech, Jairus-007 Warsaille France- Steeple (8:10.4) WL Entry 2017-06-05