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              25 Finding Aid results for Basketball--Coaching

              25 results directly related Exclude narrower terms
              UA 53.36: B01-F01 · Folder · undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              101-121 Major Skills Theory Courses is binder of unannotated mimeographed sheets describing SDSU HPER courses #101 thru 493 (one sheet per course), each including instructor, text, outline, requirements, etc.

              Marking, James
              All-American Basketball Camp
              UA 53.36: B01-F02 · Folder · 1971-1972
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Iincludes brief handwritten notes, hourly schedule, lists of drills for various skills, Milwaukee Bucks 1972 basketball camps info and correspondence, as well as a parental letter requesting info on SDSU summer basketball camps and its reply; also SDSU brief internal memo on criteria for summer athletic camps

              Marking, James
              Basketball Scorebook
              UA 53.36: B01-F04 · Folder · 1960s-1970s circa
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Score book kept form January, 1949 thru March, 1950 for the Brookings (SD) High School team; also includes 1949? Clipping "Brookings Legion Champion" with Jim Marking In photo

              Marking, James
              UA 53.36: B01-F07 · Folder · undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Jim Markings PE 255 Examination Books; also includes a spiral notebook with handwritten notes and interleaved mimeographed handouts dealing with psychology & physiology of sport

              Marking, James
              Jump Balls
              UA 53.36: B01-F12 · Folder · undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Includes handwritten cards, mimeographed handouts, as well as some published materials relating to basketball jumpballs

              Marking, James
              Scouting, recruiting
              UA 53.36: B01-F21 · Folder · 1973, undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Brief typed outline and notes from Jim Marking related to recruiting and mimeographed checklists for evaluating individual players, as well as a news clipping commenting on his attendance at high school basketball games, a 1973 letter asking for basketball scholarship information, and a handwritten list of SDSU basketball players by position for 1971-1974

              Marking, James
              Team photos and clippings
              UA 53.36: B01-F23 · Folder · 1961-1974
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              includes brief handwritten notes, an hourly schedule for Monday, lists of drills for various skills, Milwaukee Bucks 1972 basketball camps info and correspondence, as well as a parental letter requesting info on SDSU summer basketball camps and its reply; also SDSU brief internal memo on criteria for summer athletic camps

              Marking, James
              Trends in Basketball
              UA 53.36: B01-F24 · Folder · 1954, 1966, undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              1975 Basketball Trends (misc. mat.) Class was the original folder's label; it includes mimeographed handouts, as well as a hand-annotated "Basketball Notes" 4 small cards of handwritten notes

              Marking, James
              Weight Training
              UA 53.36: B01-F25 · Folder · 1965, undated
              Part of Jim Marking Papers

              Weight Training Programs typed and mimeographed materials that desribe basketball weight training exercises and schedules (two are dated 1965); also includes some completed individual recording forms

              Marking, James