Babka, Rink

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Babka, Rink-006 Obituary at age 85 Entry 2022-02
Babka, Rink-001 NCAA's Discus (186-2)The Farthest with Oerter Entry 1958-07
Babka, Rink-002 AAU-Discus (61-11 1/4) 1st Entry 1958-07
Babka, Rink-004 1960 Olympic Trials Discus (192-3 1/2) Entry 1960-07
Babka, Rink-005 World Record - Discus (196-6 1/2) Entry 1960-08
Babka, Rink-003 Profile of a Champion Entry 1958-07