Baala to Bystrova

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
Berry, Gwen-010 Ole Miss Classic- Hammer Throw (251-10) A.R. Entry 2017-05-07
Berry, Gwen-014 Vanderbelt Invite- WT NYAC (81-6 1/2) 1st 6th am Entry 2018-01-224
Berry, Gwen-016 U.S. Indoor List #1 - Weight Throw (82-11) Entry 2018-03-30
Berry, Gwen-017 Chorzow Poland - Hammer Throw (255-2) A.R. Entry 2018-06-10
Berry, Gwen-022 2021 Olympics- Hammer- 11th - 08-03-2021 Entry 2021-08-15
PSL-B Berryhill, Bryan Index
Berryhill, Bryan-002 Run from the Front Entry 2001-08
Berteleen, Bob-001 NCAA Champs- 6M (27:57.6) 1st Entry 1970-07
Bessette, Andy-002 Olympic Trials- Hammer (232-10) 1st Entry 1980-08
Bett, Nicholas-001 World Champs- 400H (47.79) Entry 2015-11
Bett, Nicholas-002 Obit at age 28 car crash Entry 2018-08
PSL-B Betters, Le Jerald Index
PSL-B Bevans, Marilyn Index
PSL-B Beyer, Gisela Index
Beyer, Olaf-001 European Champs- 800 (1:43.8) 1st N.R. Entry 1978-10
Beyer, Udo-007 World Ranked #1 Shot Put Entry 1978-01
Beyer, Udo-009 #3 Athlete of the Year Entry 1979-01
Beyer, Udo-013 #5 Athlete of the Year Entry 1980-01
Beyer, Udo-014 World Ranked #1 in the Shot Entry 1980-01
Beyer, Udo-016 World Cup- Shot (70-2 1/2) 1st Entry 1981-10
Bickford, Bruce-002 Log and write up volume 23 Entry 1985-10
Bickford, Bruce-004 A Bickford Stunner Entry 1980-03
Bickford, Bruce-008 TAC Champs- 10,000 (28:00.10) 1st Entry 1985-08
Bidouane, Nezha-001 W.C. 400H (52.97) Gold Entry 1997-11
Bidouane, Nezha-002 #2 World Ranked All time in the 400H Entry undated
Bikila, Abebe-002 Streets paved with Gold (Bloom) Entry 1992-08
Bikila, Abebe-003 Ethiopian Gazelle Entry 1998-08
Bikila, Abebe-004 WB- OB Fantastic 4:07 win at 64 Olympic Entry 1964-10 and 1964-11
Bikila, Abebe-006 A tribute by Jon Hendershott Entry 1973-11
Bilderback, Zack-001 Big 12 Indoor- 400 (45.27) 1st- AL - CL Entry 2016-02-29
Bilderback, Zack-003 Making Tracks at NCAA's Entry 2016-05
Bile, Abdi-001 NCAA's 1500 (3:35.79) Entry 1987-07
Bile, Abdi-002 Volume 9 Entry 1987-11
Bile, Abdi-006 Golden Gals 1500 (3:31.20) Entry 1989-09
Binder, Laune-001 Untitled Entry 1980-04
Binder, Laune-002 Untitled Entry 1981-01
Binder, Laune-003 Female Masters runner of the year Entry 1992-02
Birch, Dainajahnee-001 Ark TW. - Lt- 400-H (56:46) 1st - AJL Entry 2016-05-09
PSL-B Birech, Jairus Index
Birech, Jairus-002 Birmingham D.L.- Steeple (8:07.85) 1st Entry 2014-10
Birech, Jairus-007 Warsaille France- Steeple (8:10.4) WL Entry 2017-06-05
PSL-B Birmingham, Collis Index
Birnbaum, Simeon-013 Nike Nationals- 1500 (3:37.93) 1st H.S.L. 2 HS Entry 2023-06-19
Birnbaum, Simeon-014 4-H.S. Milers Break 4:00 in same race- 3:57.53 Entry 2023-07
Birnbaum, Simeon-019 2023 Boys Absolute Top 2 Mile (8:34.10) Entry 2023-12
PSL-B Biryukova, Ana Index
Biryukova, Ana-002 #7 World Ranked All time in the Triple Jump Entry undated
PSL-B Biryulina, Tatyana Index
PSL-B Bisset, Catriona Index
Bitner, Les-001 NCAA's- Jav (246-1) 1st Entry 1955-07
PSL-B Bitok, Paul Index
PSL-B Bivans, Karl, Jr. Index
Bizimana, Yusuf-002 Conference Meet- 800 (1:45.82) CL Entry 2023-05-15
Bizimana, Yusuf-003 McCravy Memorial- Indoor 1000 (2:18.10) CR Entry 2024-01-14
Bjorklund, Garry-005 Volume 1 No. 6 Entry undated
Bjorklund, Garry-007 Volume 63 How they Train Entry undated
Bjorklund, Garry-014 NCAA's- 6M (27:43) M.R. Entry 1971-07
Bjorklund, Garry-015 Big 10 indoor: 3M (13:43.) 1st Entry 1972-03
Bjorklund, Garry-018 It's been up & down for him Entry 1978-07-06
Bjorklund, Garry-019 Interview by Harry Beckwith Entry 1978-10
PSL-B Bjorklund, Lynn Index
Black, Jazzelena-005 NCAA Champs- Triple Jump (42-3 1/4) w- 16th Entry 2016-06-14
PSL-B Black, Larry Index
Black, Larry-002 NCAA's-220 (20.5) 1st Entry 1971-07
Black, Larry-003 Obituary at age 54 Entry 2006-03
PSL-B Blaine, Lindsey Index
Blair, Cliff-001 A.R. Hammer (211-3) Entry 1956-05
PSL-B Blake, JuVaughn Index
Blake, JuVaughn-001 Alumni Gold L.S.U. High Jump (7-3) AJL Entry 2018-04-23
Blake, JuVaughn-004 World Jr. - High Jump (7-3 3/4) tie 1-2-3 Entry 2018-07-16
Blake, Yohan-003 Americans Hate Us he says Entry 2012-11
PSL-B Blake-Mitchell, Nethaneel Index
Blake-Mitchell, Nethaneel-001 Alum meet - 200 (20.14) 1st CL Entry 2016-04-24
Blanford, Rhonda-004 TAC Champs- 100H (12.85) MR-CL- AL Entry 1985-08
Blankenship, Ben-001 Injuries but no fear of the unknown Entry 2013-05
Blankenship, Ben-002 Kawasaki IWC- 3000 (7:52.80) 1st Entry 2008-05
Blankenship, Ben-009 USATF XC- 10K (29:21) 1st Entry 2018-12-10
Blankenship, Jake-001 Making Tracks Entry 2016-06
Blanks, Graham-004 NCAA XC Champs- 10K (28:37.7) 1st Entry 2023-11-19
PSL-B Blask, Erwin Index
Blask, Erwin-001 Obituary at age 88- Hold W.R. 193-7 for 10 yrs Entry 1999-06
PSL-B Blaut, Lorette Index
Blaut, Lorette-001 Amer. Conf High Jump (6-2) CL Entry 2018-05-15
Blazier, Donavan-005 Looking beyond the 800 (1500 & 4x4) Entry 2021-02
Blazier, Donavan-006 His 800 Indoor AR Race Entry 2021-03
Blazier, Donavan-007 Covid 19 Contact- Has to hold up 5 days Entry 2021-03
Bliss, Evie-001 Pan Am Jr.- JT (173-0) PR HSL Entry 2023-08-07
PSL-B Blockburger, Johnnie Index
Blom, Rens-001 W.C. Gold pole vault (19' 1/4) Entry 2005-09
PSL-B Blomquist, Logan Index
PSL-B Blood, Nicole Index
PSL-B Bloom, Marc Index
PSL-B Boden, Patrik Index
PSL-B Bodie, Sean Dixon Index
Bodie, Sean Dixon-001 Top H.S. Jumper in 2020 58-1 3/4 Triple Jump Entry 2020-11 to 2020-12
PSL-B Bogden, Mircea Index
Bogden, Mircea-001 NCAA Steeple Champ (8:27.29) Entry 2005-07
PSL-B Bohni, Felix Index
Boit, Josphat-001 Indoor NCAA- 5000- 1st (13:49.93) Entry 2006-05
Boit, Mike-001 C.R. (1:44.2) Entry 1974-09