American Indian Student Association Records

Inventory list
Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
B01-F09 Powwow Folder 1998
B01-F11 Powwow Posters Folder 1999-2011
B02-F03 Powwow Folder 2005
B02-F06 Event Powwow [117 color photographs] Folder 2006
B03-F01 SDSU Pow-wow Log Folder undated
B03-F02 Native American Students Folder 2003
B03-F04 Native American Club Transportation Folder 2004
B03-F06 Native American Club Meeting Notes Folder 2004
B03-F11 Event Hand games [14 color photographs] Folder 2011
B03-F12 Event Manhating Meat [9 color photographs] Folder 2002
B03-F15 Event Pumpkin Carving [6 color photographs] Folder undated
B04-F10 Native American Club Finances Folder 2001
B04-F12 Native American Club Budget Request Folder 2000-2004
B06-F01 Powwow photo album Folder undated
B06-F02 Wacipi and history conference posters Folder 1992-2003, undated
B01-F07 Powwow Folder 1997
B01-F08 Powwow Folder 1997
B01-F10 Powwow Bills Folder 1998
B02-F07 SDSU Wacipi Evening Sessions [CDs, DVD-R] Folder 2010
B02-F08 Powwow Dance Contest Folder 2011
B02-F10 SDSU Powwow Dancers/Drums Folder 2013
B02-F11 SDSU Pow-wow Folder 2014
B02-F13 Newspaper-Wacipi Folder 2014
B03-F03 Native American Club Folder 2002
B03-F08 Native American Club Meeting Notes Folder 1998-2004
B03-F08 Native American Club Finances Folder 2010
B03-F10 Emails Folder 2004
B03-F13 Event Picnic [5 color photographs] Folder undated
B04 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 4] Box
B04-F01 Native American Club Budget Request Folder 1996
B04-F03 Budget Folder 1998
B04-F04 Native American Club Finances Folder 1998-1999
B04-F07 Native American Club Finances Folder 1999
B04-F14 Recruitment flyer Folder 2005
B05 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 5] Box
B01 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 1] Box
B01-F02 Powwow viewers guide Folder 19,911,999
B01-F03 Native American Club Powwow Poster Folder 1992
B01-F05 Second Annual SDSU Pow-wow [VHS cassette 3 and 4] Folder 1992 February 29
B01-F06 SDSU Pow-wow [VHS cassette] Folder 1996 February 29
B02 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 2] Box
B02-F04 Powwow Folder 2006
B02-F05 Powwow Evaluations Folder 2006
B02-F09 SDSU Powwow Dancers/Drums Folder 2011
B02-F14 SDSU Pow-wow Folder undated
B03-F09 Club Information Folder undated
B04-F05 Native American Club Checks Folder 1999-2000
B04-F08 Native American Club Finances Folder 2009-2011
B04-F11 Native American Club Finances Folder 2003
B04-F15 Side 1:Wew artist in Brookings, possibly native 2:AISC member in Study Abroad [micro audiocassette] Folder undated
B05-F03 SDSU Native American Club Finances Folder 1999
B05-F04 SDSU Native American Club Finances Folder 1999
B01-F01 Native American Club Powwow Poster Folder 1991
B01-F04 Second Annual SDSU Pow-wow [VHS cassette 1 and 2] Folder 1992 February 29
B02-F01 Powwow Budget Folder 2001-2003
B02-F02 Powwow Poster Folder 2004
B02-F12 Event Powwow [100 color photographs] Folder 2006
B03 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 3] Box
B03-F05 Native American Club Receipt Book Folder 2010
B03-F14 Event St. Louis Trip [79 color photographs] Folder 2002
B03-F16 Event SDSU Native American Club Adopt-A-Highway [10 color photographs] Folder 2002
B03-F17 Meeting Announcement Folder Undateundatedd
B04-F02 Budget Folder 1997
B04-F06 Native American Club Finances Folder 1999-2000
B04-F09 Native American Club Finances Folder 2000
B04-F13 Native American Club Finances Folder 2004
B05-F01 SDSU Native American Club Finances Folder 1999
B05-F02 SDSU Native American Club Finances Folder 1999
B06 American Indian Student Association Records [Box 6] Box