Showing 3698 results

Finding Aid
Monthly Reports 2001 May-August
Monthly Reports 2001 May-August
Monthly Reports 2001 September-December
Monthly Reports 2001 September-December
Monthly Reports 2003 May-June
Monthly Reports 2003 May-June
Announcement of Candidacy for President
Announcement of Candidacy for President
Brown v. Board of Education Gold Medal Ceremony 2004 September 8
Brown v. Board of Education Gold Medal Ceremony 2004 September 8
City Club of Cleveland Remarks 2003 January 24
City Club of Cleveland Remarks 2003 January 24
Deficit 1995 February 8
Deficit 1995 February 8
Democratic National Convention - Remarks 1996 August 26
Democratic National Convention - Remarks 1996 August 26
Democratic National Security Talking Points 2003 January 17 ; February 3
Democratic National Security Talking Points 2003 January 17 ; February 3
Jimmy Carter and the American Farm
Jimmy Carter and the American Farm
Nominating Speech for Lloyd M. Bentsen
Nominating Speech for Lloyd M. Bentsen
Opening of the 104th Congress 1995 January 4
Opening of the 104th Congress 1995 January 4
Politics of Common Ground Talking Points
Politics of Common Ground Talking Points
ROTC Leadership Seminar, George Marshall Institute, Lexington, Virginia 2001 April 18
ROTC Leadership Seminar, George Marshall Institute, Lexington, Virginia 2001 April 18
Situation in the Middle East 2000 October 13
Situation in the Middle East 2000 October 13
St. Francis of Assisi
St. Francis of Assisi
Television Advertising Scripts
Television Advertising Scripts
Tribute Speech to Senator Bob Dole
Tribute Speech to Senator Bob Dole
Handwritten Notes (transcript)
Handwritten Notes (transcript)
Journal 1995 April 5
Journal 1995 April 5
Like No Other Time - Copyedited manuscript, Chapters 1-3
Like No Other Time - Copyedited manuscript, Chapters 1-3
Like No Other Time - Copyedited manuscript, Chapters 4-7
Like No Other Time - Copyedited manuscript, Chapters 4-7
Like No Other Time - Correspondence from publishers
Like No Other Time - Correspondence from publishers
Like No Other Time - Edited manuscript, Chapters 4-5
Like No Other Time - Edited manuscript, Chapters 4-5
Notes - Politics of Common Ground, A Proposal to Increase Bipartanship in the Senate
Notes - Politics of Common Ground, A Proposal to Increase Bipartanship in the Senate
Reaganomics Gets Its Test
Reaganomics Gets Its Test
Untitled - Book outline
Untitled - Book outline
Best and Worst of Congress, The Washingtonian, pp.56-57 : 1998 July
Best and Worst of Congress, The Washingtonian, pp.56-57 : 1998 July
Big Winner in elections was Tom Daschle, The Kansas City Star, pp. A14 : 2000 December 25
Big Winner in elections was Tom Daschle, The Kansas City Star, pp. A14 : 2000 December 25
Bucking Up - Many Democrats Thrive After Shock of 1994, by Carroll J. Doherty with Jeffrey L. Kato, CQ Weekly, pp. 1818-1823 : 1998 July 4
Bucking Up - Many Democrats Thrive After Shock of 1994, by Carroll J. Doherty with Jeffrey L. Kato, CQ Weekly, pp. 1818-1823 : 1998 July 4
Congress Now Faces Voters Anxious About the Economy, CQ Weekley, pp. 2640-2646 : 2002 October 12
Congress Now Faces Voters Anxious About the Economy, CQ Weekley, pp. 2640-2646 : 2002 October 12
Daley tell Dems Gore will win, by Betsy Rothstein, The Hill, Vol. 7, No. 44, pp. 1, 14 : 2000 November 15
Daley tell Dems Gore will win, by Betsy Rothstein, The Hill, Vol. 7, No. 44, pp. 1, 14 : 2000 November 15
Daschle: 106th Congress is inept, polarized, by Albert Eisele, The Hill : 2000 October 25
Daschle: 106th Congress is inept, polarized, by Albert Eisele, The Hill : 2000 October 25
DAV takes its message to congress and live via satellite around the nation, DAV Magazine, vol. 30, Iss. 4, pp. 13-17 : 1988 April
DAV takes its message to congress and live via satellite around the nation, DAV Magazine, vol. 30, Iss. 4, pp. 13-17 : 1988 April
Deconstructing Daschle, by Kirk Victor, National Journal, no. 22, pp. 1608-1614 : 2002 June 1
Deconstructing Daschle, by Kirk Victor, National Journal, no. 22, pp. 1608-1614 : 2002 June 1
Fred Thompson Article, Vanity Fair, pp. 82-144 : 1997 July
Fred Thompson Article, Vanity Fair, pp. 82-144 : 1997 July
George Power 50 - Tom Daschle, George, pp. 87 : 1998 December
George Power 50 - Tom Daschle, George, pp. 87 : 1998 December
GOP declares victory despite unfinished business, by Daniel J. Parks, CQ Weekly, pp. 2729-2732 : 2002 October 29
GOP declares victory despite unfinished business, by Daniel J. Parks, CQ Weekly, pp. 2729-2732 : 2002 October 29
Hill News - Orientation, by Richard Sammon, CQ Daily Monitor, Vol 34, No 172, pp. 2 : 1998 December 1
Hill News - Orientation, by Richard Sammon, CQ Daily Monitor, Vol 34, No 172, pp. 2 : 1998 December 1
Lott may draw a challenger, but Daschle seems safe, by Emily Pierce, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 1, 5 : 2002 October 15
Lott may draw a challenger, but Daschle seems safe, by Emily Pierce, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 1, 5 : 2002 October 15
Senate Drug Daschle Likely, but not on Medicare Bill, by Samuel Goldrich, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 7 : 2002 July 10
Senate Drug Daschle Likely, but not on Medicare Bill, by Samuel Goldrich, CQ Daily Monitor, pp. 7 : 2002 July 10
Senate Finance Committee Adopted EMA Amendments, The National Rural Letter Carrier, Vol. 87, Nol. 37, pp. 628-629 : 1988 October 1
Senate Finance Committee Adopted EMA Amendments, The National Rural Letter Carrier, Vol. 87, Nol. 37, pp. 628-629 : 1988 October 1
Shift in Political Wind Detected Among Howls Over Dead Deal, by Carroll J. Doherty, Congressional Quarterly, pp. 2193-2196 : 1997 September 20
Shift in Political Wind Detected Among Howls Over Dead Deal, by Carroll J. Doherty, Congressional Quarterly, pp. 2193-2196 : 1997 September 20
Sweep Stakes, (2002 election), by Kirk Victor and John Maggs, National Journal, pp. 3271-3277 : 2002 November 9
Sweep Stakes, (2002 election), by Kirk Victor and John Maggs, National Journal, pp. 3271-3277 : 2002 November 9
Why Vote for Me? The Last Look at the Four Major Congressional Candidates, by Matt Swalley, Business Page South Dakota, Premier Edition, pp. 16-18 : 1992 November
Why Vote for Me? The Last Look at the Four Major Congressional Candidates, by Matt Swalley, Business Page South Dakota, Premier Edition, pp. 16-18 : 1992 November
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrine and Pastoral Practices
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Doctrine and Pastoral Practices
Crazy Horse 40th Anniversary Comemorative Edition
Crazy Horse 40th Anniversary Comemorative Edition
Dakota's Living History Museum
Dakota's Living History Museum
Disabled American Veterans - Department of South Dakota Bulletin
Disabled American Veterans - Department of South Dakota Bulletin
Farm & Ranch Living : 1994 December-January
Farm & Ranch Living : 1994 December-January
National Journal - Clinton and a Republican Congress : 1996 November 9
National Journal - Clinton and a Republican Congress : 1996 November 9
National Journal - The Decision Makers : 1993 June 19
National Journal - The Decision Makers : 1993 June 19
New Democrat - Special Post-Election Issue : 1995 January-February
New Democrat - Special Post-Election Issue : 1995 January-February
Opportunities: A Special Supplement in the American News : 2004 february 8
Opportunities: A Special Supplement in the American News : 2004 february 8
Political Humor
Political Humor
Procedure and Guidelines for Impeachment Trials in the United State Senate : 1986 August 15
Procedure and Guidelines for Impeachment Trials in the United State Senate : 1986 August 15
Reflections from Terry Redlin (Signed May 29, 1998, First edition)
Reflections from Terry Redlin (Signed May 29, 1998, First edition)
Selected Remarks by William Jefferson Clinton
Selected Remarks by William Jefferson Clinton
Selected Remarks by William Jefferson Clinton
Selected Remarks by William Jefferson Clinton
Sustained Budget Deficits: Longer-Run U.S. Economic Performance and the Risk of Financial and Fiscal Disarray: 2004 January
Sustained Budget Deficits: Longer-Run U.S. Economic Performance and the Risk of Financial and Fiscal Disarray: 2004 January
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents - Clinton's Remarks on Sioux Falls (November 4) : 1996 November 11
Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents - Clinton's Remarks on Sioux Falls (November 4) : 1996 November 11
Brumidl Corridors - United States Capitol brochure
Brumidl Corridors - United States Capitol brochure
Children's Drawings: Baseball player
Children's Drawings: Baseball player
Christopher Columbus and the Native Americans Calendar
Christopher Columbus and the Native Americans Calendar
Dances With Wolves, World Premiere Tickets : 1990 October 19
Dances With Wolves, World Premiere Tickets : 1990 October 19
Earth Day - The Concert - Merriweather Post (pass cards) : 1990 April 21
Earth Day - The Concert - Merriweather Post (pass cards) : 1990 April 21
Eisenhower Theatre - The Kennedy Center tickets The Winter's Tale Royal Shakespeare Company : 1994 May 1
Eisenhower Theatre - The Kennedy Center tickets The Winter's Tale Royal Shakespeare Company : 1994 May 1
Epiphany Breakfast Club
Epiphany Breakfast Club
Ford's Theatre tickets Eleanor: A Love Story : 1999 May 23
Ford's Theatre tickets Eleanor: A Love Story : 1999 May 23
George Washington Graduate School
George Washington Graduate School
License Plates - 97th Congress - H - 305
License Plates - 97th Congress - H - 305
License Plates - 98th Congress - H - 241
License Plates - 98th Congress - H - 241
Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, Ireland (receipt) : 1993 July 10
Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin, Ireland (receipt) : 1993 July 10
Snow Queen - Frosty Scrapbook
Snow Queen - Frosty Scrapbook
Subpeona to appear in court in Flandreau, SD to testify as witness for William J. Janklow : 2003 December 4
Subpeona to appear in court in Flandreau, SD to testify as witness for William J. Janklow : 2003 December 4
Analysis of the 1986 South Dakota Senatorial Campaign, by Greg Daschle
Analysis of the 1986 South Dakota Senatorial Campaign, by Greg Daschle
Lekha Whittle Poem : 2004 November 5
Lekha Whittle Poem : 2004 November 5
Political Cartoons
Political Cartoons
Politics of Crime: A Study of the 1994 Clinton Crime Bill: by Nathan Daschle: 1995 May 1
Politics of Crime: A Study of the 1994 Clinton Crime Bill: by Nathan Daschle: 1995 May 1
Re-election of a Congressman by Michael Dean Daschle as told to his Dad
Re-election of a Congressman by Michael Dean Daschle as told to his Dad
Rishing Tide Must Lift More Boats address by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Center for National Policy: 1996 February 8
Rishing Tide Must Lift More Boats address by Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Center for National Policy: 1996 February 8
Scholarship by John Daschle
Scholarship by John Daschle
Statement of Senator George J. Mitchell (not a candidate for re-election) : 1994 March 4
Statement of Senator George J. Mitchell (not a candidate for re-election) : 1994 March 4
State of the Union Address (As Prepared for Delivery - Embargoed Until Delivery) : 2004 January 20
State of the Union Address (As Prepared for Delivery - Embargoed Until Delivery) : 2004 January 20
Statement of Edmund Horman (execution of son in Chile) : 1974 April 3
Statement of Edmund Horman (execution of son in Chile) : 1974 April 3
Statement by Tim Robbins, Press Club : 2003 April 15
Statement by Tim Robbins, Press Club : 2003 April 15
Stop Demonizing Daschle-Cooperation is Not Submission Former Speaker Jim Wright : 2002 January 6
Stop Demonizing Daschle-Cooperation is Not Submission Former Speaker Jim Wright : 2002 January 6
Trent Lott Speech (education)
Trent Lott Speech (education)
What Would Jefferson Say? How the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Violated Important Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy by Nathan Daschle
What Would Jefferson Say? How the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Violated Important Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy by Nathan Daschle
Democratic National Convention : Gavel
Democratic National Convention : Gavel
Fun with Staffers - Judy Olson : 1983 November 21
Fun with Staffers - Judy Olson : 1983 November 21
Tom Daschle collectable Capitol Card
Tom Daschle collectable Capitol Card
Tom Daschle Pheasant Hunt (photograph and hunting cap)
Tom Daschle Pheasant Hunt (photograph and hunting cap)
103rd Congress Capitol Cards (1 set)
103rd Congress Capitol Cards (1 set)
Access 2000 - Health Care Access for All - If not US, who? If not NOW, when? A Health Center Initiative (button)
Access 2000 - Health Care Access for All - If not US, who? If not NOW, when? A Health Center Initiative (button)
Desert Storm Related Pins and Buttons
Desert Storm Related Pins and Buttons
George Bush went to Rome and all I Got was this lousy Recession! (T-shirt) : 1990-1991
George Bush went to Rome and all I Got was this lousy Recession! (T-shirt) : 1990-1991