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Showing 9612 results
Finding Aid
Zwenig, France
Zwenig, France
Zumwalt, Katherine
Zumwalt, Katherine
Ziolkowski, Anne R.
Ziolkowski, Anne R.
Zephier, Adalbert
Zephier, Adalbert
Yseth, Tom and Gwen
Yseth, Tom and Gwen
You're Fired
You're Fired
You Know You're Over Forty When
You Know You're Over Forty When
Yellow Rain - Chemical warfare by the Soviet Union - Pressler statement in Congressional Record. 1983 November 1
Yellow Rain - Chemical warfare by the Soviet Union - Pressler statement in Congressional Record. 1983 November 1
Yelkin, Janice
Yelkin, Janice
Year in Congress: 96th Congress
Year in Congress: 96th Congress
Yarwood, Bruce
Yarwood, Bruce
Yard Signs
Yard Signs
Yankton Sioux Tribe election: Dispute between Larry Cournoyer, Tribal Chairman, and the Business and Claims Committee; Petition, correspondence, legal papers
Yankton Sioux Tribe election: Dispute between Larry Cournoyer, Tribal Chairman, and the Business and Claims Committee; Petition, correspondence, legal papers
Yankton Sioux Hospital proposal
Yankton Sioux Hospital proposal
Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan
Yankton Daily Press and Dakotan
Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce
Yankton Area Chamber of Commerce
Yackley, Michael and Christine
Yackley, Michael and Christine
Y2K - The Past in Prologue
Y2K - The Past in Prologue
Wyseph, Valary
Wyseph, Valary
Wyden, Ron; Representative Oregon
Wyden, Ron; Representative Oregon bumper sticker bumper sticker
Writings - DA 3.4.10 Box 10
Writings - DA 3.4.10 Box 10
Wright, Jim
Wright, Jim
Wright, James C., Jr Speaker of the House
Wright, James C., Jr Speaker of the House
Wounded Knee Victims Case, 1973, 97th Congress
Wounded Knee Victims Case, 1973, 97th Congress
World Spotlight - Senator Tom Daschle, by Jane Ammeson, World Traveler, (Northwest Airlines), pp. 68, 70, 74, 76 : 1996 January
World Spotlight - Senator Tom Daschle, by Jane Ammeson, World Traveler, (Northwest Airlines), pp. 68, 70, 74, 76 : 1996 January
World Hunger Situation: House Committee on Agriculture hearing; 97th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 97-Q
World Hunger Situation: House Committee on Agriculture hearing; 97th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 97-Q
World Hunger Situation: House Committee on Agriculture hearing; 97th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 97-Q
World Hunger Situation: House Committee on Agriculture hearing; 97th Congress 1st Session; Serial No. 97-Q
World hunger - Politicization of U.S. food aid - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 October 28
World hunger - Politicization of U.S. food aid - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 October 28
World Federalist Association, Campaign for Global Change
World Federalist Association, Campaign for Global Change
Workfare: Summary of Workfare status in all fifty states; Jobs Watch by Center for National Policy Review
Workfare: Summary of Workfare status in all fifty states; Jobs Watch by Center for National Policy Review
Workfare: Summary of Workfare status in all fifty states; Jobs Watch by Center for National Policy Review
Workfare: Summary of Workfare status in all fifty states; Jobs Watch by Center for National Policy Review
Worker's Compensation and the Clinton Plan
Worker's Compensation and the Clinton Plan
Workers and Farmers Have Common Goals: Daschle statement in Congressional Record; 1980 June 17
Workers and Farmers Have Common Goals: Daschle statement in Congressional Record; 1980 June 17
Woodruff, Judy
Woodruff, Judy
Woodrow Wilson Cente
Woodrow Wilson Cente
Wooden, Ernest, Jr.
Wooden, Ernest, Jr.
Wood, Ray
Wood, Ray
Wood Cut-out - Donkey one side Elephant one side
Wood Cut-out - Donkey one side Elephant one side
Women's Senate Network of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2002 April 8
Women's Senate Network of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2002 April 8
Women's Campaign Fund
Women's Campaign Fund
Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament Education Fund
Women's Action for Nuclear Disarmament Education Fund
Wolsey Post Office 100th anniversary - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 April 13
Wolsey Post Office 100th anniversary - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1983 April 13
Wolf, Jordana
Wolf, Jordana
Wojcik, Bernard A.
Wojcik, Bernard A.
Wofford, Harris, Senator Pennsylvania
Wofford, Harris, Senator Pennsylvania
Withholding tax on interest and dividend income: U.S. Treasury; Background information, press releases, correspondence
Withholding tax on interest and dividend income: U.S. Treasury; Background information, press releases, correspondence
Withholding tax on interest and dividend income: U.S. Treasury; Background information, press releases, correspondence
Withholding tax on interest and dividend income: U.S. Treasury; Background information, press releases, correspondence
Wirth, Timothy E.
Wirth, Timothy E.
Wire Stories: December
Wire Stories: December
Winter to Remember: A Chronicle of the Winter of 1996-97 Published by the Lemmon Leader : 1996-1997
Winter to Remember: A Chronicle of the Winter of 1996-97 Published by the Lemmon Leader : 1996-1997
Winston and Strawn
Winston and Strawn
Winston and Josephine Hall - Tribute by Don Whitman - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1984 March 8
Winston and Josephine Hall - Tribute by Don Whitman - Daschle statement in Congressional Record. 1984 March 8
Winkler Chiropractic Clinic
Winkler Chiropractic Clinic
Wineman, Timothy S. Office of the Secretary US Senate
Wineman, Timothy S. Office of the Secretary US Senate
Wine Institute
Wine Institute
Win-Dak Homes Project in Rapid City, South Dakota
Win-Dak Homes Project in Rapid City, South Dakota
Win or Lose, Daschle Expected to Keep His Leadership Post, by Brody Mullins, National's Congress Daily AM, p. 8 : 2002 October 18
Win or Lose, Daschle Expected to Keep His Leadership Post, by Brody Mullins, National's Congress Daily AM, p. 8 : 2002 October 18
Wilson-Jones, Ruth Anne
Wilson-Jones, Ruth Anne
Wilson, Pete Senator California
Wilson, Pete Senator California
Wilson amendment to H.R. 7584 reducing funding for the Legal Services Corporation: Daschle statement in opposition
Wilson amendment to H.R. 7584 reducing funding for the Legal Services Corporation: Daschle statement in opposition
Williamson administrative files - Correspondence
Williamson administrative files - Correspondence
Williams, Gary
Williams, Gary
William and Connolly, LLP
William and Connolly, LLP
Willard, John
Willard, John
Wika, Cynthia
Wika, Cynthia
Wiese, Dayton
Wiese, Dayton
Why Vote for Me? The Last Look at the Four Major Congressional Candidates, by Matt Swalley, Business Page South Dakota, Premier Edition, pp. 16-18 : 1992 November
Why Vote for Me? The Last Look at the Four Major Congressional Candidates, by Matt Swalley, Business Page South Dakota, Premier Edition, pp. 16-18 : 1992 November
Why House Members Run: The Lure of the Senate, Congressional Quarterly, pp. 991: 1985 May 25
Why House Members Run: The Lure of the Senate, Congressional Quarterly, pp. 991: 1985 May 25
Why Health Care Doesn't Fit Market Model: Canada Comparison
Why Health Care Doesn't Fit Market Model: Canada Comparison
Who Will Save the Democratic Party? by Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, pp. 174-183: 2001 October
Who Will Save the Democratic Party? by Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, pp. 174-183: 2001 October
Whiting, Anthony J.
Whiting, Anthony J.
Whitewater Talking Points 1996 February 28
Whitewater Talking Points 1996 February 28
White, Bill
White, Bill
White House Visit of the Right Honorable Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mrs. Blair 1998 February 5
White House Visit of the Right Honorable Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Mrs. Blair 1998 February 5
White House Visit of His Excellency the President of the United Mexican States and Mrs. Fox 2001 September 5
White House Visit of His Excellency the President of the United Mexican States and Mrs. Fox 2001 September 5
White House Visit of His Excellency Helmut Kohl Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (program) (Tony Bennett was the entertainment) 1995 February 9
White House Visit of His Excellency Helmut Kohl Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (program) (Tony Bennett was the entertainment) 1995 February 9
White House Visit in Honor of His Majesty Mohammed VI King of Morocco 2000 June 20
White House Visit in Honor of His Majesty Mohammed VI King of Morocco 2000 June 20
White House Reception Commemorating Vietnam Veterans Week 1979 May 30
White House Reception Commemorating Vietnam Veterans Week 1979 May 30
White House Reception 1980 July 19
White House Reception 1980 July 19
White House Luncheon 1997 February 10
White House Luncheon 1997 February 10
White House Liaison List
White House Liaison List
White House Dinner (menu, name cards, pass) 1993 September 8
White House Dinner (menu, name cards, pass) 1993 September 8
White House Dinner 1994 March 3
White House Dinner 1994 March 3
White House Conference on Families: Newsletters
White House Conference on Families: Newsletters
White House Christmas Ball - President and Mrs. Carter 1979 December 11
White House Christmas Ball - President and Mrs. Carter 1979 December 11
White Face, Charmaine
White Face, Charmaine
Whip, Memos, Meetings
Whip, Memos, Meetings
Whip Schedules
Whip Schedules
Whip Notices: 1979 September-December
Whip Notices: 1979 September-December
Whip Notices: 1979 June-August
Whip Notices: 1979 June-August
Whip Notices: 1979 February 16-May
Whip Notices: 1979 February 16-May
Whip Issue Paper: Environment
Whip Issue Paper: Environment
Whip Information
Whip Information
Whip Checks
Whip Checks
Whip Advisory and Dear Colleague letter: Budget cuts affecting children, including Head Start
Whip Advisory and Dear Colleague letter: Budget cuts affecting children, including Head Start
Whip Advisories and Washington D.C. Calendars
Whip Advisories and Washington D.C. Calendars
When I Grow Up, by Clara Jacob, Family Time The Guide to Family Life in Sioux Falls, pp. 6-11: 1998 March-April
When I Grow Up, by Clara Jacob, Family Time The Guide to Family Life in Sioux Falls, pp. 6-11: 1998 March-April
Wheeler, Tom
Wheeler, Tom
What Would Jefferson Say? How the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Violated Important Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy by Nathan Daschle
What Would Jefferson Say? How the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act Violated Important Principles of Jeffersonian Democracy by Nathan Daschle